Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ok, here's that nostalgic post we've all been waiting for!

Stop. Go no further. Start the song Closing Time. Have you started it? Ok good. Now you may proceed.

In about 12 hours (I’ve been working on this throughout the day), I'm going to be moving for the 2nd time in a year. I'm so unbelievably happy to get to go home, see my family, spend oodles of time with my's been hard living so far away. By the same token, though, I'm going to be so sad to leave this place - this apartment that has become my home away from home, these friends, this environment of intellectual stimulation. So, in the style of Zahra's post (her's is more picture-inclusive than mine), I shall proceed to give a list of grievances. Ah, how this reminds me of a day about 8 months ago when I was doing this very same thing.

While I'm certainly going to miss many aspects of this life I'm leaving, most of it revolves around the lovely girls of apartment ****. These girls have turned into more than amiable roommates. They've made my freshman year experience one that I will always look back upon with fondness. They have attained the status of best friends. And for that, they hold a special, irreplaceable place in my heart. I will miss them the most.

Things I Love About Julie
* Her French accent which she "can't help"
* Her decision to marry Switchfoot...collectively
* The inertia which causes her arms to flail behind her torso upon walking
* The way I never dread the sound of "Aaa-dri-on" (now "A-shri-on") in the distance
* She is always ready to watch a Lifetime movie with me & Sparky
* Her insistence on consuming every last speck of...whatever (lick that bowl, Julie!)
* The way she confidently declares herself endearing...but that she doesn't fully comprehend the limitlessness of that statement
* Her daily updates on Erwin in my absence
* Finding her slippers tucked neatly under the table for her to come back to
* Her pretty paintings that make our living room sparkle

Things I Love About Zahra
* Her beastly willingness to protect us amid our Lifetime fears…and to fight
* The fact that she LIVES to "lock me out"
* The way she "moves in" every Sunday evening
* That she is "the world's official hugger"...and never fails to deliver on that
* That she designates and entire load of laundry to her panties
* Her offer to come all the way to Houston just to chaperone a date
* That we reached a consensus to take a nap under the warm pink UTD blanket after Hope Floats

Things I Love About Valene
* Her facial expression after muttering “huh?”
* Her disgust with spinach…and our taste for it
* That she gave me part of the vacuum fuzz after cleaning it out
* The unrecognized peer pressure which she exerts on the rest of us with her spiffy sayings

I’ll miss the Waterview network connection hating me, and kicking me off alllll the time. Zahra, thank you for not blocking me on AIM, even though you threatened to do so. Having a reliable internet connection will be saddening.

I’ll miss Julie grabbing Luke & Lorelai with her bare hands so that we can clean their filthy water. I’ll miss having 4 people around to feed them constantly. And I’ll miss making beta babies!

I’ll miss the free movies that Valene found as part of our cable package. Sleepless in Seattle, West Side Story, Funny Girl…all better when you have great girls to share them with. Oh what fun, moving the couch up to the TV…we’re tough girls!

I’ll miss naming the boys that come into our lives. More than that, I’ll miss having those boys around to do things for us. I wonder if my brother….

I’ll miss hearing Julie’s door open in the mornings, and jumping out of bed immediately. That was better than any alarm clock. What! Julie’s up before me?! Aaaah!

I’ll miss calling the maintenance men for everything that needs done in our apartment. I treasure all of those maintenance reports that we have laying around. We’re on a first-name basis with several of them now!

I’ll miss looking at Jackie Chan every time I go into Julie’s room. I have to say, he’s beginning to grow on me now. Of course, the same can’t be said of Julie’s attitude toward my fuzzy posters. It’s ok…I’ll also miss her systematically removing them from my walls in the hope that I won’t notice.

I’ll miss shouting “someone’s food is ready” because the impatient microwave keeps beeping once a minute.

I’ll miss Julie trying to make me get new PJs. You’ve tried everything, and I’m still wearing cheeky monkey! Perhaps, though, we can get matching ones in accordance with your bribe.

I’ll miss the interrogation chair, and the reign of WABB over our relationships with boys. I’ll miss the confused look on many guys’ faces as we actually carried out the interrogations we promised. Remember when Cake Boy (ok ok, Tony) brought us that HUGE cake as a peace offering? I’m glad we gave him another chance.

I’ll miss Julie’s singing on the way to the grocery store or the movies. You’ve made me love Moulin Rouge, hun! You’re so unbelievably cute.

I’ll miss Thursday lunches in the PUB. How I’ve looked forward to those each week, and hated missing them on occasion. Even when I would be working the lunch rush, it was cheering just to see you guys come in.

I’ll miss the PUB itself, and the good friends I have made working there. I’m so blessed to be able to have fun at my job.

I’ll miss Roommate Weekends, and broadcasting our mutual love to the masses. “Do you have roommates? You should get some.”

I’ll miss taking trips in our pajamas. Wal-Mart, the Meteor Theater, the mailbox…ah, the memories.

