Sunday, April 16, 2006


I'm sick & tired of some guys acting "nice" and then deciding to behave like the pushy, needy people they are. Not all guys, of course, but some. So in case anyone is reading this who hasn't gotten it through their head, MY PRIORITIES ARE HERE TO STAY SO GET USED TO IT OR LEAVE ME ALOOOOONE! And to all the girls out there, any worthwhile guy who claims to like you will appreciate that you have priorities and are not a needy whiney brat. They will love that you are devoted to things other than them. It is the kind of guy that, before you've even met (which I know was against my better judgement & the judgement of those who care about me) says, "well you SAID blah blah blah and NOW you're saying that your SCHEDule is BUSy blah blah blah..." I have one response for that: I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUUUUUUU! This is the kind of guy that girls marry & then get killed by out of their heinous jealousy. Stop expecting me to get off the phone with someone else to talk to you. I said we could meet cause I like to make new friends at school. THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE DATING! That doesn't mean you get to ask where I am all the time or what I was doing when you tried to call me. I am strong & smart, and I'm not going to cower to a guy to feel validated. I look forward to the time when I find a man with whom I can have a meaningful conversation, discuss religion and God, our families, and our aspirations. I hope to find that he who shares my beliefs, whom I can respect. ALL YOU'VE DONE IS SENT ME MESSAGES & TRIED TO GET ME TO MEET YOU OFF CAMPUS! NO! I'm busy! I'll make an exception & meet you (because I think it's rather creepy to meet people online without any other connection) in a public place on campus and play chess or pool. THAT'S IT! And STOP acting so annoyed and hurt that I'm busy. If we're going to be friends, you're going to have to learn that sometimes other things are going on that you have to work around. Julie's learned it! Zahra's learned it! Megan & Andrew & Josh have learned it! Even my Mom has learned it! And these people are very close to me! WE'RE NOT GOING TO BE DATING!
I've gone off completely...sorry to those who must read it. This person probably isn't even reading this post, and if he is, well, then this situation just got a lot creepier. Here's how I feel, for those who care. I am strong & independent. I'm not going to let a guy think he owns me. I do look forward to someday finding "the one" who genuinely cares, but doesn't try to be overly controling. Even in dating, you have to be your own person. One day I hope to get married, and that man will be one for whom I have deep respect & admiration. I'll be able to trust him and his judgement, and we will make decisions together. I will call him when I get somewhere, but not because I'm forced to. Until then, I'm sick & tired of the few stupid guys out there making me sick & tired. I know there are a lot of great ones.
NOW I need to write my term paper.

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