Monday, June 30, 2008

38 Down, 3 to Go!

Today I finished another class! Boy, am I glad to be done with World Music. What was supposed to be a really interesting class turned out to be a lot of babying and busy work, and while I respect a professor's right to format a class they way they like, I'm thankful that this particular course is over and I can be more efficient with my time. (That also means no more Wednesdays that look like this: 5 hours work, 20 minute drive, 10 minute breather, 4 1/2 hour class #1, 4 1/2 hour class #2, collaps.)

My Criminal Justice final is tomorrow. I can make an 84/105 and still have an A in the class, but I'm so concerned about it. I made a big mistake by not studying the court cases earlier, and thinking there were just a few. There are like 50! Bleh.

I still have my Advanced Composition class, since it's a full-summer class. My final project is due August 6. I'm bummed that I'll be having to work on it over our anniversary weekend, but perhaps I'll get in gear and finish it early!

In 2 weeks, I'll start my online History class, which ends on August 14. I wish I knew what to expect there, because I'd like to tweek my work schedule to keep my driving down once we move.

At some point I'll post a list of all of my college classes. I know myself well enough to know that I'll want to have something (other than my degree plan) to refer back to when school has totally left my brain.

Anniversary = 35 days
Graduation = 45 days


Sunday, June 29, 2008


It's been brought to my attention that I can limit comments on my blog to those registered with some sort of ID (though I don't claim to understand exactly what kind of's called "Open ID"). Since most public forums (and almost all private ones, like mine) require that users identify themselves, I'm going to follow that example. I didn't choose the "Google accounts" option, as I know that not everyone has or uses a Google account. Instead, it's the OpenID, which I believe accommodates AIM screen names and other similar usernames. This isn't a jab at anyone, nor is it an attempt to dissuade people from commenting. It's just my attempt to limit those commenting on my blog to serious people who take personal credit for their opinions, as I have.

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Jello Shots

We made jello shots this weekend. Actually, we made them twice. The first set were lime with vodka. I couldn't eat them, because the smell of vodka makes me think of the doctor's office and needles. I didn't realize when we made them that they'd smell so much!

The second set was orange with tequila. I liked them a little bit more, but I could still taste the alcohol. I guess I don't really like the taste of alcohol.

I keep on trying new things, as they say, but I keep reverting back to my favorite margarita. I suppose now I can at least say I've tried it!

...But now we have a bunch of jello in the pantry that I don't know what to do with. Maybe non-alcoholic jello shots?

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm so tired of school...

I just thought I'd mention that.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Promises & Promiscuity

One of the things that bothers me about other people is their inherent tendency to be stupid. I certainly count myself under that umbrella, but I think it's safe to say that I think things through before taking a wrong action. And while it may be unfair to demand my values of others, it shouldn't be too much to hold them to their own.

I also don't like the term "pre-marital sex." Where did the "pre" come from, anyway? As I understand it, this is society's non-judgmental way of saying, "They just did it in a different order. They make their own choices, deviated from the crowd" as if their toying with a precious and sacred concept is the equivalent of ordering from the Burger King menu. "Have it your way" has become an all-too-natural behavioral mantra.

What we should be calling it is "non-marital sex." You weren't pre married, you were non married! Of course, this too has earned liberal acceptance. And, oh my, we wouldn't want to offend someone who did it their own way.

Certainly, there are people who just don't care. They've never cared, they don't consider consequences, and they are simply entitled. They were probably raised by parent-people who also never cared and felt entitled. These people, with some exception, are a lost cause by the time they hit their upper teenage years. They've learned a lifestyle, and to teach them differently would be to deprive them of what they once had.

But then there are people that know better. They claim beliefs, both religious and ethical, and vow to stand by them. They convince friends and family of their character and complain about those that deviate from such values. And it is these people who bother me the most when they falter. To deny values is one thing. To hypocritically profess them is another entirely.

I'm sick of my religious friends shacking up. I'm sick of them acting like it's "no big deal," when in fact they have surrendered their moral foundation for the opportunity to "be in love." I'm sick of the sanctity of my marriage (flawed as it may be) being trampled by the widespread approval of someone else's semblance of one.

I'm sick of supposedly chaste girls getting pregnant in high school (or middle school, or college, or their 30's). Though pregnancy itself is not the cause of my sickness, it certainly adds to the number of people their bad decisions impact.
I'm sick of young women thinking it's ok to bypass important steps. Do they realize that the life into which they're bringing their baby is not good? Do they even think about the potential consequences - to themselves and their potential children - before spreading it for their horny high school boyfriends? If so, it doesn't seem to stick.

