Saturday, May 06, 2006

Haaaaail No!

(Get the pun?!)

Thursday afternoon, I went to pick my sister up from school. As I was leaving, I thought to myself, "wow, how I dread getting out in this miserable yet harmless rain." Boy was I wrong - Miserable, maybe. Harmless, hardly.

Said rain proceeded to become a terrifying thunder storm. You know how the amount of time after a lightning strike that the thunder is heard correlates to the distance? Well, what about when you actually hear the thunder at the same time that you are jolted by its terrifying appearance right in front of you on Spring Cypress. Yes, this makes for a less-than-pleasant trip.

Not to mention the humongous hail that continues to pelt you for about 45 minutes while you wait in the car-pool line. And the 6 inches of rain. And the spouting man holes. And the fact that when you call your dad & your roommate to tell them that you're in the process of dying, you can't even hear them. And the Winter Wonderland that takes over the parking lot due to the seemingly total hail-coverage. And realizing that the reason you haven't moved an inch in 10 minutes is that the 3 cars in front of you have PARKED, blocking your movement. And getting OUT of the car and running through the 6 inches of water to go inside to find your sister, but losing a flip-flop on the way & having to turn around to get it. And once you finally get her & get out of the line, going through 8 inches of water that come up very very far, making you really glad that you have 16" tires, and screaming for the people in front of you to keep going so that you don't stall or whatever that word is. And having to turn around before you get to Champion Forest because apparently that street is too flooded for those soccer moms in SUV's to wade through. And realizing that you have hail damage. And confirming that you are, indeed, the unluckiest person ever, and that everyone is out to get you, and that misery seeks you out. Ok, so maybe that's not true, but sometimes you feel like it...

My "check engine" light came on yesterday. I took it to a place that has a computer that you hook up to it and it gives you some kind of code. I asked the guy at the counter, and he gave me a weird look & said, "I don't do it myself." I assume that he sensed my incompetence, because even after I said, "Just tell me what to do & I'll do it" he did it anyway. Cylinder misfire. Or something. Who knows...

On a more serious note, the lady in the bed next to Mom passed away yesterday. We had become friendly with her mom. The lady was about Mom's age, and had been fighting cancer for a long time. It was really saddening because, even though I didn't know her & people often die in hospitals, I've never been there when someone has died. Dad & I were there but had to leave the ICU because there was a "code blue" (very bad). We were there while the family was making decisions and everything. And even though I wasn't in the room, I was still...there.

Anyway, I think that's all I wanted to say. Goodnight, everyone. Sleep well.

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Blogger Brett said...

:( At least you're safe and sound!

Sat May 06, 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger Adriane said...

:) Wahoo! Correct use of contractions! Hypercorrection is for weirdos :p

Sun May 07, 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger Adriane said...

Yikes that's crazy!!! How dare they not cancel finals when people are in danger of dying!

Mon May 08, 05:15:00 PM  

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