Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Grass is Always Greener...

I have noticed that once swelling has gone down, feeling returns to the previously blimpish part of your face. That basically equates to taking pain medication again after 4 hours, rather than 8 hours like yesterday.

Today was a day of sleeping. And mashed potatoes. And more of Everwood Season 1.

Dad is painting the office tonight. Oh! And Mom is coming home on a day-pass on Sunday, and then moving back home on Thursday, July 6. That's actually the date they originally set for her move-home date, though it was merely a hopeful guess at that point, which they much expected to change as it drew near. Yay!

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dietary Upgrade!

This morning when I still couldn't talk, I wrote a note for Juliane so she could ask Dad to get my strawberry-cheesecake frozen yogurt. But as Dad just pointed out, I have a drug-induced spelling problem: yogurt --> yongurt.

The past 24 hours have seen my consumption of 2 cans of V8 (30 calories each) and strawberry-cheesecake icecream (130 calories).

Tomorrow, mashed potatoes.

Look out, no one can stop me!

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Getting poked & chopped up

Wednesday, 1:00pm

Well I had my surgery this morning, and I'm feeling rather crappy at the moment.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say "I told you so" to the intangible force that kept saying "with the laughing gas, you won't care about the IV needle." Ha! I remember telling the doctor right before he put in the IV, "No needle yet...I still caaare!" I think it wasn't until he said, "it's in, you can cry if you want to" that I calmed down verbally & started to cry. Not bawling crying, just a couple of tears.

I think I really pissed off one of the dental assistants too. She kept saying, in her holier-than-thou tone, "AAAdriane. Calm DDDown. It's just a nEEEdle." This girl was about 5 minutes older than I am. In all liklihood, she got one of those "Earn your degree online in 30 days! No knowledge required!" things. And now that I think about it, she probably thought to herself, "hehe, she would look funny with the entire bottom half of her face swollen like a blimp" and then giggled and scurried off to find the blimpifying medicine.

Actually, probably not. I'm sure she's a really nice girl who thought I was just being a brat. Really, though, I was working incredibly hard to be a "big girl" as they say.

They said that I might not remember anything until getting home & waking up in my bed. I remember waking up in the chair, but not being able to see anything. Then I kept falling back asleep momentarily, and then trying to climb out of the chair each time I woke up, and a voice telling me to stay in the chair. Then I remember them bringing in a wheel chair, and me standing up from it telling them I was fine & could walk. Funny though, cause I don't remember actually seeing any of my surroundings. It's probably best that they didn't let me just walk out on my own.

Now I'm extremely swollen. I woke up thinking "why is there a giant piece of gauze under my tongue?" Upon mirror-analysis, however, I discovered that it's really my bottom lip, which is completely numb. I had an itch on the ouside of my chin, and when I went to rub it, it didn't go away...THAT's how numb I am. Argh.

And I've resorted to using text messages, because I can't talk. Dad's out getting my prescription & popsicles & such right now. I'm hoping he'll find seasons of Everwood at the video store.

I would like to formally stand corrected: This is a much bigger deal than I thought it would be. I can hardly move, and I certainly don't want to eat anything. I just want to sleep, which for some reason is not coming easily, so we shall see how this plays out. Either way, I'm trying to view this as a "growth opportunity." I just didn't think the growth would come in the form of supersizing my chipmunk cheeks and their surrounding facial terrain.

Wednesday, 5:00pm

I'm on 3 prescriptions antibiotic, a codine painkiller, and a take-as-needed nausea pill. I remember when I broke my toe & the doctor had me on 4 Advil 3 times a day. Ha! This, for the person who never takes more than one lol. Anyway, flashback over.

Dad also got the First Season of Everwood, so that should be fun. I love Everwood...I can't believe they cancelled it after 4 seasons, without so much as a poll from me! As my second favorite show, I've tried not to miss any/many episodes...but life happens, and your favorite shows tend to go unseen on occasion.

I'm still more swollen than ever. Julie would have fun with this one!

I just discovered the ample stitches in my mouth. That's gross. This will go down in history as The Day Adriane Was Brave. That's super awesome :)

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*cue sappy music* ...The Green Volkswagen...

