Tuesday, May 30, 2006


ilovemystery: i dont have class on mon
addicat123: whee!
addicat123: then you'll have the whooole day with me & i can meat the boyfriend
addicat123: oops...meet
addicat123: (freudian slip)

Catch the pun?!?!

I'm oh so funny...sometimes I crack myself up :)

addicat123: i look forward to meating him
ilovemysterymeat: lol
ilovemysterymeat: u did it again
addicat123: man, i guess i'll never learn ;-)
ilovemysterymeat: just dont beat him up

I find it strangely satisfying that someone feels the need to specify this :)

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Monday, May 29, 2006


I was on my way to the hospital this morning, and when I got to I-45 on 249, the intersection was flooded!! I called my dad to tell him I couldn't get on 45 and he told me another route to take. However, I got ambitious when I saw several trucks & SUVs braving the ocean, and called Dad back. His response: "Yes, but you don't try it! Their engines are much higher than yours!"

I've discovered that absolutely no stores have athletic pants that button up the sides. I hate fads because they by definition go away. Unfortunately for me, this reduction of popularity generally comes about 2 days before I find a practical use for said fad.

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Public Service Announcement

Flip flops are NOT the best all-weather footwear.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dissed by Daddy

I drove up to the house this evening, and was about to pull into my side of the driveway. Well, at least I've claimed it as mine. But instead, I found Dad parked right smack dab in the middle of the driveway. I had to park in the street :(
Me: *opens door to house*
Dad: *upstairs* Adriane?
Me: I dont think I've ever been dissed like that!
Dad: what?!
Me: You parked right in the middle of the driveway!!!
*some conversation goes on...I go upstairs*
I thought about parking behind you just to spite you :)
Dad: then how would I get out?
Me: you'd move my car
Dad: how many times have I parked in the street?
Me: but that was by choice
Dad: apparently so was this *chuckle*
Me: *walks out of room...determined voice* I'll be back
Dad: *big laugh* I thought that'd get a rise outta ya

Juliane is in Arkansas
Cameron is spending the night with friends
Dad is spending the night at the hospital
Adriane is spending the night all alone :(


Friday, May 26, 2006

Sleeping at ze Hospital

I was off work yesterday, so I spent the day & last night at the hospital. I absolutely love TIRR. Mom has a private room, her nurses are consistent (same each day, 8-hour shifts), her nurses seem to actually care about people (as opposed to some being rather vindictive-ish), and the atmosphere is much more conducive to a peaceful recovery (rather than sounding like the beginning of Saving Private Ryan, which, by the way, I've never seen).

As previously discussed, I'm a complete non-fan of needles. Not only do they hurt like nothing else, but the sight of them (esp going into someone) makes me very dizzy. However, as I decided at Scott & White, if Mom can handle being in the hospital & getting poked & prodded constantly, I can handle holding her hand while they're taking blood from her finger. I mean, seriously...I need to suck it up & quit being a baby. So last night, I held her hand and watched as the nurse put in her IV. I've never done that before. Then her friend Christine came, and though Mom was asleep most of the time, Christine & I had a really nice visit.

There's a love seat sofa in the room that pulls out into a twin bed. I slept there all night, but they were taking her vitals every 2 hours so I got up a lot. Also, there were a few times she got aggitated, but in general she seemed to sleep peacefully.

This morning on the way home I finally got the wrist weights that I need for kickboxing. I've come to understand that kickboxing for an hour is much harder when you add 2 pounds. Laugh not...that's what they told me to use.

Well Zahra was supposed to Xanga this part so I could then be lazy & steal it from her, but now it seems as though I'm going to have to take on a temporary facade of self-sufficience.
Me: *in car after clocking in at work...calling Zahra* I just wanted to let you know that I'm totally talking on the phone at work
Zahra: *audibly shocked* What?! You're such a rebel!
Me: *explains that I'm actually in the car b/c I was asked to go pick up cake supplies*
Zahra: I'm so xanga-ing that!

When I got back, I noticed that the new icecream shipment had not been organized yet in the walk-in freezer. So, I started doing it. The owner told me I could turn off the fan, so I did (and I wore some jacket thing & my SHORTS). The highest temperature reached was 16-17*. It was freeeezing, especially when we consider that I'm cold-natured anyway. I timed it...58 minutes inside that thing, minus the 30 seconds or so that it took for me to get a sharpie from The Outside (aka normal people living environment with generally life-sustaining temperatures). After that hour, I washed my hands (boxes can be sticky) with COLD water & it felt hot. Yeah...it was cold in there.

I was afraid of getting locked in (by a malfunctioning electrical freezer issue or a maliciously funny co-worker) but was reassured that it can only be locked from the inside. Still, just to be safe, I keep my phone in my pocket just in case something "goes wrong" and I have to call 911.

Driving home, I looked down & saw that my "check engine" light had come on. I was so shocked that I ran a red light :( This is the first time I've ever run a red light.

