Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A word on gag reflexes

In Jujitsu on Monday, I agreed to be choked (by pressure point) on Wednesday (today). So when I came to class today, I reminded the instructor of my commitment, of which he was most pleased. To clarify, this specific choke is used to get out of another choke. You basically have to stick your middle finger behind someone's breast bone...up and then down, to hit the nerves behind the bone. It made me shudder to think about.

Half-way through class, the instructor came over & said "let's see what you've got." I was preparing to punch Julie (nicely, of course) when he grabbed me by the neck (actually choking me). I am told that we quickly covered about 10 feet of floor space. I freaked out, and failed to breathe steadily out. But, I soon gained control of my thought processes & recalled the presure-point choke, which I had thought was going to be done on me. Without hesitation, I did it. And he let go.

Yay! I choked someone...the instructor, no less! Then I ran over to Julie & gave her a hug. She said, "I'm proud of you...but this isn't doing much for our image." Which it wasn't. Guys in that class think we're babies...I intend to prove them wrong. I didn't see them getting choked & getting out of it. Muahahahaa!


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Rollie Pollie

Julie & I went to Jujitsu class, worried because our colds might interfere with our performance. We were then, as this was our 4th class, forced to do forward rolls for all of the jujitsu world to witness. In addition, we got choked. Don't worry about us, though...we won't have to stick our fingers down behind someone's breastbone until Wednesday. We'll be fine. And now, perhaps, we can attack fluffy-hair-boy when he least expects it. Or maybe not.


Monday, August 29, 2005


Me: You should steal his cup
Zahra: What cup?
Me: His thingie-ma-bobbie cup
Zahra: Oh! How would you do that without him knowing?
Julie: I'm not touchin' it!


Friday, August 26, 2005


Valene & I went to Target tonight, where we shopped without our mommies. It was scary. Valene has a very cute way of asking for assistance. Quite simply, she stands in the middle of an aisle & shouts her question. I couldn't help but laugh.

Since my recent gift from the UTD Bookstore (a men's Schick QUATTRO razor) and my discovery that I am in love with the men's Schick QUATTRO razor, I have not used anything else. Tonight, I bought blades for my new Schick QUATTRO razor. I feel so silly buying men's razor blades. And the actual razor part of the Schick QUATTRO razor is very heavy. Schick QUATTRO razors are great...every girl should have one. I have said Schick QUATTRO 5 times so far. Now that's 6.

Earlier, I was home alone in my pj's, when there came a knocking on the door. I ran to get my robe, yelling "Coming!!" loudly. I then heard the doorknob jiggling, and when I reached the door, I had to jump back because the door was thrust violently open. The intruders marched in. Actually, they weren't "intruders", but repair men for our dead fridge. I was, however, quite disturbed by their haughty invasion of my apartment.

But they gave Mr. Fridge a fan-transplant, and now all is good as new. Thank you, mister marching-in mechanics.


Our freezer & fridge are not performing well. They may be sick. Unfortunately, we may be as well, if we eat some of the stuff that's been hanging out in there.


Ima Bum

After my last class today, my schedule of events followed this slacker-ish pattern:
- came home
- practiced violin
- watched Opera..."He's just not that into you"
- practiced violin again
- watched Moulin Rouge
- got dressed in pink pajamas, made popcorn, & went to the Meteor Theater showing of Robin Hood: Men in Tights

Yesterday, I did so much highlighting in my text books, that I had to go to the bookstore and stand in line for 15 minutes to get another one...highlighter, not text book. I have plenty of those.

I remember there being something of measurable humor that I intended to blog about, but the thought now escapes my less-than-rested brain. I shall now succumb to the drowsiness that I have been attempting to keep at bay. You win, human physical need to sleep. You win.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005


WABB (Women Against Bad Boys) is in the living room interrogating one of my friends. I have been sent to my room & instructed to close my door. How embarassing.



Funny conversation...