I’ll miss Julie singing “Bad Day” and playing it on her computer when I have one. I’ll miss being able to hear the song on her computer when she goes to Zahra’s xanga, since my computer hates me & won’t play it.

I’ll miss having a home to come back to when I feel weezy.

I’ll miss taking pictures of everything. It feels like everything we’ve done has been properly documented visually. I love our three best pictures.

I’ll miss the menopausal weather. Hot. Cold. Moderately warm. Freezing beyond comprehension. Yeah, it’s always a surprise. Sorry I’ve been slacking on delivering the weather report each morning!

I’ll miss having no room in the refrigerator for legitimate stuff (like milk) because it is so full of to-go boxes.

I’ll miss the yellow walls, and Julie’s paintings.

I’ll miss finding my panties in a bag on my doorknob. I’ll miss having girls around who understand how you can have an entire bag full of panties.

I’ll miss waking up to the shrill sound of smoke detectors…and laughing in the living room while they continue to shriek for half an hour in the middle of the night.

I’ll miss eating french fries from the PUB. But not before we’ve re-cooked them in the oven & showered them with Tony Chachere’s (sp??)

But more than all of that, I’ll miss having girls to call maintenance for me. I’ll miss hearing my name (with a French accent, of course) on a daily basis. I’ll miss the people with whom I take grocery store trips, and the girls that live to lock me out. I’ll miss having those awesome friends who are willing to ask weird questions to make sure that the guys I’m hanging out with are worth it. I’ll miss deep conversations that last until the wee hours of the morning, and buying lots of pillows with my new bedding, confident that we’ll use all of them.

The memories…

In the past 8 months and 19 days, we have accomplished so much. Much more than a group of skimpy college girls could be expected. We have:
(click the * for a picture!!)
* Gotten through a pregnancy & learned French insults

* Successfully sauntered Wal-Mart in PJs at midnight without getting raped
* Learned how to do normal body functions in a class that 1/3 of us don’t take
* Cured Julie of her brownie addiction
* Established ourselves as virgins
* Taken pictures with Abuelo
* Been through some hard times, and remained there for each other
* Experienced the awesomeness that is giant QuikTrip cups
* Considered skydiving together…nah!
* Had fun with balls (hehe)
* Shrunk our collective female fat zones
* Traded clothes & warned each other of possible death-by-weather
* Made it through Govt 2302. ‘Nuff said.
* Realized that our best dates are with each other
* Giggled about boy parts during Thursday lunch
* Put glucose tablets to a much more “creative” use
* Gotten married. Some of us more than others…
* Been totally awesome princesses
* Gotten gussied
* Turned on one another, but made it through in the end
* Been scarred by the sight of nakey boys & discussed nakey trees
* Ordered & eaten 3 medium 1-topping pizzas
* Handled the three-musty-Mexican-maintenance-men & called maintenance for EVERYthing! They must loooooove us!
* Discovered the tragedy of the female condom & hemorrhoids
* Prepared for a tornado
* Had a slumber party on the balcony
* Grown quite accustomed to talking on AIM & banging on walls
* Experienced the happiness of Julie & Zahra’s marriage
* Left Olive Garden with 10 to-go boxes
* Gleefully pounced upon each other
* Caught & detained the blog culprit…but she still commits her crimes!
* Become tenacious wildcats in Jujitsu
* Dedicated Zahra the confrontational-phone-call maker…for bills and the cable guy
* Named boys & done interrogations with WAAB
* Spoken out against modern sexuality
* Played some serious flag football
* Toasted our 1-month anniversary
* Disturbed an entire movie theater with our fashionable exit
* Learned where we come from…through the people upstairs
* Lived through fire
* Rewarded ourselves with a couple of our favorite jelly donuts
* Left our comfort zones & made new & lifelong friendships

Tonight we had our reminiscence session. We sat on the couch, in our PJs of course, and ate french fries. We talked about our time together. Zahra recalled “hating” me when I moved in, because I apparently gave her a weird look. How was I to know that she was supposed to be there?! We realized that we attended the same orientation last April. The 3 of us recalled our first eager telephone conversations and unleashed first impressions. Julie thought I was going to be a drunken popular girl…but when she came in & saw me “freaking out” over groceries, she knew she had nothing to fear. I thought she was going to be a really anal smart girl…which she is (without the anal part :-p). Zahra addressed how unfair I have been in taking up all of the communal kitchen & storage space…and Julie agreed. Apparently, I have too much crap…but I can’t live without it. Then Julie started to go into her room. I thought she was coming to my room to read this screen (a super no-no) so I ran to stop her. In the process I hurt my foot. She doesn’t care…she said I deserved it. Poo. :-)

I’m sitting here, now at 2:30 in the morning, after just having had a discussion with Julie. Mostly, we talked about how much I miss orchestra & what a big part of my life that was. I’ve often thought about where I would be in my musical pursuits if I had followed my original plan to go elsewhere.