I haven't had a chance to post about this weekend yet, but I figured that if I don't do it now, I might not be mentally capable tomorrow...what with my oral surgery and whatnot, which has the definate potential to make me somewhat loopy.

Saturday I left the hospital & had a series of unfortunate, but now humorous, events:
- couldn't leave the parking lot b/c our parking pass expired at midnight the night before
- was forced onto I-10 when they decided to close I-45...ended up having to follow Dad around the city until he found a way onto I-45
- before church, in Ft Worth, I thought I was being super smart by putting my keys on the ledge outside my trunk instead of inside the trunk itself...but then closed the trunk & the keys didn't stop it like I thought it would in the case of my forgetfulness, and with half my keys inside and half outside, AAA had to be called...then they couldn't get ahold of me due to poor reception, so they came into church looking for me, and when they finally got the door open the alarm started screaching. Now this is all quite funny :)

Then I made my way to Julie's house where I stayed for the weekend. We had tons of fun, and watched Must Love Dogs on Saturday night. She claims that I slept through all of it, but I did not.

On Sunday I went to Orientation to take pictures, and Julie went to a wedding in Oklahoma/College Station (long story). I have been wanting to get my hair cut, but haven't found the time, so I made an appointment at the only place that was open: Cool Cuts for Kids. Zahra came with me as a chaperone, and to document the excursion with pictures.

On Monday, Julie & I skipped Orientation becuase after rush hour & our necessary early departure to get home on time, we would only be there for a couple of hours. So, we went hiking in what is essentially Julie's back yard. We may or may not have been trespassing...'tis hard to say :) We took lots of pictures, including tiny froggies and a scenic tour thru the tiny historic town, which was completely closed. We were unable have non-surgical face lifts, have our pictures taken, or purchase fresh tomatoes. There was also a car wash that has apparently had a case of mistaken identity, as it now also sports the name "Joe's Place Southern Cooking".

Then we went to see a movie, and I suggested sitting in the theater for an hour before the movie started. Somehow I thought this would be "fun". So we got smoothies that were way too sweet, and we watered them down in the bathroom of the theater. And since we were so unbelievably early, the ticket-man made us wait on a bench. I think he thought we had issues, for what normal people wait for a movie for an hour before it starts. We were still wearing our hiking clothes, so we decided that if anyone asked, we would say we just got back from majorly working out. By the time we finally entered the theater, Julie was bored, we were both cold, and we went to Wal-Mart to get fries & candy. Then we made up an elaborate story to use in case we got caught :)

The theater for "The Lakehouse" (which we intended to make fun of, as the premise was silly) was full of old ladies. That was fun...we like old ladies :) After the movie, we proceeded to make up another elaborate plan (we're full of elaborate plans, mind you) about Julie's personal Keanu, and how he's the one making her green Volkswagen unlock at strange intervals & of its own accord. Julie said that she "would like the guy to have the experience of an extra 7 years, without it causing his face to droop and making him fat". Julie's preference is noted, and I shall take this into account when interviewing potential Keanus for Julie :) Then we rearranged the movie and decided to call it "The Green Volkswagen" in order to properly recount the story of Julie & her personal Keanu. Of course, I also have a personal Keanu, Julie pointed out, as my trunk has begun randomly opening.

Ok, so tomorrow I have my wisdom teeth violently chopped out. I'm nervous about the IV...I don't (willingly) do needles. Part of me, though, is looking forward to this these 3 days off during which I can justifiably lay around reading & watching movies, and eating nothing but Luby's mashed potatoes, popsicles, and V8 in my pajamas. On the other hand, I'm not particularly thrilled about being cut open, poked with a needle, and drugged up to the point that I can't drive myself 2 miles to my house and will possibly not remember the trip home, though I'll be conscious.

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Friday, June 23, 2006


As I lay trying to fall asleep, something giant flew across my room. I don't understand why bugs are after me :( And of course, it had cleverly hidden itself by the time Dad came to kill it, so I ended up sleeping in Juliane's room. I hope that it will be out of my room by the time I get home on Monday.

Whee! Schedule!
Today: hospital, spend the night there
Saturday: leave from hospital, church in Ft Worth if I can find it...otherwise I'll have missed church in Dallas because Ft Worth starts later, thus the basis of its scheduling convenience
Sunday: freshman orientation, kidnap Julie
Monday: freshman orientation, come home
Tuesday: work...I think
Wednesday: get poked by a needle, etc etc, lose some teeth
Thursday: stay home
Friday: stay home

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Is it kill Adriane week or something?!?!?!