Then I got home & did kickboxing & jogging. Now I'm really tired of doing stuff.

Has anyone noticed the quality of my posts slowly dying beneath our very eyes? I don't mean the content of the topics, but rather my less-than-clever presentation of them. I mean, think back to previous posts...those that weren't simply a listing of my day's activities. For the sake of being Hollywood-ish, let's reminisce, shall we?
Cinderella Man & the Guy who Wished to be Gay (Cinderella Man movie)
She'll be Coming Around the Mountain (ha! clever title, I do believe...Tetons)
Our Contribution (practical jokes over sushi)
Veronica's Viewpoints (on having a "transition guy" aka rebound)
Beeeeeeep! (short & sweet...smoke alarm)
And now I'm boring myself again...so just 1 more
Ding! (a post I'm VERY proud of, regarding The LSAT Timer)

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Monday, May 22, 2006


I've just realized that I tend to use the word/crazy sound effect "whee!" in much of my blogging and speaking. As you might be able to deduce, I heart "whee!"

I miss my Julie & Zahra...Behold, a convo with Zahra:
PRZNchika87: julie says she's never going to see you again
PRZNchika87: because she's joining a cult that lives in the woods
PRZNchika87:and she forfeits all worldly possessions.
addicat123: ha! we shall see how long THIS lasts!
PRZNchika87: ahahaha
addicat123: Miss "I need my perfectly fitted pillow to fit behind my perfectly created and fragile back in my perfectly constructed study nook in my brightly colored bed in order to be productive in the slightest"
PRZNchika87: hahahahahaha
PRZNchika87: LOL!!!!!
PRZNchika87: i am soooooooooooo xanga-ing that
addicat123: whee!
PRZNchika87:so what else my dearest adriane?
PRZNchika87: julie's sad that you think she's fragile
addicat123: she's totally not fragile...i just put that in to...err...project my own inadequacies upon her mighty image
addicat123: :-P
PRZNchika87: oh adrianeeeeee
PRZNchika87: julie <3's you as do i

I have to get my wisdom teeth cut out (yes, not pulled) this summer. One of them is already coming in, which according to the dentist, is what we call a bad thing. Megan just had her's cut out, and said it wasn't too bad...she was using the time off to clean. Perhaps I'll be so lucky...then again, my disdain for medical practices involving a needle in general will probably lead me to dream up some sort of pain, even if none actually exists. I must go to a surgeon that puts in the IV after I've been druged with a mask, and then removes the IV before I'm conscious. Otherwise, they'll have a crazy girl on their hands, which I don't believe anyone wants to see. Ah, think back to those finger-prick tests at the age of 16, when Mommy told me to stop screaming because I was scaring the children...Doctors hate me. Nurses hate me more. But not as much as I hate needles. And that's all I have to say about that.

Luke & Lorelai seem to have survived the trip from Dallas to Houston. I am quite proud of their heroic bravery. I still want beta babies :D ...Zahra, will you do some calling to pet stores again & find out how to make Luke quit ignoring his wife?

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Grievances with my Job

I am taking this opportunity to list all the things that have happened to make me hate my job. I shant elaborate. I'm too tired. Goodnight.

Grievance #1 - Snobby Girls - They're younger than I. While I'm totally cool with having a more experienced high school student show me the ropes & even be "in charge," I certainly don't appreciate blatant snobbishness. (Update: Only 1 has been found guilty of snobery, lest anyone deem my judgement too harsh.)

Grievance #2 - Crazy Hours - Last night, after driving 250 miles home from Dallas, I was to work from 6:30-10:30. PM. This was not scheduled to flop over into the wee morning hours during which I generally like to sleep. In fact, we close at 9:30, so this even included an hour for the closing process. Especially since there were 4 of us (compared to the normal 2) closing, this should not have been a problem in ze least. But apparently, my luck dictates that my first time closing should be on the night before the annual corporate inspection. Or something. We pulled out refrigerators. We scrubbed walls. We scrubbed around the little metal holes in the counters where you put things. We swept, scrubbed, and mopped the floors. We dusted lamps hanging from the ceiling (the lamps, not us). Behold a funny convo:
Co-worker #1 - so did manager tell us to scrub the floors?
Shift Leader - no, owner did.
Co-worker #1 - what did he say?
Shift Leader - Owner told me to tell Co-worker #2 to scrub the floors
Me & Co-worker #1 - sigh of relief & then quiet laughter
Co-worker #2 - *puts head down on counter*
We finally got out of there just before 12:30. AM. That's a 4-hour shift turned into 6 hours. And I almost fell asleep twice on the way home. Poo. In fairness, I'm told it's not usually like this.

Grievance #3 - I was to open this morning, and my shift began at 10am. I left Mom crying at the hospital so I would be at work on time. When I got there, no shift leader could be found. After 15 minutes of sitting there & occasionally checking doors to make sure they hadn't been reeeeally early, I called my dad who gave me the phone number of the other location. I called there & got the owner's phone number & the code to the door. I still couldn't get the code to work, so I called the owner...then the shift leader arrived at 10:30. Apparently, it looked as though I had also just arrived.

