Sunday, May 21, 2006

Like a little girl again :)

I went to QuikTrip on the way to church and was blatantly hit on by a guy there. He held the door when I went inside, and when I came out he was waiting by my car. He smoked. 'Nuff said.

Then I found out that
Ohio (where QuikTrip is) turns into Hillcrest (the road I take to church). I was, needless to say, quite happy. Yay, QuikTrip!

After church, I was looking for Mardel & found an estate sale instead. I like estate sales, because most of the people who die & actually have estates to sell are old. And I like old people. And they often have interesting stuff.

I couldn't find it, though, so I stopped at the intersection of Spring Valley & Coit to ask how to get to Mardel. I think I was in the "bad" part of town...or at least the bad intersection in town. People were creepy. I left quickly.

Tonight I went to Target looking for new pajamas (Julie wants me to get rid of my aged cheeky monkey ones) and jogging suits for Mom's physical therapy & rehab. I didn't find jogging suits I liked, but I did get some pajamas from the little girls' section :D They're pink :D

I discovered an invitation to my cousin's wedding last night. Apparently it's been sitting on the counter in my apartment for a couple of weeks. It's on my birthday. I need to mail the response on Monday. It's addressed to "Adriane & Escort" and Julie offered to be my escort :P

I'm taking home the rest of my stuff tomorrow. Joy...more packing. (Catch the sarcasm?)

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