Monday, May 22, 2006


I've just realized that I tend to use the word/crazy sound effect "whee!" in much of my blogging and speaking. As you might be able to deduce, I heart "whee!"

I miss my Julie & Zahra...Behold, a convo with Zahra:
PRZNchika87: julie says she's never going to see you again
PRZNchika87: because she's joining a cult that lives in the woods
PRZNchika87:and she forfeits all worldly possessions.
addicat123: ha! we shall see how long THIS lasts!
PRZNchika87: ahahaha
addicat123: Miss "I need my perfectly fitted pillow to fit behind my perfectly created and fragile back in my perfectly constructed study nook in my brightly colored bed in order to be productive in the slightest"
PRZNchika87: hahahahahaha
PRZNchika87: LOL!!!!!
PRZNchika87: i am soooooooooooo xanga-ing that
addicat123: whee!
PRZNchika87:so what else my dearest adriane?
PRZNchika87: julie's sad that you think she's fragile
addicat123: she's totally not fragile...i just put that in to...err...project my own inadequacies upon her mighty image
addicat123: :-P
PRZNchika87: oh adrianeeeeee
PRZNchika87: julie <3's you as do i

I have to get my wisdom teeth cut out (yes, not pulled) this summer. One of them is already coming in, which according to the dentist, is what we call a bad thing. Megan just had her's cut out, and said it wasn't too bad...she was using the time off to clean. Perhaps I'll be so lucky...then again, my disdain for medical practices involving a needle in general will probably lead me to dream up some sort of pain, even if none actually exists. I must go to a surgeon that puts in the IV after I've been druged with a mask, and then removes the IV before I'm conscious. Otherwise, they'll have a crazy girl on their hands, which I don't believe anyone wants to see. Ah, think back to those finger-prick tests at the age of 16, when Mommy told me to stop screaming because I was scaring the children...Doctors hate me. Nurses hate me more. But not as much as I hate needles. And that's all I have to say about that.

Luke & Lorelai seem to have survived the trip from Dallas to Houston. I am quite proud of their heroic bravery. I still want beta babies :D ...Zahra, will you do some calling to pet stores again & find out how to make Luke quit ignoring his wife?

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