But tonight, after our reminiscence session, I realized that Julie, Zahra & I ALL wanted to go elsewhere. I wanted to go to Sam Houston & major in music. Zahra wanted to go to Rice & made this known through her attitude at UTD orientation. Julie wanted to go to Baylor & got a new car instead. I remember fighting my parents about this school, telling them it was the last place I wanted to go. I even had all of my friends hating the idea with me.

Even after deciding that I did want to come here, I still catch myself wondering. I wonder what I might have kept if I hadn't abandoned my “first choice.” What’s ironic is that after 8 months, I now realize what I would have lost if I had.

Love Always,

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I can't wait to go home!!

I was talking to my sister online about coming home...
LiKE DUH: i'm excited. hehe iiiiii mmmmiiiiiissssssssssss yyyyyooooooouuuuu

I miss my family!

But, I will certainly miss my people here at school. I could get into that right now, but I don't feel like crying (which is unquestionably what doing so would lead to), so I'm putting of the nostalgic post until later.

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Julie is pregnant. At least this is what we have hypothesized, as she is having strange cravings (strawberry icecream with orange juice), bachaches, toothaches, and can't concentrate. And as the commercial insists, "I can't concentrate...could I be pregnant?" (As though this is the natural conclusion to draw from such a circumstance.)

She also wanted me to mention that she expects lots of gifts. She specifically mentioned that she would look good in pregnant clothes. After all, she intends to have a hysterectomy immediately following the birth of her child, and plans to live in a hospital bed without teeth. Please remember Julie when you go on your next pregnancy-clothes-buying outing.


I'm through taking classes for fun

I've been majorly pooped upon for taking Gender Studies, an ELECTIVE which I didn't even have to take. Here's to making a B on your paper, when you never make B's on papers. Here's to writing a paper, supposed to be 3 pages, that is a little over 3 pages, and realizing that one of the main reasons you got a big fat B is that you didn't ELABORATE! This makes little sense, seeing as how I went over the page stipulation anyway. I'm mad more at myself than my professor. Being that I'm a Literature major, I should probably be getting A's on things, you know, that deal with writing. Just an idea. So like I said, I'm through taking classes that aren't required.

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Nakey Book Men

I'm trying to decide which books to sell back & Kaitlyn just brought me my Humanities books from last semester.

Me: Should I sell back my Art & Beauty book?
Julie: No. See, when we live together, we're gonna have a library.
Me: Ah, and we're gonna need the Art & Beauty book. Are we gonna need the naked man book? [Sophocles]
Julie: Well, see, that's classy.
Me: Classy? It's classical, but not classy.
Julie: Snobs think it's classy. And we're gonna be slightly snobbish. Not full blown "naked statues" snobby, but we can have a naked book, here and there.

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Yesterday Crapped

And really, I don't feel like talking about it right now.

I had my last Linguistics exam yesterday, but I don't yet know my grade. If I made at least a 75, I'll have an A (not an A-, mind you, which is a crummy 3.67) in that class.

My last Genetics exam was last Thursday. I didn't do extremely well, but I still have an A.

Today I have my Government final, which is not really scheduled until Thursday. Zahra & I are both rather upset that no one has posted the review on WebCT yet. It looks like we might have to do the review...ourselves! Aaaaah! Well, they have until 2:00 to post it...

And my Gender Studies take-home final is due at 3:00. I've decided to consciously hate take-home finals. When I first saw it on the syllabus on January 10, I said to myself, "Wow, this is an extremely good thing, as now I don't have to study for an exam, but can simply complete it in the comfort of my own room, sitting in my cheeky monkey pajamas, looking at my gorgeous, thorough notes." Yeah, the thing is 12 pages long. And it took much longer than the hour and a half or something that is allowed for in-class finals. Poo. But, I'm done! So I just need to go turn it in.

My Literary Analysis paper is due on Friday. I'm analyzing Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband. But, I'm going home on Thursday morning, whee!

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"O" for Othello

After we watched Funny Girl & 10 Things I Hate About You, Julie & I watched "O", a modern take on Shakespeare's Othello. From about the 10th minute of the movie, we both knew we would hate it. Then there was a terrrrrible $3x scene in which Julie & I were both quite disturbed. So, we finally started fast-forwarding it. It still continued for a loooong time, and needless to say it was still scarring. It's that kind of movie that you end up having really bad dreams about. It was about a highschool basketball team, but everyone still died! I thought they'd just get alienated from each other & have no friends in college...boy was I wrong.

So to get rid of potential bad dreams, after checking all the doors, we re-watched the Heath-singing-to-Julia scene in 10 Things I Hate About You.

And we recalled the scene in the library, where the girl tells the boy, in French, "...maybe it's up your @$$." We decided to learn how to say this phrase, in French, but after several times of rewinding it, we still couldn't get the whole thing. Julie suggested, "hey, maybe we can just learn the 'up your @$$ part!" So we did. Lest I forget while I'm sleeping, it is, "fro tu cou" or something of similar pronounciation.