Ok, so those are the grievances. Somehow, they seem less daunting than when they occured. My hope is that this is due mostly to my newness to the situation, though I've generally loved my previous jobs during the first week. As my disclaimer, rest assured that I'm sure that each of my coworkers is indeed very nice, and I just have not yet opened up enough to see it. After all, I hold to my previous resolution that there is something good and unique to be found in every person, and that I can in some way learn from them.

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Ok, now I feel bad for saying that I hate my job. I don't hate it. Yes, it made me almost cry yesterday (or in the wee hours of this morning), but I don't hate it. Sometimes I hate it. But I trust that this, too, shall pass.

End of Retraction

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Singing Veggies

Julie & I were in the kitchen. Julie began to sing, to the tune of the Veggie Tales Silly Song with Larry "Oh Where is My Hairbrush"

Julie: Oh where is my cell phone? Oh where is my cell phone? Oh where oh where oh where
oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh wheeeeeeere...is my cell phone?
Me: *walks into bathroom*
Julie: Oh where is my roommate? Oh where is my roommate? *follows me to bathroom*
Me: *smirk*
Julie: *grabs my hair* No hair for my roommate! No hair for my roommate!...


Like a little girl again :)

I went to QuikTrip on the way to church and was blatantly hit on by a guy there. He held the door when I went inside, and when I came out he was waiting by my car. He smoked. 'Nuff said.

Then I found out that
Ohio (where QuikTrip is) turns into Hillcrest (the road I take to church). I was, needless to say, quite happy. Yay, QuikTrip!

After church, I was looking for Mardel & found an estate sale instead. I like estate sales, because most of the people who die & actually have estates to sell are old. And I like old people. And they often have interesting stuff.

I couldn't find it, though, so I stopped at the intersection of Spring Valley & Coit to ask how to get to Mardel. I think I was in the "bad" part of town...or at least the bad intersection in town. People were creepy. I left quickly.

Tonight I went to Target looking for new pajamas (Julie wants me to get rid of my aged cheeky monkey ones) and jogging suits for Mom's physical therapy & rehab. I didn't find jogging suits I liked, but I did get some pajamas from the little girls' section :D They're pink :D

I discovered an invitation to my cousin's wedding last night. Apparently it's been sitting on the counter in my apartment for a couple of weeks. It's on my birthday. I need to mail the response on Monday. It's addressed to "Adriane & Escort" and Julie offered to be my escort :P

I'm taking home the rest of my stuff tomorrow. Joy...more packing. (Catch the sarcasm?)

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Whee Dallas Trip!

Though I originally hoped to leave at 4:30 Friday morning, I didn't really leave until about 8:30. Sleep = important! I filled up with gas and, as per Dad's request, stopped every hour-ish. The trip was peaceful, and by the time I hit Huntsville (about an hour) I had run out of coffee and tired of the whole putting-your-foot-on-the-gas thing (those 2 things are not related). Thanks, Dad, for exposing me to the beauty that is cruise control :)

I had been doing quite well and was confident in my innate ability to navigate from Houston to Dallas. Perhaps I became too sure of myself, because while on the phone with Dad I suddenly realized that I was no longer on I-45. No sir, I was headed to Ft Worth!
Me: blah blah blah wait! Dad I'm on I-20 headed to Ft Worth!
Dad: *patronizingly* I dont think you want to do that
Me: well it's either that or Shreveport!
It's ok. Thanks to said navigating instincts (ha, right) I found my way home.

When I arrived at the apartment, Zahra was here to greet me. Julie was out with a boy, much to my disapproval. Julie, darling, no dating. You're married, remember? Zahra & I considered 2 restaurants for dinner (Cabbi-somthing's and Maggiano's). As you can probably tell from my inability tor recal the first, we chose Maggiano's "Little Italy" (so cute!) Zahra called & made reservations...the only time available was 5:45!!! I insisted that she make the reservation for "Jasmine" (her princess). Then we went to QuikTrip (whee!!) and my slushie gave me a tummy ache. Julie got home & we weren't here. When we did arrive, she was in the bathroom so we did a really crummy job of hiding between her dresser & closet.
Julie: *coming out of bathroom* Zahra? Adriane?
Zahra & Me: *silence + quiet giggling*
Julie: *goes into living room & starts singing*
We decided she didn't care about us! (jk Julie)

I was not a vivacious enough driver, so we were about 15 minutes late for our reservation. We got virgin Miami vices with lots of cherries (we told Guam, our name for all waiters, that we needed them to be very pretty & worthy of our picture-taking). Zahra ordered the marlin (or as Julie says, maaaaahlin) and it was tiny. False advertising on Guam's part. Julie & I both got the chicken & spinach manicotti and it was huge. However, we both noted with a sad sigh the absence of vegatables.

