Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jujitsu Julie

Julie wanted me to make sure to mention that she is speaking in her trademark French accent, wearing an orange shirt, an orange sweatshirt, orange socks, and orange-striped shoes.

I asked her about Jujitsu, as I didn't go last night. I told her that I will be living jujitsuly vicariously through her. She said that Jeff tried to make her do the jumpy, land on the ground & do a roll thing, because after all, "Adriane did it". Julie, however, has proclaimed her sad inability to do a cartwheel, and thus her unwillingness to leave the ground entirely. I support this proclamation.

Julie: It wasn't very painful though. (speaking of jujitsu)
Me: Oh? Why?
Julie: Because whenever we weren't practicing our stuff, we were helping the higher belts with their knife stuff. And the painful part of that is supposed to be when they stab you...
Me: Right...
Julie: ...and they can't stab you, 'cause that would be illegal...

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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Let the record show...

Zahra has a correction:
PRZNchika87: i soo didn't call him ugly!
PRZNchika87: he lies!
PRZNchika87: i just said he wasn't hottness



...and replacing what I wrote earlier.

Apparently, Zahra called Neil ugly:
FistofJohnWayne: I'm ugly : (
addicat123: aww
addicat123: dont feel bad
FistofJohnWayne: hahahah
FistofJohnWayne: not an "aww, no you aren't"


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chalky Time!

I bought some "carb tablets" for energy, not because I need to take energy drugs (though these arent drugs), but because they looked interesting & they're grape. I was showing them to Julie, who informed me (as the large lable on the front failed to accomplish) that they are pure sugar..."like giant sweet tarts" she says. I should have known, as it says "GLUCOSE" really big on the front.

So we decided to split one. We realized that they were like chalk.
Me: They have a chalky aftertaste
Julie: Oh, yeah, there it is
Me: Can we go draw on the sidewalk?
Julie: *grin* Let's go!

So we drew a welcome mat outside our apartment. It says "Welcome to our humble abode" with an arrow saying "Lick me, I'm an energy supplement!" Julie also drew little hearts around it. Then we took pictures.

I was showing Julie my cool timer for when I need a cat-nap during a night of studying. Apparently, we should not be friends.
*continuing a convo from several months ago*
Julie: Yeah, I don't think I would have liked you in high school
Me: I don't think you would have liked me ever
Julie: Yeah you're right. I wouldn't like you now if I hadn't gotten to know you before I realized that I shouldn't like you.
Me: Aww, thanks!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Government went bye-bye

I was sitting at my desk copying my Gender Studies notes, when Zahra IMed me. However, I didn't look up, so she ran excitedly to my room.

PRZNchika87: government's cancelleeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!
PRZNchika87: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays!!!!

That's the second day in a row that I've had a class cancelled! Though I like Western Lit MUCH better than Government, so today's cancellation is extra happyness-inducing!


Monday, January 23, 2006


My birth certificate & social security card came in the mail today. I know I need them for stuff I have here, but part of me feels like I'm completely isolated...like now that I have my own papers, my own files for important documents, I'm totally in charge of myself, my own life. Basically the only thing I can't do is leave the country, as my parents have not handed over my passport. Like, now I have no ties to my family. And it's not really that such documents have any significant meaning, it's just a symbol or something. I see everything in life in terms of symbols. Why do I do that?

On a happier note, Jennie & I went to Western Lit right after Linguistics, only to find a note on the door stating that Dr. Koepke is sick today. While I'm certainly sad for her illness, I was so excited to have a class cancelled. That has never happened to me before! I feel like a real college student, free from attendance offices, assigned seats, and now, substitute teachers!


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Behold: A List of Quizzes (complete with my remarks!)

Your Heart Is Pink

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.

Your flirting style: Coy

Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park

Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant

What you bring to relationships: Romance

I don't "play" innocent. Not about to jump a guy once I start dating him. And I've only been in love once. Other thank that, I appreciate the pinkness!