We also watched the scene between the daughter & father, where she's trying to get permission to go to prom. Julie kept rewinding that part, telling me "I want to learn the exact wording so when you want to go out with some boy I can say it." So, here's that part:
Father: Kissing...that's what you think happens? I've got news for you, kissing isn't what keeps me up to my elbows in placenta all day long.
Bianca: Can we forget for a second that you're severely unhinged & discuss my need for a night of teenage normalcy?
Father: What's normal, eh, those
Dawson's River kids sleeping in each other's beds? I've got news for you. I'm down, I've got the 411, and you are not going out & getting jiggy with some boy, I don't care how dope his ride is. My momma didn't raise no fool.

[NB! There is probably another post JUST LIKE this one immediately below. DO NOT attempt to comment upon that post. You will probably be electricuted through your keyboard or mouse. I tried to delete it, but it refuses to leave. I tell you this for your own good. DO, however, comment on this post :D]

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Saturday, April 22, 2006


Julie & I were discussing how to read our Bibles all the way through in a short period of time. She was asking if we're allowed to skim, and I explained that I didn't even know how to skim. She demonstrated:
Julie: ok, let's open to a random page...Chronicles!
Julie: *skims* ok so you see...if there's anything important...nooope
Adriane: *runs to computer to blog of Julie*

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Fall 2006 Class Schedule

In the spirit of copying Zahra in everything blog-related, here is my schedule for next semester.

20th Century American Poetry [TR 12:30-1:45]
African-American Novel [MW 12:30-1:45]
Biological Basis of Health & Disease [MW 5:30-6:45]
Constitutional Law [MW 2:00-3:15]
Reading & Writing Texts [F 12:30-3:15]
Shakespeare [R 7:00-9:45]

The only people that I know I will know in my classes are Julie in Biological Basis & Christian in Con Law. Zahra claims to be taking Biological Basis with us, but she registered for the TR class. We'll need to figure this out.

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10 Things I Hate...well, not really

Julie & I both had mediocre days, and as we lay on my bed at 11:30pm, we regretted having lost our dear friend, the 10 Things I Hate About You tape. I had bootleg-copied it off tv a few years ago, as I did with The Emperor's New Groove which we tried to watch on Sunday, and both tapes had gone completely bad. Julie made me throw them away.

So anyway, we decided that since we had had a moderately cruddy day (and since Julia Stiles is my favorite) we would go to Wal-Mart and purchase the DVD...and some ice cream. We made Zahra come too. We decided to go in our pajamas, but Zahra had already changed into people-clothes. We had to fix that problem. Not to worry, Zahra changed back into her pajamas for our outing. Oh, and we took pictures :)

JAZ wearing PJs & jackets...ready to embark upon a dangerous journey!

On the way there, Julie was singing along with the music like she always does (we really do enjoy it Julie) and she suddenly stopped singing & asked quite loudly, "Wait! Should we go to Target so we don't get raped?" Unfortunately, Target had most likely long since closed. It was ok though, because as we were leaving Wal-Mart & getting in the car, Julie told us to wait until she looked under the car before approaching. (There was a van on the passenger side, which is a no-no for getting into cars, as someone could be hiding in the van & grab you.)

We got fat free strawberry Dreyer's ice cream. It's yummy. Somehow the fat-free-ness of it all makes it that much more yummy. Mmmm...fat free :) We also remembered our commitment to get wife-beaters, and detoured to the little boy's department where we proceeded to purchase a 3-pack (one, two, three) of little boy's wife-beater shirts in the size of 10-12. As we walked away, we got a strange look from a couple of real boys. It's ok...they just can't handle the idea of their turf being trampled upon by a clan of cutely-clad college girls.

Then we watched the movie on my bed, but I think I fell asleep. I don't know what happened really. I haven't talked to either of them this morning...comments girls? o:) (I just noticed that my camera was not in my purse, but on the chest at the end of my bed. Then I noticed they took a picture of me while I was sleeping. Nice, girls. Reeeeal nice's ok...Julie says she locks her door, but she'll slip up eventually, muahahahaa!)

I got to talk to Mom this morning on the phone. I'm very eager to get to spend time with her. I just want to take my finals tomorrow & leave...there's no point in me sticking around here doing nothing waiting for people to study. C'mon people! You're prepared, let's go. Oh well...I shall be through on Wednesday.

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Hi, my name is Laura, and I'm a name-tag loser.

Yeah, so I seem to have "misplaced" my name tag for the Pub, so someone told me to wear another one. I thought they were kidding. They weren't. So, today I was Laura. Jennifer has been Sam the past few days because her name tag is behind the carbonation bottle.

One of the managers brought a new employee to the front & introduced us to him.
Caleb: This is Adriane
Me: I'm not Laura
Caleb: She's not Laura. This is Jennifer, not Sam
Jennifer: I'm not Sam

Today was a fun day of work...but I'm totally beat. I think I might cross-stitch for a while. Or read. Or go to sleep. Yes, one of those.

Also, I want to put a link to Zahra's xanga on here, because she often updates when I don't, or has other things to say about our adventures. But, I don't know how to change the links on the side of this page, so I'll just make it super big. Here:
Zahra's Xanga!!!