Due to our forced early reservation, we were finished with dinner before it even started to get dark. But this gave us an opportunity to do what we do best when we venture out of our apartment - PICTURES!!!! The outdoor architecture & landscaping was beautiful. Oh, and my dress kept trying ot fly up...once it actually did! And we pretended to be the valets while they were gone. Then Julie sneaked a not-so-subtle picture of them upon their return.

Yesterday, Julie & I went to see She's The Man at the dollar theater. Great movie! Cheesy, but hilarious. We stopped at Sonic to get drinks first, and Julie put them in her purse :) After the movie, we walked out of the theater & I smoothly put my cup in the trash can. Julie, however, continued sipping from her's as we walked through the halls, proudly (but unconsciously) sporting the huge Sonic logo.
Me: *whispering* Julie! Your cup says Sonic really big!
Julie: *jolt! looks around! puts cup down around her knees!*
Me: *uncontrolable laughter that catches the attention of our fellow movie-goers*

So, I would like to publicly proclaim:
Happy Birthday Zahra!!!

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Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm about to go to Dallas

...for Zahra's birthday (which was really on Tuesday).

I should be sleeping. I need to leave in 4 hours.

Instead, I'm chatting on AIM & reading Zahra's & Julie's facebook profiles. I have found this part of Zahra's profile very funny for about a week now:
Activities: Not Applicable
Interests: broad shoulders and biceps, abs, pretty hair, pretty hair boys, pretty hair boys with abs, pretty hair boys with abs and broad shoulders and biceps. Ok, I'm done with that one. But seriously, I like them. A lot. No, I am not shallow.

Oh, I've decided to hate my job. Just wanted to give everyone the heads up on that.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006


I know. I'm lame. I've fallen to a level that I hate. I'm sorry.

Ok...so I've gotta get the layered bob.

Your Ideal Hairstyle:

Layered Bob

But apparently, I don't have to change my eye color.

Your Inner Eye Color Is Brown

You're smart, thoughtful, and the ideal woman for most men
You are kind and easy to trust. Men open up to you like no one else.
It's this inner warmness that attracts guys - and makes you an instant soulmate.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Adriane's Laws of Driving

After a close run-in with another potential death-inducing event today, I feel justified in proclaiming my Laws of Driving (henceforth called "The Laws") to the blog-literate community of which I am a part. First, I shall explain the near-death experience which led to this list's formation.

Imagine two very busy roads (we'll call them Road A and Road B, for simplicity), forming an even busier intersection. Also consider the fact that it was at this intersection that my family had a wreck when I was 16, leading to emotional distress for me & my not wanting to drive until I was an aged teen.

So I'm turning left from Road A onto Road B, and I have a green arrow. Three cars are in front of me. Car #1 goes through. The arrow is still green. The other two go enter the intersection, as do I. However, before Car #2 can get all the way through, a group of high school students (who had apparently had a large percentage of their brain function impared due to absorbing all of the smog for which America is noted, as they seemed to enjoy being outside in the middle of the street) started crossing. Slowly. Leaving me IN the intersection when the light turned red. What t'was I to do??? I started to go through, as I was sortof stuck in the previously-established-as-very-busy intersection, but then I realized that I was about to be pummeled by oncoming traffic. So I backed up. Yeah. I felt stoooopid.

Really, I should blame myself, as going on the red light probably wasn't the most intelligent option in that situation. However, I've decided to blame those pedestrians.

I just deleted about 3 of my Laws. I decided that was stupid. Goodnight!

Today's Random Fact: Conformity is for suckers. I try to be a non-sucker. Ergo, I try to be a non-conformist.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sick Again

'Nuff said.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Training Day

I had training at Ben & Jerry's from 4-7:30pm. There were 3 other new-hires, and they all seem really nice! I'm quite excited...hope it'll be a fun job.

It turns out that the "diagnosis" is Influenza B. I don't actually "know" that, but I have the same thing as my siblings, who went to the doctor this morning. He said it's not contageous unless you have a fever (which I don't anymore) so I was ok going to training. However, I'm really congested & miserable due to that...much better than being totally achey though :)

Cameron & I were leaving the McDonald's RedBox:
Cameron: I test-drove one car which, if you closed the door before turning it on, it wouldn't let you open the door again untill the key was removed from the ignition.
Me: What's the purpose of that?
Cameron: I dunno...maybe so you don't accidentally fall out of the car while you're driving.

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Ze Cure

I didn't have a fever at all yesterday, until I woke up at 10:30pm. Then I had 101.6!!! So, I immediately began thinking of things to do to stop this uncontroled ascent in my temperature:
- turn the fan on high, even though I was freezing
- take giant Advil...I've never taken those long pills before :)
- eat tons of freezy-pops (you know...those 8" things that you stick in the freezer & then cut open?)
At 12:30 it was down to 100.8, and as of 7am, it was 2 degrees below normal!!