There is a wasp, walking without a care in the world, on the kitchen floor. How it got there I have no guess, nor do I particularly care. But the thing is alive, and I almost stepped on it. That would have hurt, and caused much trouble.

me: *yelling up the stairs* Juliaaaaaaaaaaane! Hang up the phone and come down here fast!
Juliane: *saunters down the stairs* What?!
me: *working to stay calm, and doing a pretty good job considering the circumstances* Ok. There is a live wasp on the kitchen floor, and we need to figure out what to do about it.
Juliane: *pointing at her soapy leg* You made me stop shaving for THAT?!
me: Ooops! *remorse is short-lived* Ok, so here's what we do. You take this trash can & put it over the wasp. We'll deal with it when Dad gets home.
Juliane: No.

That's pretty much where the coordination phase ended and the Adriane-handles-the-potentially-devastating-situation-solo phase began. I slowly walked the trash can over to said wasp, and covered it...successfully! I hope it doesn't find a way out!

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I was nearly KILLED at work!

(The above phrase came from a, mind you, who was not nearly killed at work.)

Ok, so here's the very exciting story of my encounter with death:
So here I was at Barnes & Noble, talking to Travis behind the counter. I was next to the barista machine & he was at the register, and no customers were in line.
Travis: *talk talk talk*
me: *talk talk talk*
ceiling tile conforming to the stressful pressures of gravity: *whap! bang! craaaaash!*
Travis: *turns around...calmly says*
me: yeah...hmm.
Travis: *turns back around* Ok, continue.
Of course we called for a manager, and when Tom returned from his break, he came in the back & asked if I had been under it. I said I had not and he responded:
Tom: Yeah I heard about that and figured that if one of you was under it, there would only be one of you left when I got back!

In addition, there was an alarm clock with a mind of its own. Instead of beeping, it kept ticking. Constantly. Travis used it to scan for metal on our arms like they do at the airport. Then Tom took the battery out so it would stop ticking. A few minutes later, Travis had walked away and it started ticking again! We were quite amused and frightened. Less amused than frightened, as clocks don't generally tick, and certainly not under their own power. Soon, though, we discovered that Travis had put that battery back into it...ha.

I tried to work my 14-hour day without taking a lunch break. In fact, it worked at Ben & Jerry's. But they didn't want me trying my crazyness at Barnes & Noble. I'm quite tired now, but alas, I brought it upon myself. Work was really fun though, even at B&N where I have been stressed every time I've worked until yesterday. And I worked with Chantal at B&J, so of course that was fun!

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This little piggy...

In the past couple of days I've eaten an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. And not just any icecream...oooh no. A pint of chocolate fudge brownie, my new (second) favorite. Of course it doesn't help that chocolate is not good for my head, but eh.

12 hours until my day of potential torture begins! (Actually more like 11 hours and 36 minutes, but 12 hours sounds much more official.) Really, it shouldn't be that bad...I'm probably overdramatizing this whole 14-hour thing. Besides, I have 5 days off after tomorrow to go to Dallas...I'm so excited! (Not so much about having days off, or being in the city of dallas, but about seeing my darlings...Julie & Zahra I miiiiiiiiishu!)

Ok, bedtime!

Oh wait...I finished Cry the Beloved Country today, and started The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I also have a very long list of books to read this summer, which will never happen but one can certainly dream! Speaking of it's bedtime.

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Birthdays & Tires & Oil and such

So I got my oil changed today. I found NTB, told them what I needed, made sure that they were changing the oil filter (as per Dad's suggestion) and verified that they were using Penzoil (also due to Dad's suggestion), all by myself! Whee for my first by-myself-oil-change.

Really I want to learn how to change my own THAT would be cool :)

They came in halfway through & told me that they had discovered a giant nail in my tire! Aaaaah!

I wish I had my 14-hour day today instead of tomorrow...I would rather get it over with than be dreading it. But you can bet I'll be using my evening to sleep & relax, after kickboxing. I need to stop spending 2 weeks not working out, because then I get sore muscles!