You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish

Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.

I should hope so.

Do You Even Know What a Blog Is?

You got 1/8 correct!

What the heck are you doing at Blogthings?

Ok, so I don't know what RSS stands for, or whether Donald Trump has a blog. It really doesn't matter to me what "dooced" means, or in what year the word "blog" was first used. All I care about is that I can click on a couple of buttons each day, use the universal-American (does that make sense?) keyboard to type up my rants, and press the button that says "publish post". I feel happy that some computer nerd out there is supporting my habit with his brains & knowledge of code. Stop making fun of me.

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language

Ok. Good job guys.

What Your Underwear Says About You

You like your underwear to make you feel girlish and pretty. Let's hope you're a chick.

You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.

I know it's a strange quiz. Don't chastize me.

Your Hidden Talent

You are a great communicator. You have a real way with words.
You're never at a loss to explain what you mean or how you feel.
People find it easy to empathize with you, no matter what your situation.
When you're up, you make everyone happy. But when you're down, everyone suffers.

Ok. Whee!

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

Did you know that gummy bears have bee's wax in them? That's probably why they make me feel ill after about 50 of them. Like candy corn.

You Are Internal - Skeptic - Empowered

You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.

You are a total skeptic when it comes to luck.
You believe that people use luck as a crutch to avoid responsibility.
You control your own destiny. The universe has nothing to do with it.
You believe everything can be explained - and you tend to over analyze situations.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.

Whee! But, I like others to take control of their lives...I don't need to do that. I don't have lucky socks or anything, but I do have things that bear significance. For instance, let's talk about Julie's ring. And, I'd hardly say that I "play things flawlessly" in life...though it's a nice goal!

I think I'm done. I've done, what, 8 quizzes? And honestly, I took more but they ended up being boring or irrelevant.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

We Met the Men of our Dreams

Thanks so much Julie for posting a comment under my name, saying that you met the man of your dreams today, as it prompted me to write this entry!

Julie met the man of her dreams today. He is Pretty Hair Boy, and she has proclaimed that he is far prettier than any of us.

I met the man of my dreams today too. He is Pretty Accent Boy, and we are getting married.


Run Run!

My Genetics professor did not post today's lecture slides before today, so I kept checking periodically this morning. Between 8:55 and 9:05, they got posted. Class was at 9:30. So, I made the decision to go ahead & download the file, change the font color to black & background to white, delete the random bars that resulted, and print the slides before class. I left after 14 slides had printed, at 9:27. Basically running, I got to Jonsson at 9:32. Because the system wasn't set up, class didn't really start till 9:46. BUT, my coffee cup came in the mail yesterday, so I had hot coffee all day long. Whee!

Ok, now for some promised Government quotes. Let me restate that this class makes me dumber by the minute. I leave there wanting to shoot myself. I can not do productive work after that class, because I fear that such would violate my social position of "complete brain-dead zombee" and result in my arrest.
Here are the abbreviations which I shall use for all future Government quotes:
M: the teacher
A: Adriane (meee)
Z: Zahra
N: Neil
G: Garrett


Ok, I don't like...[his body language]
Z: I don't like him

Z: I want to throw something...we forgot the Nerds
A: staples?
5-10 minutes
Z: get out the staples

M: Bush calls up Coreman, Culman, Kulmann *burp* a few months later

M: what about the president?
G: I can't believe it's only been an hour


M: you probably have obervations about that
A: I have observations about other stuff

M: you can find out a lot listening to your neighbor's conversations
A: I bet we would find out a lot listening to the convos upstairs

M: ...and then Congress took a looooong break
A: I would like to take a loooong break
Z: I'd like to throw something at him

After more stories about "when he worked here or there" and "when he met with so and so"...
A: he's using this time that we're stuck in this room to drown us in his personal & egotistical doctrine...this is a class in his history
Z: M... History 1101!