I got my training manual for work. It's 59 pages. I'm on page 12 or something. Eck.

I'm supposed to go to Dallas on Thursday...let's keep praying that I won't be taken hostage & forced to work.

I forgot to mention yesterday that Mom had an excellent night on Saturday night. She was calm & somewhat oriented. Also, she knew my name! She told us that we looked very nice (we had come from church). We asked if we could take her picture, and she said, "Sure. You can take pictures anytime you want." Then she actually smiled for the pictures! And, they took out her tracheostomy tube while we were there! It was soo very encouraging. Of course, yesterday wasn't the best for her & she almost got out of her bed, but occasional days of encouragement are always nice.

I had decided to forget about trying to find a "good time" for a summer class, and to just take a 3-week Distance Learning class. The 3-week term starts today. But then I checked online, and there ARE NO 3-week Distance Learning classes! What, do they think I'm so dumb as to be unable to complete a class on my own in 3 weeks, whereas the mere presence of a tenured geezer prancing across the room will give me the inspiration I need to pass their mediocre standards?

Today's Random Fact: I have medicine-phobia. Not really, but I don't like taking asprin or giant pills. Asprin is not recommended for people under 12...and the way I see it, if it's bad for them it's bad for me. Giant pills could get stuck in my throat. My dad offered to get me children's Sudafed last night, but I took that giant Advil instead :)

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

This has been a craptastic day. First of all, I'm sick. I have a sore throat & I'm achey like you can't imagine. I would go to the hospital anyway (it is Mother's Day, after all, and I haven't missed a day yet of seeing Mom) but I got these symptoms from my siblings. Ergo, contagious.

And I have training for my new job tomorrow at 4pm. I've decided to be better by then. On a happier note, I have spent the whole afternoon watching the Gilmore Girls marathon and eating mac & cheese. It was horrible mac & chesse...too the mac to cheese ratio was horribly low, and I ended up sitting in front of the tv with my giant bowl, watching Gilmore Girls, and scraping Velveta off of the noodles with my fingers.

Here's a funny commercial that I've seen about seven times today:
*cue serenading violin music*
Narrator: It's the classic tale...of a boy...and his dog...
*cue drums & rock music*
Narrator: ...who knows...karate...
*jam jam jam*
Narrator: Karate Dog...only on ABC Family

I sink I'm going to go get in bed & sleep. It's raining (priiiime sleeping conditions) and I'm ill (also, priiiime sleeping conditions) so I'll be going.

I also have a neck ache.

And an ear ache.

And a head ache.

And I'm dizzy.

And I'm nauseous.

Not to MENTION the horrible sore throat, which introduced all of these ailments to my body.

Oh! I made Dean's List! Whee!

Ok, now back to being grumpy.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Jobby Job Job

So, I got a job today. I printed tons of resumes & cover letters before I left home, and filled out applications for the places I could find online. As it turns out, I ended up not even applying at most of the placed I had initially planned. Instead, I just applied at RJ Goodies, the Starbucks in Barnes & Noble, and Ben & Jerry's.

I got the job at Ben & Jerry's, and I'll start Monday I believe. I hope that it'll be good...should be, as I will get to set my own hours, and the owner seemed fine with my not working Friday night/Saturday (as long as I work on Sunday). I'm excited about it because the environment seems really friendly and cheerful...like bright colors everywhere and a general cow theme :) When I sat down for my interview, the first thing the owner said was, "you can play the violin?" He seemed impressed :P Supposedly, the schedule is done yourself online, and you select the number of hours you want & your shift preference.

Now I just need to figure out when to take a summer class...

And where (Tomball? Willowchase?)

And after a little run-in with what I like to call a "traffic jam" I know that I don't want to take a class at Tomball at 6pm. I couldn't even get off the freeway!!! Yes, we're not doing that. I'm leaning toward Willowchase...the only downside is that I don't think they have a gym on-site. Poo.

I bought a little pink pig muchi pillow today. I got Mom a fish yesterday (cause it was the most colorful) & decided I loved the pig too :)

Yesterday something out of the ordinary happened...I had to serve as a witness for a legal action at the hospital. Hmm.

Time to go do...something. Piano? Movie? Sleeeeep?

Today's Random Fact: I love to wear earrings that match my shirt. Or at least coordinate well with it. Yeah, I love my earring collection :)

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Orchestra Revisited

I went to the Klein Orchestra concert tonight. It was awesome...even though Klein has become somewhat ghetto/slackerish, the performance was awesome. Chamber (whee!) played a Finzi piece (whom Jennifer has stated that she hates lol). The combined Symphony played pieces by Shostakovich, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Tchaikovsky (The 1812). Of course, the other 2 orchs played things too. The "finale" was Phantom of the Opera. It was great, but the lighting was cheesy. Jill said that she was sure the Phantom himself was actually "in" the Centrum!

Jill, Brit, Katie Z, Amanda & I went to IHOP after the concert. Jennifer was a pooper & skipped out, using an early work day as her lame excuse. Ha!