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

An Abnormal Evening

I told Zahra that she & Julie should split their 3 hour Abnormal Psychology class between the two of them so they don't have to stay the whole time. Zahra said she didn't want to be alone, to which I responded that I didn't want to be at home alone. Soooooo, I went with them! Not only was I not all by myself at home, but I got to "practice" for my night class & Friday afternoon class (each 3 hours) next semester.

It was raining. Zahra & I took our umbrellas & her's was short, so we could stand side by side without our umbrellas hitting each other.

Their professor gave a website for poop. Long story. Ask Julie or Zahra if you want to know whether this is a normal occurance in this class. It ended early. I don't know if this is usual or not either. I just tagged along tonight.

On the way home, we fit 3 girls under 2 umbrellas. Julie kept poking us with her painting book that apparently holds paint! Zahra kept poking us with her short umbrella, and I kept losing control of my umbrella to the dominating power of the wind. We were laughing soooo hard, and then realized that there was a group of people close behind us. Zahra finally commented that it was barely raining (which was true), and we ended with a session of apologies for our respective pokings & steppings.

Now we're going to eat cinna-stix!!!

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Schedule Changes that We Didn't Approve

So M changed our govt final from Tuesday to Thursday. He can't do that!!! I'm moving home on Wednesday & Zahra already has 2 exams on Thursday.

We totally needed to figure out a plan to re-reschedule our exam...
PRZNchika87: he has a 30 min office hour????
addicat123: what a jerk
PRZNchika87: iiii know.
addicat123: we should go then...or go to class...i dont know which would be less painful
PRZNchika87: you think he'll remember us from the class to his office?
addicat123: no
addicat123: he cant remember where NOT to put his hands
PRZNchika87: LOL
PRZNchika87: well office hours then? tomorrow at 5?
addicat123: lets weigh the pros & cons
PRZNchika87: are we going to class?
PRZNchika87: i say we should... it's the last class.... he may actually say something useful. who knows.
addicat123: going to class requires 75 minutes of cruel & unusual punishment
addicat123: but office hours require us to visit him alone
PRZNchika87: eek
PRZNchika87: but we'll be together.
PRZNchika87: so what is the verdict?
addicat123: office hours
PRZNchika87: sounds good

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Putt Putt Puke

Today was the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. Kristin & I went to lunch with the Smiths, and then Mrs. Smith & I snuck out right before the second service to get Starbucks. Both sermons were really really helpful & well given.

Before the second service started, I needed to go to the restroom, but put it off since church was in the process of starting. Then after church I thought to myself, "I can wait till we get home" and we left. Then we realized the below-emptyness of gas, and began frantically looking for a gas station (of which there were none, but it was made up for by the large amount of traffic). Kristin explained what happens when you run out of gas, and it didn't sound pretty. Especially since by this time I really had to go to the bathroom, and we were forever away from anything. We got of the highway but the only nearby gas station was behind the exit (allow me to congratulate the civil engineers that thought that one up). We sat at a light, looking all around. No gas stations, once again, but there was an IHOP, and NTB, Hobby Lobby, several fast food restaurants, even a gasless Wal-Mart! Finally we returned to a gas station behind us, and the day was saved. I didn't go to the bathroom though. Then there was more traffic. No one could have estimated the amount of traffic that presented itself. 3 1/2 hours after I started having to pee, I got home and did.

I'm really tired. I should get some sleep before sunset so I can study for Genetics! I'll be done with one class tomorrow morning!!!

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Linguistic Lessons

I was talking to Brett about my Linguistics term paper topic of expression-origins. He explained the phrase "butt-crack of dawn" as being used by people "unhappy about how early it is" (Brett, April 18).

(Ha! Parenthetical citations!!!)

lorien sylph: i'm so proud of a similar expression i made up on my blog
lorien sylph: "i got up at the crack of noon..."
addicat123: im blogging that
lorien sylph: i'll find it on my lj
Brett's LJ: So, I awoke at the crack of noon to realize the vocal jury signup sheets were posted at 12:00. Noon. (Brett's livejournal, December 6, 2005)
addicat123: can i plagerize that?
lorien sylph: nope
lorien sylph: must credit--at least obliquely... :-D

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Bugs & Brownies

I was sitting at my computer. Feeling something on my neck, and assuming it to be a fallen hair from my ponytail, I rubbed the spot. Unexpectedly, though, I came back with something (a bug of unknown genus) and it was so gross. I didn't see it. So, I wen't to Zahra's room because I couldn't be alone during this time of fear. She, being the loving friend that she is, came to check my room before I was again left alone.

Apparently I'm really bad at knowing when Julie is home. In the past I've assumed that if her door is closed & the light in her room is off, that she's out. However, more often than not this proves to be a less than effective means of analyzing the situation. It turns out that she was here during my whole bug ordeal.

