Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Whee, Grades!

All of my grades for the semester were posted on SIS this morning:
Literary Analysis - A+
Linguistics - A+
Genetics - A
Gender Studies - A
Government - A

How I got an A in Gender Studies after that Unspoken Paper Grade of two-o-o-six (lol...inside joke) is beyond me. And how I got an A+ in Lit Analysis after having so many absenses from my time in Temple and after puking up that paper last week is even farther beyond me. However, I am not one to complain of such things.

I need to go dress shopping. Julie (as per the previous post...a-hah! alliteration! Again!) already got one. She says she can wear it anywhere if she wears my black cover up (as her dress is a halter). This is true. However, she will not be wearing said cover up to our birthday dinners. That's where I draw ze line!

I was yelled at by a lady this morning. I was dropping Cameron off at school, and the car in front of me in the line PARKED. That didn't bother me...she had to walk her handicapped daughter inside...these things happen. I tried to go around but I was too close & cars kept coming in the other lane. "Oh well," said I. "I'll just sit here calmly & listen to my Christian musica." Apparently the lady behind me didn't have any such idea. Instead, she promptly honked (Several times. Quite loudly. Quite rudely, actually.), flailed her arms in contempt, and made an angry face mouthing "gooooooo." I put my hands up like, "you go ahead!"

Really what I was thinking was, "Ok. If the exhaust fumes have not yet compromised your ability to think rationally and to use basic motor skills to turn, then we can figure this out quite quickly. Why don't you go around me, as you have more room than I and you're the one that gives a crap in the first place! And how dare you flail at me in such a fashion and take out your conspicuous constipation on me?!" But I didn't say that. Instead, I rolled the window down and said, "I'm really sorry. I just didn't feel like I could get around." She emphatically rolled her eyes and sarcastically said "okaaaaay." Thankfully...or else I'm afraid that her disdainful withholding of ratification would have reduced me to a day at home crying.

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