Speaking of which, I'm using tomorrow to apply for lots & lots of jobs. I don't mean that I'm going to actually work at lots & lots of jobs. In fact, I think one will suffice. But I'm applying everywhere.

So, I sink it's about time for bed. I should probably try to look nice tomorrow. Tonight was the first time I've straightened my hair in 2 weeks. I've worn it curly every day except yesterday, when I went full-fledged lazy & put my wet hair in a ponytail. Yes, I am a college bum. Actually, I'm worse than a college bum...I'm a college bum home on break. Yeah, this is the life... Eventually, reality will set in, and I will be a college bum home on break who is working & taking summer classes against her will. Thaaaat should be interesting.

Today's Random Fact: I've realized tonight that I've been asking everyone (in orchestra) if I could transfer to their schools. Everyone has a better orchestra than UTD. Everyone has also given me permission to transfer. Don't worry, UTD friends...I'm not leaving. I love it there...but...orchestra...:( Me = very sad about this situation, and I look forward to its timely fix (aka find private teacher or a community orchestra).

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Xanga is Down?!?!?!

What kind of world IS this, where I can't go, on a whim, to Zahra's xanga & learn about her life, the life I've recently left behind to journey southward, the life to which I shall once again return?!!?

WAIT!!! I just actually read the message that comes up when I attempt to locate Zahra's xanga...xanga.com is moving?!?!?!?!!?!

Behold the message:

Xanga will be down today from 7am - 2pm EST, what in the world does EST mean to me when I live in CST? as we move our servers to a new network facility (we ran out of room in our old one). You ran out of room?? We're loading a few hundred servers onto a truck, driving them across the Hudson River, and reassembling them in New Jersey. somehow I doubt that's what you're doing...but ok, I'll humor you. We'll get the site up and running again as soon as we can.
Thanks for your patience,
I don't have patience, but thanks for the positive implication.
The Xanga Team
Time for team pictures!

[emphasis added throughout...you can tell my thoughts from theirs by the obnoxious reddish hue of my rantings :)]

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Bad Kitty

Not really. I love him.

My cat (Oreo) has a nasty little habit of coming into the garage, then letting me shut it. But when it is about 4 inches off the ground, 1/3 second from being closed, he sticks his paw under it, setting off the sensors, and making it re-open for his grand exit. He's so spoiled.


Roaches = Yuck .

Just in case anyone was wondering, The Family Stone is of minor quality. It wa less than entertaining, and while I kept hoping for something interesting and non-cliche to occur, it didn't. And at the same time, I also just wanted it to go ahead and die. Ok, I'll say it - it stinks.

There is my review for the day.

Last week, Cameron had 4 AP tests. On the day of his APUSH exam, he was studying in the car on the way to school, and we had quite a chortle. Apparently, some of the people in his class (which collectively put together an AP test review) are either lacking in confidence about the rest of the class' intelligence, or severely simple-minded themselves. Behold:
- Patriot - someone who doesn't like Brittain
- Ammunition - bullets
The list continued, I'm sure.

I went jogging in the park with Megan & her doggies on Tuesday. It was great...especially the part where I learned that Megan is transferring to UTD!!! Whee! Hopefully we'll take Biological Basis OH&D together. (I know that was a sentence adverb, and that technically we won't take the class in a hopeful manner...but ya know.)

On a slightly more rodential (I made up that word!) note, since the Infamous Roach Sighting of 2006, roaches have been lining up to terrorize me. The first subsequent event took place last night, as I was watching Fun With Dick & Jane with Dad & Cameron. The pest scurried across the floor right in front of meee over to the wall unit, pursued by my cat. It remained hidden for about 15 minutes (during which I insisted upon leaving the light on & trading places with my dad) but then it came out of hiding to be killed.

The second copy-cat event happened this morning. I was stepping out the door, and on the door mat lay a [dead] roach. I put "dead" in brackets, because I had no idea. All I knew was that I already had inertia propelling me toward said pest, and had I not had roaches on my mind already, my bare foot would have made unpleasant contact with it.

So I'm sending out an alert. I've decided to hate Texas, and especially Houston, as both are natural roach habitats. Argh.

Today's Random Fact: I hate roaches. No, I'm just kidding. I mean, I do hate roaches, but that's not my random fact. Ok, for real now. When I read profiles (AIM, Facebook, Yacog...) I actually read them. Then when I talk to the people (if I ever talk to them) I reference things on their profile. I don't know if this means I'm observant, or if I just have too boring a life, but there ya go.

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gone Roach-Watchin'

(like, gone fishin'...get it? :) )

Last night on the way home from the hospital, I stopped at a Red Box to get a movie. The first time, it messed up so I tried again. Then it messed up again! I was thinking, "there is no WAY my credit card was declined...it's a debit!" So, I sat in the car with Dad while the people behind me tried...it rejected them too. So yeah, the machine = messed up.