M: if you're sick, that's the only time the cat would get up on the bed & snuggle up to you

M: do you wanna get reelected?
AGZ: *in unison* no
M: might that influence your vote?
AGZ: *in unison* no
M: oooh yeah


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Early Bird

Here's my day in a nutshell. Normally I don't blab about my entire day, but I'm making an exception.

5:15 am
Alarm goes off. Adriane should be getting up to read for Gender Studies. Instead, she continues to snooze.

5:30 am
Alarm goes off again. Adriane subconsciously tells the alarm to put a sock in it. And keeps on sleeping.

7:14 am
Adriane wakes up, rolls over, and realizes the time. She has a slight heart attack until she realizes that she has not time for a heart attack, and jumps out of bed. She tosses her tidy nature to the side, and abandons her reputation for never leaving her room until her bed is made. [Alright, I've tired of 3rd person, and shall now convert to 1st.] I put on jeans & a t-shirt, then straightened my hair while putting my makeup on. Then I realized (after checking the weather) that it was 35*. The t-shirt idea promptly died. It is now on my floor. A sweater was better.

7:45 am
I ran out the door, debating the necessity of gloves, and went to the Pub to sign papers. I was supposed to be there at 8.

7:45 am continued
Somehow, as I walked up to the SU, my watch still said 7:45. I assumed that I must have read it wrong earlier, and slowed my pace a bit. I went to wash my hands & take my hair down.

7:42 am
I went to the Comet Lounge to study for a few minutes before I went to the Pub. But, it was strange that time had actually reversed itself, so I checked my phone. It was really...

7:59 am
So I fixed my watch (whose little knob had come out, allowing the time to change) and rushed to the Pub. I stood there till they opened the doors.

8:07 am
me: I'm here to sign papers
manager: we actually meant 8 pm

Yeah. Mad rush for naught.

So I filled out the papers & went to Genetics an hour early, and got coffee.

After Genetics, I went back to the depths of the Library where I left my notes on Friday. They weren't there. No problem, I remembered which books I had copied pages from, and redid the copies. Then I walked away to replace the books on the shelf. And left my copies on the printer. Yeah, twice does not constitute intelligence.

I really don't remember anything else. However, I do have some quotes from govt, which I shall post shortly.


Monday, January 16, 2006


I have done nothing but my Western Lit semester project on the Ancient Olympics all day. Oh wait, I did do something for myself - I returned my Genetics book and got back $140.74, which makes me happy. Other than that, just research & writing.

And I lost my notes which I had already annotated. I realized this morning that they are sitting on the 3rd floor of the library, in the GV section in the very back which I didn't even know existed, atop some books on the shelf. And the library is closed today. I'm an idiot.

Then I was holding a glass of lemonade & talking to Julie, when I went to set the cup down. However, I thought that the counter extended about half an inch more than it did, and the cup crashed to the floor. I got to mop that up. I'm an idiot.

Now I get to finish my Western Lit paper, so that I can submit it to my professor tonight & give a presentation on Wednesday. Chances are, I will be an idiot.

And I got a job. My interview was yesterday at noon, and I applied without really wanting that job in particular. But I figured it would be good to practice interviewing. After the interview, however, I decided I would really like it, and hoped I would get it. They called me 4 hours later & offered me the position! So I'm going in to fill out paperwork at 8 tomorrow morning. I'm working at The PUB. Don't watch me, because there is a good chance that I will end up being an idiot.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Heather's baking cookies...

...And if you know Heather, you know that's completely unlike her. She was telling me all about it, including how many she has wrapped so far, how many in a baggie, in a tupperware container, etc.

rabidwire1922: AND I have two more batches to bake
rabidwire1922: okay, back to work
addicat123: have fun baking! you're like a regular 50's mother!
rabidwire1922: bah
rabidwire1922: shoo
addicat123: muahahaha! i can taunt you & you can't do anything aboot it!

Normally, I would be terrified that she would pummel me for getting smart. However, she is in Houston & I'm in Dallas, so no worries. Ah, the comforts created by safe space...