Yesterday Julie felt sick from eating so many brownies, and since her mom would have made her stop eating them, I volunteered to be the brownie patrol when we're at school. Today, she relapsed into her brownie-eating, using the addiction as an escape from the horrible book she is reading. So, I took her brownies (and the chocolates that she keeps in her drawer, muahahahaa!) from her. A chase ensued. There were threats issued, feelings hurt, and painful addictions addressed. All in all, it was a productive seizure. Once, things got really heated when I shouted boldly, "come any closer and the brownies get it [the trash can over which I was holding them]!!!" Julie then ran to Zahra.

That gave me an opportunity to hide the brownies & chocolates in the dryer.


Monday, April 17, 2006

Childish Sparring

Somehow, the pecking order must be understood in my family.

As a continuation of the previous post...
LiKE DUH: but YOU, missy, must get a myspace. and comment MEEEE k? k.
addicat123: ok i will
LiKE DUH: yay. okay. make one. now. :]
addicat123: AFTER you've commented on my blog successfully for 3 days
LiKE DUH: and then i WILL comment successfully for three days on your blog
addicat123: no, cause you have to comment for all the days on my blog
LiKE DUH: then i wont comment. unless you make one. now
LiKE DUH: then i'll comment.
addicat123:im older than you
addicat123: and you're short
LiKE DUH: pshhh
LiKE DUH: seriously. now.
addicat123:seriously don't boss me around
LiKE DUH: seriously. i'm not scared of you.
addicat123: and seriously do what i say im your boss
LiKE DUH: kdfjsldkf i'm not commenting until you make one. THEN i promise to comment
LiKE DUH: IF you comment me on myspace, that is.
addicat123:you're not in a position to give me ultimatums, missy
LiKE DUH: i think i am. [[[[[[[:
addicat123: poo on your shoe
LiKE DUH: i win i win i win
addicat123: fine we'll both do it now
addicat123: promise?
LiKE DUH: if you promise
addicat123: promise
LiKE DUH: promise

And that's how it's done.

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A Total Loss of Power

Not me, but the Pub. While I was working today, the power randomly went out. There was no rain or storm of any kind, yet the terrific upper-90's temperature somehow proved conducive to a power outage. What's funny is that people kept coming up to order...

Apparently the entire university lost power. We were in the hot dark for about 20 minutes. When I saw several coworkers standing around talking, I went over and said "tell me the plaaaaan!" Tito told everyone to hush, as Adriane apparently had a plan..."she's going to teach us all the dictionary tonight!" Later I asked him to fire Piotr because he was making fun of me, and got the response, "we all make fun of you...I'd have to fire all of us." Hehe work is fun!

When the power came back on, the computer server still wasn't running, so we still couldn't serve people. Finally they got it working again, and Pub life was back to normal.

Just for the record, I love my little sister. I have given her some rather hefty instructions...
addicat: you need to make a new priority
LiKE DUH: huh?
addicat: your assignment is to read my blog & comment every day
LiKE DUH: yes, teacher.
addicat: you spend enough time online to squeeze in some time for your dear ol' sister
addicat: O:-)
LiKE DUH: hah yes. of coursee
addicat: so. ready set go
Then I made her wait so that I could post this stuff on my blog. Hehe! Ok Juliane, now go check!

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*half asleep*

...but it's my own fault.

I believe that college has softened me to the point where I will now tolerate things up with which I normally would not have previously put. (I knew you'd like that...Julie, Brett)

1. Bed - I always make my bed. People who know me find stability (well, I dont know about that) in the fact that I make my bed every morning before I do anything else. And the comforter has to be just the right length on the side.
2. Procrastination - I'm not generally one to procrastinate. However, I point you to last night as a clear example to the contrary. But, in case anyone is wondering, I did finish my Linguistics paper & I'm quite happy with it. And in my defense, I really had worked on my paper most of the day, and trying to continue last evening would not have been productive. I'm proud of both Julie & myself for making the decision to throw rational thinking to the wind and watch Monster in Law instead...though we both catered to our consciences & wrote last night anyway.
3. Dress - In high school I was not overly concerned about dress, but I generally made a point to make stuff match at least a little bit. A snapshot of me right now would show my green "bear with me" shirt, black sweatpants with a purple string, yellow flip-flops and my pink hat. Oh yeah, I'm comfy :)

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Virgin Persian

We watched Monster in Law instead. Julie & I decided to get up at 6:30 to write our papers.

After the movie...
me: so we need to get up at 6:30, right julie?
julie: can I write my paper tonight?
me: yeah, I was gonna cheat & write mine tonight too!
so we're cheating on our plan & writing them tonight...that's what happens when you have conscientious people trying to pose as procrastinators.

We all know that Julie calls Zahra "Persian"...
julie: Persian!
me: *mouth agape* ...oh, I thought you called her "virgin"
julie: can I call you "virgin" and zahra "persian"?
me: well that would imply that she's not one
julie: no, persian overrides virgin
zahra: *who has been sitting, quietly listening* what?!

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For the record, I'm totally wasting time

So, this shall be a post mostly of conversations!