Valene: I need a nap
Julie: I'll wake you up in 20 minutes
Valene: That's not a nap
Me: Yes it is...15-20 minutes is a power nap
Julie: *puts remote in Valene's hand*
Julie: When you reach the point where you're actually falling asleep, your muscles relax & the thud will wake you up
Valene: But...that's not a nap!!!

And Julie wanted me to explain that she is not's get what counts as a refreshing nap.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Last night, my roommates & I had some phone fun. The cable guy didn't hook up all of our TVs...just the one in the living room. And we, being non-techie girls, could not fix this problem. So I called the main guy, who said a bunch of stuff that I didn't understand. Last night, we called the installer-guy and asked him. Much laughing occured. Valene hung up, he hung up, Zahra hung up...about 4 phone calls actually took place...the last of which was ignored by the other party. We are simply staring at the box. It is keeping us nice company.

Today was hellish...I can't even talk about it. Maybe later. Goodnight.


Monday, August 22, 2005

Missed it

Zahra & I were supposed to go to the gym this morning at 7 am. But I overslept, and didn't wake up till 7:36. Urgh. So, I have to put off working out because I told my alarm (without my consent) "No, alarm, I shall not awaken to your hideous screams. I shall continue to doze just to spite you." Or something along those lines...probably lacking the thought that went into the previous statement. My towels aren't dry...that's why I'm typing away...because cleanliness is not now an option.


Saturday, August 20, 2005

Here, Fishy Fishy

Happy homecoming to Luke & Lorelai. They are my new fish. One is a boy & one is a girl.


Friday, August 19, 2005

Fire Fire!

The fire alarm in Zahra's bedroom just went off for the last 25 minutes. Details later...yeah...during daylight hours is good. *yawn* goodnight.


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Popping Pills

I just swallowed 4 Advil at the same time.


First Day

Julie, Zahra & I just woke up from a nap on the living room floor. We were in a triangle. So cute.

This was my first day of college. Here's how it has played out:
Humanities - I like the teacher. But the book for our first assignment isn't in at the bookstore yet. Grrr.
Rhetoric - Cancelled for today.
Government - Lasted 9 minutes. 250-something students. I have no idea what I think.
Geology - Really cool teacher. I think I'll love the class. Lasted 30 minutes.

I came home between each of my classes...never again shall I be able to do this on a Tuesday/Thursday, because my classes are back to back from 9:30 am to 3:15 pm.

Last night, Valene & her boyfriend came home, but were accompanied at the door by several drunk guys. They wanted to come in, claiming previous residence. Then they stole Valene's & Zahra's names off ouf our door. We found a piece of what appeared to be Zahra's on the sidewalk this morning. Much mourning resulted.

And we wrote a card to someone. They embellished a bit.

Zahra & Julie started a club during their hours at home today. It's called WABB - Women Against Bad Boyfriends. The club must approve all male visitors/boyfriends for the other roommates. Now that's dedication.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Zahra was reading me excerpts from "The Complete Handbook for College Women" & came across a section on eating disorders.
Me: *eats a peanut M&M*
Zahra: Accept & appreciate your body in its natural state
Me: *sits & thinks*
Me: *eats another M&M"

Zahra: Reward yourself for accomplishing tasks...
Zahra: ...For example, treat yourself to a night at the movies, a call to a friend, or a couple of your favorite jelly donuts
Zahra: "So then you can get fat & love your body in its natural state"


I need to stop going out at night. Last night I was ready to go to sleep at 9, but instead went midnight bowling. It was fun & I'm glad I went...but boy am I tired.

I picked up another book today...just 1 left! The book & I bonded on the way home. I will now never sell it back.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005


So ze finger...I went to the doctor...
It's hyperextended & in order to minimize scar tissue (which hinders mobility) I'm on 4 Advil 2 times a day for the next 2 weeks. And I have to keep the splint on it.

I'm very happy with the verdict.

In other news, we have designated a board in our apartment for messages. Right now there is a pamphlet on hemorroids & a coupon for plump chicken breasts.