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Facebook Groups

I just removed myself from a Facebook group called "My ambitions exceed my abilities". I don't know anymore that it was actually referring to grades. Then I was so sad when I went to the list of groups and "Bob & Larry", the Veggie Tales group that I created a couple of weeks ago, still has one member. Only one member. And that one member is me. How sad. So, I deleted the group. I would rather suffer alone that have the entire Facebook community laugh at my lack of Veggie Tales fans. It's ok, veggies, I still love you. It just has to be a secret love now, for the rest of the world just does not understand the purity of my affections. But, for old time's sake, I'll dedicate this song to you:

If you like to talk to tomatoes,
If a squash can make you smile,
If you like to waltz with potatoes,
Up and down the produce aiiiiisle...


The quiz won't lie

Which Disney Princess Are You?


You're a tired old thing aren't you? We first came under Aurora's spell in Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.


Friday, January 13, 2006

Utter Disdain

We're going out to dinner & to the movies. Earlier Zahra said we should get gussied a little bit. Now, the following conversation took place. Zahra & Julie are sitting behind me lol.

me: Should I change clothes?
zahra: *looks me up & down* uh, yeah.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I started talking to my little sister's friend online. He made me mad. By the way, he's 13 not 16. And because he's a minor, I've changed his name for his protection and better description. Behold.

in media res...

jerk: i thought it was the hot girl in keyboarding
jerk: SHE HOTT
addicat123: yeah how old are you kid?
jerk: 16
addicat123: yeah
addicat123: ok youre too young to be saying words like "hot", but potentially young enough to still be spelling the word with two "t's"
jerk: i love u
addicat123: youre a munchkin
addicat123: but thanks so much...my life is complete
jerk: i want 2 fuck ur vagina
addicat123: ok. im gonna say this once. only once. so you better pray to God that your reading skills don't fail you. that kind of talk will not be tolerated. it is obnoxious and disrespectful, and if you ever hope to get a girl of any substance, you are definately not onthe right track. im going to forgive that language this time, because i know that youre just joking around trying to tick me off, and i know that youre a kid who is in an experimental stage right now & most likely just figuring out what most of the words in that sentence mean. however, i do not want to hear of statements like that being said to or around my sister. as it turns out, i actually care about her & i know that she has, and will continue, to attract guys of a totally different caliber. consider yourself blessed to have made her acquaintance, and dont count on coming into the good graces of any other girls like her. she's special, and far from ordinary, and most likely far different from the crowd you are accustomed to socializing with. one of these days you will potentially look back and think, "wow, i sure was stupid at 16". lets just hope that day comes sooner rather than later.
jerk: hey im sru
addicat123: what is sru...im not educated in that language, but rather in modern english
jerk: sry***
jerk: im really stupid
addicat123: ok
addicat123: thanks
addicat123: just dont let it happen again

Then Zahra & Julie came & started typing some stuff. Then he got mad & blocked me. Sorry guys, I love my sister, and people should not mess with that. I can be feisty.



So, now Chad is afraid of what people will think of him.

hochboruto: oh, so now everyone will think I'm a stalker
hochboruto: I'm not!

So I'll clear it up...Chad is not a stalker. There.


Really quick!

So I haven't had time to post much, nor will I really soon, but soon I will...if that makes sense. This short convo blurb, however, goes to show that I've been busy the past couple of days:

hochboruto: hiya!
addicat123: hey
hochboruto: long time no chat :-( I haven't even glimpsed you through my binoculars
addicat123: aww sooo sorry to hear that
hochboruto: me too


Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy first day of school!

I don't have class till 10. Normally I would get up early, but I couldn't fall asleep last night so I slept till 8.

Except for the fact that at 7:20 a band of deviants roamed the Phase VIII courtyard screaching blowhorns at all the sleepers. Perhaps they had 8:00 classes & wanted to inform the rest of the campus to rise and shine, as they probably had them as well.