IM convo with my sister...
juliane's profile: ihavenobodytowritemushystuffabout
addicat: i love you babe! you can write mushy stuff about me!
juliane's profile: addicat: i love you babe! you can write mushy stuff about me
[yeah. i love my sister.]

Julie was in Zahra's room...
me: *yelling into Zahra's room* Julie! Did you register for Biological Basis?
julie: yes
me: good. wait, the monday/wednesday class right?
julie: I thought we could just compare notes
me: *huff* doofus! *leave & turn off light*
zahra: hey! why did you turn off MY light?
me: because that was the best retaliation I could think of
zahra: oh, ok

Julie went to the kitchen while Zahra told me a story...
zahra: *talking*
julie: Aaaaadriane! guess who left the freezer wiiide open?
me: oops! *sheepish grin*
julie: and guess what that noise is that we've been hearing? was stuff falling out of the freezer...I'm glad to have such awesome roommates who see such things as normal!

Neither Julie nor I can write our papers. We BOTH have writer's block, which we BOTH never get.

So, the obvious solution is to go watch The Emperor's New Groove :D

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I'm sick & tired of some guys acting "nice" and then deciding to behave like the pushy, needy people they are. Not all guys, of course, but some. So in case anyone is reading this who hasn't gotten it through their head, MY PRIORITIES ARE HERE TO STAY SO GET USED TO IT OR LEAVE ME ALOOOOONE! And to all the girls out there, any worthwhile guy who claims to like you will appreciate that you have priorities and are not a needy whiney brat. They will love that you are devoted to things other than them. It is the kind of guy that, before you've even met (which I know was against my better judgement & the judgement of those who care about me) says, "well you SAID blah blah blah and NOW you're saying that your SCHEDule is BUSy blah blah blah..." I have one response for that: I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUUUUUUU! This is the kind of guy that girls marry & then get killed by out of their heinous jealousy. Stop expecting me to get off the phone with someone else to talk to you. I said we could meet cause I like to make new friends at school. THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE DATING! That doesn't mean you get to ask where I am all the time or what I was doing when you tried to call me. I am strong & smart, and I'm not going to cower to a guy to feel validated. I look forward to the time when I find a man with whom I can have a meaningful conversation, discuss religion and God, our families, and our aspirations. I hope to find that he who shares my beliefs, whom I can respect. ALL YOU'VE DONE IS SENT ME MESSAGES & TRIED TO GET ME TO MEET YOU OFF CAMPUS! NO! I'm busy! I'll make an exception & meet you (because I think it's rather creepy to meet people online without any other connection) in a public place on campus and play chess or pool. THAT'S IT! And STOP acting so annoyed and hurt that I'm busy. If we're going to be friends, you're going to have to learn that sometimes other things are going on that you have to work around. Julie's learned it! Zahra's learned it! Megan & Andrew & Josh have learned it! Even my Mom has learned it! And these people are very close to me! WE'RE NOT GOING TO BE DATING!
I've gone off completely...sorry to those who must read it. This person probably isn't even reading this post, and if he is, well, then this situation just got a lot creepier. Here's how I feel, for those who care. I am strong & independent. I'm not going to let a guy think he owns me. I do look forward to someday finding "the one" who genuinely cares, but doesn't try to be overly controling. Even in dating, you have to be your own person. One day I hope to get married, and that man will be one for whom I have deep respect & admiration. I'll be able to trust him and his judgement, and we will make decisions together. I will call him when I get somewhere, but not because I'm forced to. Until then, I'm sick & tired of the few stupid guys out there making me sick & tired. I know there are a lot of great ones.
NOW I need to write my term paper.

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Thursday, April 13, 2006


I really thought I liked the song "That Summer" by Garth Brooks. At least I liked part of the chorus, as that's all I had really heard. So I looked up the lyrics online to find out the title & see what the verses were. I was SURE that the song had to have some deep message.

Yeah, it had a message alright: don't go work on a widow's farm as a teenage boy or you'll end up having an affair with her.


Super Girl!

I hereby declare myself Super Girl.

That's right, I totally changed that lightbulb all by myself. Someone's gonna have to help me put the bulb cover back on though. And I don't think my dad likes me standing precariously on my desk chair as it swivels back and forth trying subtley to make me fall off and break something like the desk or a picture frame or my head.


Holy Day

Today is a holy day for me, so I'm not in class or at work.

By the way...this blog from March 26 to an unknown date is dedicated to my Mommy. She is an avid reader, in addition to the fact that I tell her lots of stuff that I don't actually put on ze blog. Therefore, this shall hopefully serve as some degree of entertainment for her when she is able to sit up & get online again. Plus, I'm not really sure that I would remember some of the things I would normally tell her unless I blogged them :-p

Well, crapola. Apparently church is at 2:00 today rather than 3:00 which we thought. I DID wake up before noon...11:56...though it took until noon to make my bed. Blah. Julie opened the bathroom door at the same time that I opened my bedroom door, and she said, "I told Zahra that you were still asleep & we laughed!" Thanks girls.