I went to bed & turned on Everwood. Once the light is off, you can see things outside the window better (b/c it's dark outside). Anyway, through the blinds I saw a GIANT bug...I called my dad upstairs & he looked at it. Then he told my brother to come look at it. Rather than actually DO anything about it, they both just marveled at the sheer size of the roach. They promised that it was outside the window & that it couldn't get in. Still, I fell asleep with the light on so I could check throughout the night. Every time I woke up (which was pretty often) my first thought was "where's the roach" and all night I slept facing away from the window so as to keep such awful pictures out of my dreams. At some point, someone came in and turned off my light.

Anyway, I'm bigger than that roach, so he should really be afraid of me. I'm waiting for Zahra to challenge him..."you wanna FIGHTTTT me?!?"


Monday, May 08, 2006

Dress Shopping

Yes, I went dress shopping today. I bought a dress that I love, but there was a black one absolutely LOVED as well (but it did not fit the occasion for which I was shopping. Alone.)

Though I was all alone in reality, Zahra was with me, compliments of modern technology aka cell phones. Thanks Zahra, you're a pal :)

The dress I bought for JAZ Summer Birthdays!!!

The dress I fell in love with, which would be perfecto for recitals...hmm...

In other news, boy's often annoy us. Behold, the convo between Zahra & me:

PRZNchika87 (4:15:07 PM): i liked it when you told him he was pissing you off.
(4:16:02 PM)
: i'll refer boys to you when they're pissing me off.
addicat123 (4:16:39 PM): and i will very much accept their referrals
PRZNchika87 (4:16:50 PM): i shall send in their files shortly

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Haaaaail No!

(Get the pun?!)

Thursday afternoon, I went to pick my sister up from school. As I was leaving, I thought to myself, "wow, how I dread getting out in this miserable yet harmless rain." Boy was I wrong - Miserable, maybe. Harmless, hardly.

Said rain proceeded to become a terrifying thunder storm. You know how the amount of time after a lightning strike that the thunder is heard correlates to the distance? Well, what about when you actually hear the thunder at the same time that you are jolted by its terrifying appearance right in front of you on Spring Cypress. Yes, this makes for a less-than-pleasant trip.

Not to mention the humongous hail that continues to pelt you for about 45 minutes while you wait in the car-pool line. And the 6 inches of rain. And the spouting man holes. And the fact that when you call your dad & your roommate to tell them that you're in the process of dying, you can't even hear them. And the Winter Wonderland that takes over the parking lot due to the seemingly total hail-coverage. And realizing that the reason you haven't moved an inch in 10 minutes is that the 3 cars in front of you have PARKED, blocking your movement. And getting OUT of the car and running through the 6 inches of water to go inside to find your sister, but losing a flip-flop on the way & having to turn around to get it. And once you finally get her & get out of the line, going through 8 inches of water that come up very very far, making you really glad that you have 16" tires, and screaming for the people in front of you to keep going so that you don't stall or whatever that word is. And having to turn around before you get to Champion Forest because apparently that street is too flooded for those soccer moms in SUV's to wade through. And realizing that you have hail damage. And confirming that you are, indeed, the unluckiest person ever, and that everyone is out to get you, and that misery seeks you out. Ok, so maybe that's not true, but sometimes you feel like it...

My "check engine" light came on yesterday. I took it to a place that has a computer that you hook up to it and it gives you some kind of code. I asked the guy at the counter, and he gave me a weird look & said, "I don't do it myself." I assume that he sensed my incompetence, because even after I said, "Just tell me what to do & I'll do it" he did it anyway. Cylinder misfire. Or something. Who knows...

On a more serious note, the lady in the bed next to Mom passed away yesterday. We had become friendly with her mom. The lady was about Mom's age, and had been fighting cancer for a long time. It was really saddening because, even though I didn't know her & people often die in hospitals, I've never been there when someone has died. Dad & I were there but had to leave the ICU because there was a "code blue" (very bad). We were there while the family was making decisions and everything. And even though I wasn't in the room, I was still...there.

Anyway, I think that's all I wanted to say. Goodnight, everyone. Sleep well.

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Thursday, May 04, 2006


I feel like a big pile of...well, a word that I don't want to say.

How can anyone be this hypocritical & low?


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Apparently it's National Stupidity Day

I parked behind someone. It was ok, because there were two spots (count them, two)...one for the previous person & one for me.

Then an idiot comes & parks behind me, blocking me in. I was majorly peeved. My dad had to come remedy the situation.

I'm just in a generally bad mood. I need a cry movie. But I don't have a cry movie. So instead, I'm just going to have to stay in a generally bad mood & continue needing a cry movie, the lack of which will serve not to get me out of my bad mood, but to drown me all the more in it. So expect this bad mood for a while...