Zahra was in my room staring at my computer screen with me as we looked at student reviews of our potential new government professor. Suddenly, the window of my chat with Zahra started flashing. Neither of us clicked it, but just stared in confusing. Finally she said, "How can I be saying something when I'm right here?!"

T'was funny. Goodbye all.


Sunday, January 08, 2006

School starts tomorrow

I currently feel as though I am about to vomit. I found a couple of syllabi online, and I'm mildly worried. Not a full-fledged worried as of yet, but a slight twinge. We shall see.

And Zahra & Valene's history teacher got switched from Flavin to Monica. Monica something...but they affectionately call her just Monica. Then I looked on WebCT only to discover that my government teacher (with Zahra) has also been changed from McCracken to Bearry. We demand to know what's going on here.

Anyway, goodnight all, and have a pleasant day at school tomorrow!


New revelations

For the first time in my life I went to SIS only to find it closed. I know that they told us at the beginning of last semester that SIS works on a schedule, but either I didn't believe them completely or I forgot. Most likely the latter. Though it probably never really registered with my brain, which is an important part of the process of believing things, and remembering them. Anyway, it was closed. I was asked to please return during normal operating hours. So I'll be back at 1:00!


Saturday, January 07, 2006

This is what friends are for

addicat123: never hang up on me again though
addicat123: thats not cool :-P
Pooka2100: i didnt hang up
Pooka2100: it was losing signal
Pooka2100: so i sped up the process


Friday, January 06, 2006


I went to the UTD Bookstore (forgive me) yesterday to buy some more books. After I had found 4, I walked over to the non-textbook side of the store, as I usually do, to look at things that are a little less stressing before leaving. Along the wall of test-prep guides, I found the world's most angst-inducing contraption!

It was a timer. Not just any timer, but an ingenious invention manufactured for the sole purpose of staring at you in the middle of a standardized test (so many to choose from, they brag) and laughing at your inability to meet its ridiculous standards.

These guys are major overachievers. A simple wrist watch is too amateur for the likes of them. Instead, they have spent their free time, during which they probably should have been studying for the standardized tests, your scores on which they now proclaim to improve, making a timer for these very exams. Behold, the benefits of using (imagine big booming voice) *The LSAT TIMER*:

1. It's completely silent. This way, you won't be that annoying person in the third row from whose desk a beeping sounds continuously radiates throughout the exam. In turn, you are not pulverized by a mass of anxious law school/med school/teacher certificate hopefuls during the 4 minute bathroom break. You are thus able to continue to the end of the test, rather than spending the last 3 sections in the ICU of the nearest hospital.

2. There are buttons on the front of the timer for each type of test. Fortunately, you don't have to waste valuable brain space remembering the time segments during your months of pre-exam cramming. In fact, you don't even have to pay attention as the curator mindlessly reads the exam booklet to the room full of hung-over test-takers, verbatim. Instead, go ahead and take an extra 10 seconds and get started. You deserve it. After all, you're smarter than all of them anyway because you bought this novelty timer.

3. The red button sitting atop the timer gives you something to hit. Your days of running your pencil to a stub are over, as all of your frustration may now be exerted on that poor red button. You can feel relieved as the count of questions remaining lowers with each punch. Or, if you're one of those game show fanatics, go ahead and game the day away as you pretend to be on Jeopardy or Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego. You might not pass the test, but at least you will walk away with that imaginary big screen tv & the championship title.

4. Big section for "time remaining". For people who don't like change, or whose mother bought them this timer to improve their MCAT score over their last 4 attempts, and who really just want to know how much time is left of this misery, a normal down-counting clock keeps track of the seconds so you don't have to.

5. The timer records your questions completed and questions remaining. This comes in especially handy if you're one of those people who can't count. If your skills lie more in the area of hitting little red buttons, you're in luck!