I found this post on my Facebook wall worthy of blogging. From Julie:

what up yo?
um... so tell me the details of your upcoming trip and our birthday celebration plans... or, not birthday, silly me, adriane doesn't have those... our annual this is how much we love adriane celebration...

Oki...I'm off to enjoy what's left of my time before work!

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Monday, June 19, 2006


It's raining.

Today we had about 5 customers in 6 hours. The most "entertaining" one was a man who ordered a chocolate malt, and then spilled the malt in his very nice car. Apparently, he picked up the cup at the flimsy part, and according to him, we have "horrible cups."

I'm spending the night at the hospital. I feel awesome now cause I did kickboxing for the first time in about 2 weeks! Funny, how working out (thus making yourself tired) can actually GIVE you energy.

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tell me, why do I try to work 2 jobs???

Tonight B&N closed at 10...cause it's Sunday (duh...sorry I'm a little slow right now). Even after 11, I was putting away magazines. There should not be that many magazines. Too many kitchen ones, too many porno-ish guy ones...argh.

I just got my Ben & Jerry's schedule for the week. Wednesday is gonna be such fun --> 10 to 3:30 at Ben & Jerry's and then 4 to midnight at Barnes & Noble. That's what we call a 14-hour work day. Yeeeeah, I'm not gonna be going to Dallas on Thursday morning for the 7:45 am orientation. I think I'll be waiting till Saturday morning.

I got a new phone today. This has officially been the shortest time (by far) that I've ever had a phone - 13 days. Something in the charger-plug broke. Did I spell "broke" correctly? It looks wrong for some reason.


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Smart Girls Unite!!!

I was gonna post something here, but I'm not going to. It was kinda funny though, so if you're interested I'll show ya :P


Humorous Convos...

Cameron: *tosses bottle in bathroom & drops it*
me: *laugh* too bad the toilet lid wasn't open...that would be funny
Cameron: yeah *puts it up*
me: wait! was that mine?
Cameron: *picks up bottle* ha, yeah! too bad the toilet lid wasn't open!!

Mom: *gets lunch tray...sees another patient's lunch tray with cheetos* mmm, I want cheetos!
me: ok, I'll get them to bring cheetos next time
Mom: *rolls over to that tray* I'm gonna go elope and take those cheetos!
(you have to understand that 3rd floor has "Elopement Risk" signs everywhere)
Mom: *comes back to room*
Nurses: *rush over to patient's tray, thinking something must have been wrong*
I guess you had to be there...

(At TIRR...)
man at info desk: *on phone* yes, it's T-I-R-R-dot-org...yes....yes ma'am. T-I-R-R-dot-org
Cameron: *walking away* man, some people like never use the's I-N-T-E-R-NET


Friday, June 16, 2006


Ah, I'm looking forward to my night of reading, putting away laundry, and eating my much deserved pint of fat-free lemonade sorbet. I've needed this all week :)

At work Bryan taught me the art of finding the perfect places to sit behind the counter so that the customers can't see you when they walk in. But, of course, you can see them, and smoothly walk to the register. Also, the menu is apparently magnetic, allowing an opportunity for much fun sometime when I'm reeeeeeeally bored. Can anyone say $3.95 sheet cake or $42.78 double scoop?

I bought Dad's Father's Day present today. And a new planner, as mine ends this month. It was a toss up between the pink one that starts in July and the SparkNotes one that starts in August but has spiffy literature quotes each week and an obscure word definition every day. I ended up picking the pink one, because, well, it's pink, and because I don't think I can go a month without a planner. Plus, I already get a Quote of the Day and a Word of the Day in my email. Just thought I'd share that mini pro/con list with everyone! Alright, time for my night of relaxing!!!

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yikes! Heights!

Working at B&N is going to be like the cliche, "kid in a candy store"...I've already found way too many books that I need to read.

Apparently I'm "all set for marriage" because I like to sweep, do dishes, and most of all do laundry. Not all set to work at Barnes & Noble, not all set for having my own house, but all set for Of course, let the record show that I like to do these things to maintain not to clean up after annoyingly gross people, and not because someone is ordering me to, and not because I think it's my God-appointed responsibility in life. But yes, I do like these things, especially when I have time to do them well.

