Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Putt Putt Puke

Today was the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. Kristin & I went to lunch with the Smiths, and then Mrs. Smith & I snuck out right before the second service to get Starbucks. Both sermons were really really helpful & well given.

Before the second service started, I needed to go to the restroom, but put it off since church was in the process of starting. Then after church I thought to myself, "I can wait till we get home" and we left. Then we realized the below-emptyness of gas, and began frantically looking for a gas station (of which there were none, but it was made up for by the large amount of traffic). Kristin explained what happens when you run out of gas, and it didn't sound pretty. Especially since by this time I really had to go to the bathroom, and we were forever away from anything. We got of the highway but the only nearby gas station was behind the exit (allow me to congratulate the civil engineers that thought that one up). We sat at a light, looking all around. No gas stations, once again, but there was an IHOP, and NTB, Hobby Lobby, several fast food restaurants, even a gasless Wal-Mart! Finally we returned to a gas station behind us, and the day was saved. I didn't go to the bathroom though. Then there was more traffic. No one could have estimated the amount of traffic that presented itself. 3 1/2 hours after I started having to pee, I got home and did.

I'm really tired. I should get some sleep before sunset so I can study for Genetics! I'll be done with one class tomorrow morning!!!

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