6. You are given a specific amount of time to complete each question. This is good for people who don't actually read the passages, and for whom every question presents the same level of difficulty. This function of the timer is a good way to remind yourself that it's much more important to glance at every question than to answer 80% of them correctly. Contrary to popular belief and the police department, speed does not kill.

7. Time remaining per question is listed as well. Lest you become overzealous and attempt to finish a nearly-complete question after your alotted 22.3 seconds has passed, this timer will remind you. Do not fall prey to the feelings of stress & helplessness which the rest of the weak might experience while watching the time pass through their fingers like sand in an hourglass. If you're ever gonna make it in the real world, you must be well versed in the art of taking timed exams while glancing frantically up at the timer every 2 seconds to make sure that you're on schedule. Don't worry, it gets easier with practice. By about the 3rd time you take your standardized test of choice, you should be able to nod your head up and down from timer to scantron in a very rhythmical fashion. And that's a much more valuable skill than knowing the prime numbers from 1-1000 anyway.

So, now for a practice question. Please select the best answer.
After considering the advantages of using this type of timer, I am ____ to use such a device during my upcoming standardized test, for which I should probably be studying but hey, what the heck, I'm doing tool research so I can better prepare to pass with less than a mediocre handle of the material.
a) not at all likely
b) less likely
c) the same amount of likely
d) more likely
e) most definately likely

Yes. I think this is exactly what I need.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

This is how it works.

rabidwire1922: I'm quitting my job
rabidwire1922: they wouldn't give me a well-deserved raise
rabidwire1922: I asked.
rabidwire1922: I asked nicely
rabidwire1922: then asked and said the alternative would be my two weeks notice
rabidwire1922: therefore, three weeks notice because I feel bad for my boss
rabidwire1922: she looked like she was going to cry
rabidwire1922: then I remembered that she's been blowing smoke up my a**


Tell it like it is

godloverjk: i'm reading zahra's xanga because yours has been in a drought
addicat123: ouch
addicat123: that's cold


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Ok, so it's been forever...

But now I'm back. It wasn't my fault! Whereas I wanted to update on a daily basis, I was kidnapped on the night of December 14th by a band of wild chimps. They stole me from my bed in the dark of the night and took me to live with them in the Chilian jungle. There, I learned their customs, ate their food, and slept in their trees. I became very proficient at the art of eating bugs off of my hosts' backs. When the time came for me to embark upon my journey homeward, the chimps reluctantly let me leave. They bestowed upon me the revered distinction of Honorary Human Member of the Chimp Society. Then, I set out on foot to climb my way northward. I stopped in Houston for a while, to assure my family of safety, and then continued my journey to Dallas, where I am today. I am glad to be back in America, but the Chilian Chimps will always hold a special place in my heart.

Actually, I just didn't take much time to update, though I probably could have. I didn't have my computer hooked up to the home network, and couldn't remember my passwords. I'm a dork. Anyway, as I don't want to type tons of junk detailing several weeks of happenings, I shall give short memory joggers, which will probably prove more useful to myself than to any of my faithful readers.

So here they are, in stream of consciousness:
~ Honking man at the left green light
~ Nice man in B&N who said I looked "deep in thought"
~ Man who made me furious in Wal-Mart
~ Wal-Mart troubles
~ Quik-Trip trips
~ Austin with Mom & Juliane
~ No Lewisville
~ Shipping computer
~ Late fee grrr
~ Boots, jacket, hat
~ Clean Momma's room
~ Hair coppy-off

Ok I'm not even focused. I'm sending my computer in to have the "I" key fixed in about an hour and I've spent the last who-knows-how-many hours trying to back up the important stuff. I did get documents, but no pictures. And I started out with 4 CD's for the project, but 3 of them are now ruined because something went wrong in the writing process!!!!! I want to shoot my computer. Something tells me, however, that such an act of rage would be somewhat counterproductive. Plus I don't have a gun. I do, however, have some rubber bands that I could shoot at it like my mom does to me.

So yeah, probably no more updates for "up to 10 business days" after I ship my comp.