For the religious folk, consider this: You have sex, you're married. That's how God sees it. He doesn't appreciate your methodology, but you've consummated your relationship. You don't get a party. You don't get congratulations. You don't get to wear the pretty white dress.

Except that you do. And that makes me sick.

And when you get pregnant. You don't get a shower. You don't get the adoration of little girls who call you their idol. You don't get to think about how this affects you.

Except that, once again, you do. That makes me sick, too.

But the worst part is the scarcity of regard for the sanctity of sex and life. I am a married woman. Benjamin and I were both virgins when we said "I do." As a result, we share a special bond with each other that few modern young people can claim. Don't you think we were attracted to each other while we were dating? Don't you think we had opportunities to screw around? Don't you think I want babies? Duh!

But we were responsible. Some people think that "getting lost in the moment," having to "do" your significant other right then is a sign of insatiable love that no one understands. Guess what? We do understand - all of us who have made the right choices and retained our ethical premises. Jumping into bed with your high school sweetheart isn't love, it's horniness. And caving into those feelings doesn't make your relationship special and unique, it makes your relationship common and short-sighted.

I guess this is all grounded in my selfishness. I want my responsible choices to be viewed as positive, instead of being dismissed as old-fashioned. I don't want my life to be considered unexciting. And I don't want the things that I want so much in life to be taken for granted, even found inconvenient, by those who haven't earned them.

But when I really think about it, my life is exciting. I have a husband from whom I receive safety and love. We are passionate and loving, and we share a security of which unmarried couples can only dream.
So I don't have a new guy every few months, but I get to keep a pretty great one. I don't have a baby to care for, but when I do, he or she will be a cherished blessing. And when I go to sleep tonight, I know that I will be waking up next to the same man tomorrow and for years to come. That's exciting.

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Job Search & Apartment Hunt

I'm getting frustrated. Actually, I've been frustrated, and now I'm really frustrated.

First, the job.
I can't find one. Not one that I like, anyway. And my resume is up to date, but needs some serious revisions. And by the time I get a new job, I'll have a college degree, for goodness sakes, and I would kindof like to be sought after! I know that's selfish, but that's what 15 hours in the summer is doing to me. I'm getting cranky. And frustrated, but we already covered that. Actually, I would be perfectly with a high-level executive assistant position, as long as I actually got to make judgments and didn't have numerous random people hovering. What I'm really looking for is technical writing. It'll get my foot in the door, so to speak, with the writing community, but won't be as competitive as journalism (in which I hope to have my master's degree in a couple of years).

But, then there's the apartment.
We don't have one. Do you have prospects, you ask? Why, yes. I have done copious research to find apartments that fit my very specific requirements. Benjamin has pretty much left the apartment-picking up to me, so this should be less complicated than it is. Let me list them here for simplicity:
  • 2 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms (preferable, but not necessary)
  • a big kitchen (very important. What's the use of having a fantastic chef husband if there's nowhere for him to make his magic? well, that kind of magic anyway.)
  • be close to Benjamin's office
  • be close to major roads so I can get to work if I ever find a job
  • not have freaking bugs (very important because I'm ready to pull my hair out with Waterview)
  • have room in the bedroom for my theoretical vanity (since I don't actually have one yet. Benjamin thinks if we have a bedroom the size we have now, we'll be able to fit my theoretical vanity, but I want to measure to make sure.)
  • a giant kitchen (I've raised my expectations in the last few minutes.)
My favorite one is a 1-story townhome. It had everything I required, but they don't have that floorplan. And we're supposedly above their income limit, so I can't have the 2-story that is available.

So, my second favorite. I called them today. The lady sounded about 60, and was so very sweet. She didn't even yell at me for not knowing that it is a "55-and-older" property. She said, in her really caring old lady voice, "You sound pretty young, though." I should have told her I'm 55.

Then there's my third favorite. They don't have the 2-bed 2-bath available until September, but they do have a 2-bed 1-bath. Yay! It's also a lot cheaper, and we don't really need the extra bathroom anyway. (We can spend that money on my vanity, and then I won't have to straighten my hair in the bathroom while Benjamin showers!) But I couldn't look at it today. I get to drive across town tomorrow and be there between 4:30 and 6:00, at which time they may or may not have the one empty apartment available to show me. And if they don't, tough luck, cause the new people are moving in Saturday.

Ok, well I'm ready to stop ranting. I know all of this is just what I have to go through to find the perfect one. Who knows, maybe my "favorites" actually stunk or had rats or something. Yes, yes, they had rats.

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