Then my light bulb burned out, so I am again in ze dark until I find someone to come & change it for me. That's right. Change my lightbulb: give me light for about 4 months. Teach me to change my own lightbulb: experience extreme frustration while I yell at you and then give me several months of darkness until I decide to move.

At work yesterday, Tommy & Greg apparently got special permission to sit at the first booth as long as they didn't talk to anybody [working]. So Anthony, Piotr & Ben started talking to them. When I came over, they suggested that I go touch Greg's arm. I suggested that Anthony do so. Ben said, "ok, SOMEbody's gonna go touch Greg"...and of course Greg spoke when Anthony carried out ze plan. 'Twas funny.

Walking home from class, Zahra & I checked the mail (cause I have to exploit Zahra for her mailbox key, as my keys are being mailed here as we speak from my Dad's glove compartment). Then we cut through the pool gate & we started walking across the fountain wall in the pool. I chickened out & turned back (I don't want any legal trouble!) but Zahra bravely pressed on.

Then last night I went to Abuelo's mexican restaurant with Julie & Zahra for NTBMR (Night to be Much Remembered). I missed not spending it with my family, but having my best buddies made the night really special. We got allll dressed up & took lots of pictures. We got virgin daquiris & I got nachos. The waiters (not our own, but others) took pictures for us after dinner. Then we went outside, I saw the giant Abraham Lincoln-looking statue (really Abuelo) & we took pictures with him.

Time to get ready for church!

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Just some Pics

me, Aunt Gina, Juliane, Uncle Bob, Aunt Laurie, Cameron, Dad (Nana taking picture)
outside of the ICU

Juliane & me at IHOP

Juliane tasting the patriotic hospital jello that I made her eat.


Hello Again!

As this post has become rather long & addresses several distinct subjects, I shall precede each section with a title. Consider it a bunch of short posts, if you will. I'm really not dorky. Well, if I am, then you are probably one of those people who doesn't mind, as you're reading my blog...

Time in Temple
I returned to Dallas on Sunday evening after spending a week & a half in Temple, TX...a town that consists of a Wal-Mart, a hospital, an IHOP, and several lonely miles of I-35. I'm really grateful for the opportunity to have gone, not for the chance to experience their competitive tourist attractions, but to be with my Mom & the rest of my family during the beginning of our ongoing trial. My Mom is doing better, and has been released from the ICU (Saturday night), but she will be in the hospital for a very long time before further recovery can take place at home, and continued prayers are gratefully appreciated.

Term Paper Total Petrification
I realized last Tuesday night that my Linguistics term paper would be due on Monday (uhh...2 days ago). So, rather than ask someone to build a library in Temple (the IHOP looked lonely...) and then learn how to find things in it, I went to Houston to do my research. Then I proceeded to stare at my bag full of library books and my laptop without actually reading or typing. I kindof realized that trying to do real work there would avail little.

Mercy for Monday
My aunts & my dad suggested that I ask for an extension, but I couldn't bear to do so...I knew about the assignment all semester, though I had intended to write it in the 2 weekends before it was due (for which I was gone). Thankfully, my professor gave me a 1 week extension without my having to request it. I had not been so happy for so shallow a reason in quite some time!

Work & Play All Day (...that one's not alliteration, but it rhymes!)
I'm glad to be back at work, cause it's fun to socialize. And of course it goes without saying that seeing my roommates/best friends has been the highlight of my recent return.

Take Back the Night March (ok...I've tired of witty titles)
Last night I went to the Take Back the Night March & Rally. It was awesome. Though I was more than a little ticked off by the giggling girls up front who could not seem to muster the balance to control their alcohol-free drunken wobbling, the event soon gave off the respectful aura that would be expected by someone, say, not unhealthily obsessed with their stereotypical sorority image.

Possible Summer Opportunities
I spoke with the lady in charge of a public policy organization in Austin after the presentations. Since I'm interested in that kind of work, I asked if she could suggest any organizations in Houston to whom my volunteer work could be useful. She also suggested that I look into their organization if I'm ever in Austin for a summer (Do we sense another potential summer in Austin?!).

Free Movies!
Valene surprised Zahra & me by asking us if we wanted to watch a free movie. Apparently, you can push the button for On Demand on the remote, go to Free Movies, and a whole list awaits you! Can you believe that we've been living here for 8 months, and have not discovered the wonderful thing that is Free Movies? So, we started Sleepless in Seattle. Valene then found that you can even fast-forward & pause the movies! This is awesome. I hope it's not some kind of trick that greedy cable companies use to trick little college girls into spending their scholarship money on mind-wasting tv. I think I'll go look at the list again, and pick out a movie for later.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just a Quick Quiz

I found this quiz on Zahra's xanga while looking at the pictures of flowers. I'll be back in Dallas on Sunday. I've been in Temple at the hospital since last Wednesday. I miss everyone! Please keep praying for my Mom!!!

ColorQuiz.comaddicat took the free personality test!

"Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

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