And here, a little quote:
starrynight831: NO EFFING WAY?!?!?!
starrynight831: they were just screw around buddies

I spent another ton of money on books today.
* yesterday - $125.62
* today - $407.89

And tonight I'm going Midnight Bowling!


Monday, August 15, 2005


Here are pictures from:

* move-in day - including shopping guilt
* Comet Camp - lots of new cool buddies
* my finger - jammed/sprained/broken/unidentifiable life-long injury

I found a doctor 1.5 miles from here. I'm going tomorrow...hoping for good news!


The Finger

Comet Camp last Friday thru yesterday. Was ambitious & played basketball. Was clumsy & jammed finger. Taped it straight. Hurt like junk through Saturday. Never had a jam hurt for more than an hour. [Typing one-handed] Can't bend or straighten finger (left ring-finger). Joint is swolen & bluish purple...preeeeetty. Went to Health Center this morning. She said she can order x-ray in Garland or I can find another doc. Parentals are finding doctors. Huge splint...not like little blue ones from Wal-Mart...this one encompasses my entire hand. Julie says at least this way it looks like I have a traumatic story to tell. Indeed!


Thursday, August 11, 2005


There is a teeny-tiny beeping sound coming from somewhere in my apartment every 2.5 seconds. It is driving me to the brink of insanity. I want to find whatever it is and give it a good smashing.



I took another freezing cold shower last night. I've had two showers. Both hauntingly frigid. I even let the water run for 10 minutes before starting my shower. Nothing.

And the electrical outlets in my bathroom don't work. The ones in the other bathroom work, just not mine. Urgh.

I'm going to the leasing office to see about the necessity of these conditions.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Well, yesterday I moved into my apartment at UTD. Then I went to Wal-Mart, where I had probably the biggest shopping trip of my life. Better to get stuff in Dallas than to lug it from home in grocery bags, where my chocolate-covered cherry icecream would be melting to death. Julie and I spend quite some time attempting to hang my dry-erase/bulletin board on the wall, to no avail. It is now sitting in time-out on the floor behind my door. Then we ate dinner & watched "Anywhere But Here".

I have close to zero channels. I shall now go through the line-up:
- Spanish channels: 6
- shopping channels: 2
- fuzzy (probably porn) channels: 3
- channels that I can barely see: 3
- prayer channels: 1
- channels that I can watch: 6

Then today, I walked around campus quite a bit:
- went to the Student Union to get my comet card
- went to the Bookstore
- got lost
- got the mail (which is addressed to other people...)
- set up my network connections (thus the blog post) for Waterview & took an hour & a half

Now I'm sitting here wishing that more people had moved in yesterday. Oh well, I'll have plenty of time to socialize...for now, I'll enjoy my solitude!


Monday, August 08, 2005

In about 6 hours, I'm leaving the home that I have called home for the past 11 years, and the family which I have called family for the past 19 years. Actually, I'll still call this home my home and this family my family, but I will not see either on a daily or even weekly basis. This makes me sad. My mom keeps telling me that I'm taking more stuff than anyone else. I laugh in the face of taking more stuff than anyone else. That's what I say...hehe.

Today, I hung out with Jill & Veronica. Yesterday, Megan came over & we watched a movie. I'm sad that all of these little visits are "lasts" least for a while.

Anyway, 'tis time for me to go. I need to finish grabbing clothes from the closet & then get some sleep.



Josh & I made a little bet on Friday. I had just found new pink pants! Josh said that if I would wear all pink (including my pink pants), that he would wear white pants and a purple tie. It was lots of fun. We went to the teen meeting, and my phone rang. I think Cameron laughed.

And I might be going to do something REALLY crazy and nuts...


Diary of a...

Megan: You're bitter.
Me: I'm not bitter. I'm mad as hell.
Megan: You're not a mad black woman.

Today, Mom & I got some stuff together for me to take to school. I have TONS to finish tomorrow (today) before Tuesday (tomorrow).