And I guess I'm just adding to the collective stupidity by expecting (hoping?) for anything to go in a positive fashion. And I'm so unbelievably SICK of people so "kindly" telling me about how "I'm sure it'll all be ok." Oh, you're sure, are you? Why don't you enlighten me in that area, as I seem to be lacking such levels of certainty. Wait a second...that's right...YOU DON'T KNOW CRAP! So put a sock in the "oh, I'm sure..." business. To get philosophical, a good friend once said "When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it." The same applies to annoying the heck out of me by flaunting your superior magic-ball-reading skills, which I am apparently without, considering my inability to comprehend your genius. If you have something intelligent to say, say it. If all you can think of are superficial greeting card cliches, I don't want to hear it. I know that people "mean well" but if you think about it, you're really saying these "sympathetic" phrases for your benefit, not mine.

And now I've just deleted a whole paragraph that I had typed right here, because I'm tired and I'm ready to go to bed. This summer is turning out to be more stressful than semesters, and what's really crappy is that the only people for me to talk to about it are already dealing with it themselves. How disheartening to feel like it's not fair weather.

Disclaimer: I'm probably over-dramatizing. I'm good at that. Goodnight.

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Whee, Grades!

All of my grades for the semester were posted on SIS this morning:
Literary Analysis - A+
Linguistics - A+
Genetics - A
Gender Studies - A
Government - A

How I got an A in Gender Studies after that Unspoken Paper Grade of two-o-o-six (lol...inside joke) is beyond me. And how I got an A+ in Lit Analysis after having so many absenses from my time in Temple and after puking up that paper last week is even farther beyond me. However, I am not one to complain of such things.

I need to go dress shopping. Julie (as per the previous post...a-hah! alliteration! Again!) already got one. She says she can wear it anywhere if she wears my black cover up (as her dress is a halter). This is true. However, she will not be wearing said cover up to our birthday dinners. That's where I draw ze line!

I was yelled at by a lady this morning. I was dropping Cameron off at school, and the car in front of me in the line PARKED. That didn't bother me...she had to walk her handicapped daughter inside...these things happen. I tried to go around but I was too close & cars kept coming in the other lane. "Oh well," said I. "I'll just sit here calmly & listen to my Christian musica." Apparently the lady behind me didn't have any such idea. Instead, she promptly honked (Several times. Quite loudly. Quite rudely, actually.), flailed her arms in contempt, and made an angry face mouthing "gooooooo." I put my hands up like, "you go ahead!"

Really what I was thinking was, "Ok. If the exhaust fumes have not yet compromised your ability to think rationally and to use basic motor skills to turn, then we can figure this out quite quickly. Why don't you go around me, as you have more room than I and you're the one that gives a crap in the first place! And how dare you flail at me in such a fashion and take out your conspicuous constipation on me?!" But I didn't say that. Instead, I rolled the window down and said, "I'm really sorry. I just didn't feel like I could get around." She emphatically rolled her eyes and sarcastically said "okaaaaay." Thankfully...or else I'm afraid that her disdainful withholding of ratification would have reduced me to a day at home crying.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Take Two

I got cute seat covers today...not sure if I'm gonna keep them though. The whole thing was a mongo ordeal, and I'm moderately resentful of them now.

I spent quite a bit of the day at the hospital, too. I'm glad & thankful that there are people volunteering to sit with Mom each day, but I still want to be there too.

And I stepped in fire ants...apparently, because I got bit by one. I proceeded to stand there saying "ouch!" over and over & rubbing my toe, until Cameron gently reminded me what a stupid idea that was. I got bit only once on my toe, but the entire toe hurt so much for several minutes. It's the same toe that I broke 2 years ago, and that I cut on th air vent yesterday. That is not a lucky toe.

Convo Time!!!
godlover: hey girl
godlover: how's it goin?
addicat123: i hear you got a dress?
godlover: I BOUGHTA... huh... WHO TOLD YOU?
godlover:i have no new news... ever
addicat123: lol sowwy...zahra's xanga
addicat123: you can tell me...we'll start over
hey girl
godlover: how's it goin?
addicat123: oh, good...what did you do today?
godlover:you crack me UP
godlover: o... by the bye... i bought a dress...
And that's how it's done.

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Monday, May 01, 2006

Stealing a car

So, Saturday evening Cameron, Dad & I went to Sugarland to look at a car. I ended up loving it, and we bought it today. The previous owner took very good care of it...everything's great except for the miles, but as it's been properly maintained, it'll be ok. I spent the afternoon cleaning up crap that only weirdos like me would give a thought to. Overall, 'twas a productive day.

Apparently, though, you're supposed to actually read the manual. Dad & I were leaving the hospital tonight (you know, where patients were druggedly sleeping in their beds) and I made the unfathomable mistake of turning on the headlights before turning on the car. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP and on and on for about 3 minutes. I completely jumped. Dad had to hang up the phone so as to help in this moment of burglary crisis. I won't go into detail...suffice it to say that it was really loud. Little old ladies drove by, gave a look and a laugh, and continued on their merry way. I have, however, learned my lesson...never turn on the headlights first. Check.

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