So why is it that we say "today" even if its 1 in the morning and so logically, we mean "yesterday" even though we haven't slept, so really the logical thing to say is "today", but really we're so loopy due to it being 1 in the morning that anything that we consider "logical" is indeed, to any normal, rested person, quite crazy, and vice versa? I'm not sure if that was a simple question, or a complex analysis of the Midnight Mentality of the Passing of Days.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Veronica's Viewpoints

absolutveronica: that's RIDICULOUS
absolutveronica: abso-effing-lutely ridiculous
absolutveronica: and the only reason I didn't write in the full word is in respect to you

absolutveronica: I think it's better if you can do without a transition dude
absolutveronica: cos then I think you'd feel bad about it later
absolutveronica: cos you'd be kind of using him :-P
addicat123: hehe yeah true
absolutveronica: using him for MAD SEX


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Monkey in the Middle

absolutveronica: I don't ever really understand why you explain things as you do :-P
absolutveronica: you start in the middle,
absolutveronica: and then have to go back to the beginning and then go to the end
addicat123: hehe sorry
absolutveronica: it makes the tale more interesting


Our Contribution

Last night, I went with Mom, my aunt, and my cousin to a new sushi place. It was an eventful 2 hours, complete with spilled drinks & shocked expressions.

We ordered some "Craziest Roll" (I think), but asked for immitation crab instead of the real stuff. When they brought it out, Aunt Gina & Mom ate it, and my aunt said, "I think this is authentic." So we left it alone, and ordered more with immitation. We explained to the waiter that we don't eat crab, so if they couldn't make it with immitation, we didn't want any. They brought out more, and it looked the same. But, Emily & I reasoned that "we said we didn't want it if it were real" so we ate it. Read:
waiter: Is everything ok?
the 4 of us: *nodd* yeah it's great
waiter: Good, cause I didn't get to check it before they brought it out this time...
the 4 of us: (in unison) *look at each other, feeling instantaniously sick*
That's right. I think I ate crab.

We decided to decorate the plate in the entryway (where they put a sample meal) with our own contributions. Emily, Aunt Gina & I all grabbed a leftover piece of sushi. Mom grabbed the giant ball of wasabi. When the waiter came to our table, we were all holding our respective sacrifices. The sushi looked normal (we could have been eating it) but Mom quickly hid her wasabi gift under the table. When we left, we threw the gifts on the plate. Several minutes of laughter commenced outside.


Monday, August 01, 2005

White --> Red --> Brown --> White

I'm peeling like a badly burnt banana.


This is NOT what I do all day

Well, thanks to Jill's message, and due to my being alone all day, I decided to become social on Facebook. I have digressed (socially & personally) to the level of spending several hours looking browsing the 1191 UTD groups in search of my calling. Actually, I discovered that I have 30 callings. Behold, the groups I have joined:

05 Freshman Class at UTD
A Workout Group
A-'s should be a 4.0
Anorexic Girls are Not Hot!
Apostrophe Protection Society
Boy Meets World was the Greatest Show of My Generation
Class of 2009
College for Dummies
Compulsive Away Message Checkers
Compulsive Group Joiners
Evolution is Stoopid
Flip Flops Rock My World...All Year Round
Gilmore Girls Rox!!! (though I could do w/o the "x" and the extra "!!")
Guess Which Building on Campus they Keep the Lab Rats
Harold & Kumar Go to Whitecastle
Homestarrunner: Too Cool?
Houston is my Hometown
I Actually Read for Fun!
I am NOT John Stamos
I Believe You Have My Stapler
I Go to UTD and I'm Not a Computer Science Nerd
Love to Get Lost
My Cell Phone is an Appendage
Office Space
Oregon Trail was the Only Reason I Didn't Drop Out of Elementary School
Temoc Looks Like a Flaming Sperm
The I Go to UTD and I've Never Played Halo in my Life Group

Now I'm tired. Which is really pretty sad. What have I gotten myself into....