Tomorrow I work at Ben & Jerry's, and then Saturday I'm OFF!!! Completely. No working at Ben & Jerry's. No working at Barnes & Noble. I plan to spend Saturday evening catching up on the laundry and organizing that I've been trying to get done, and reading because it's peaceful and I look forward to devoting an entire 4-5 hours to just...reading.

Now I'm going to devote the next hour to taking a shower & eating pizza. Ah, ze life...

Oh! I had to stand on a rickety ladder today. It was very shakey and I'm very scared of heights. It wasnt that high up at all, but the floor was wet, and did I mention that the ladder was rickety? Yes, I nearly died. Isn't that the most logical conclusion to draw from hights-scared + rickety ladder + wet floor? I sink so.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Whee Classmates!

I was trying in April to get Greg to take The African American Novel with me this fall, but to no avail. Behold, ze Facebook wall-ings!
Greg: Guess who's taking the African American Novel with you
Me: Oooo lemme guess! YOU!!! Wheee! That's awesome Greg, that's totally awesome. I'm so glad you decided to take it :) We're gonna have great fun!

So as an update (and reminder to myself):
Constitutional Law - Christian & Caleb
Biological Basis of Health & Disease - Julie (and Zahra in another section)
20th Century American Poetry - no one :(
Shakespeare - no one :(
The African American Novel - Greg
Reading & Writing Texts - no one (though I'm not sure I even want to take it...poo requirements)

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Whee Improvement!

Mom's halo was taken off last night! The orthopedic doctor just waltzed in and started unscrewing the screws from her head...with a dime (cause they couldnt find a screwdriver)! We're very excited, as this is a major step :)

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Whee Barnes & Noble!

Last night was my first official shift at B&N. I worked 4-close (midnight) but got out around 11:45 :)

I had a lot of fun, and I think I shall enjoy the job. I love that whenever you're on a break, you go to the back room which has big reading chairs & everyone is reading. It doesn't seem abnormal to ask someone randomly "what are you reading?" because they're going to be reading something.

I actually discussed Russian novels with someone, and though I'm certainly not well read when it comes to Russian novels, I have read a few and discussed "The Master & Margarita" and "Lolita."

Once I was called over to see a girl on the book floor who had "been dancing for several minutes." With 3 people in the Cafe looking, I bet she had an idea.

For those that aren't aware, I hate Saran Wrap. An encounter always implies a battle, and I ALWAYS lose. How sad.

I'm going to the hospital and taking Jill with me! Jill will be the first of my friends to see my Mommy :)

We made reservations for Kerrville on Saturday night...early because we'll need handicap access. However, the hotel at which church services will take place has:
1. no elevator. at all.
2. no more first-floor rooms. at all.
Not good. So right now we're booked on the second floor.

Today the oral surgeon gets to tell me about how they're gonna poke my arm with an IV and do lots of cutting in my mouth, and how I'm going to have to look at blood, and how all I can eat for 3 days after my surgery is mashed potatoes and pudding (both of which I love, the former though not from a box). I'm very serious...if they tell me they want to do an IV before I'm unconscious (or at least doped up) I'm going to leave & find another surgeon. Yes, I recognize that this is what we can call a "Growth Opportunity"...I, however, would rather grow at a later date, and leave the next few weeks to me being a big baby.

Thank you, Julie & Zahra, for your beautiful comments and you're witty exchange :) You are loved as well.

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

June 11

So, happy birthday to me and all that.

As much as I wanted to forget my birthday this year, I was very happy that my Mom was the first person to tell me happy birthday today. Though it was before the official 8:58am, we talked when Dad called to wake me up :)

I spent the whole day with Mom at the hospital, and it was the best use of the day that I can think of. She has so much of her wit, her personality, and her strength, that I am feeling incredibly blessed to have my real Mom back in my life. I was really scared there for a while. We spent the 2 hours that she had to sit in her wheelchair (very uncomfortable for her) playing Sunday Afternoon Bingo. Aunt Gina & I both won and picked out very soft stuffed puppies for Mom. Their names are Bingo and Ruffy :)

Mom & I spent much of our time making jokes and planning on calling the nurse Jim Commando. She hates the thickened drinks we keep giving her, but she's being a super sport about it. The nurse gave us a thickener to add to any drink, and she said the water tastes like sand. Aunt Gina & I decided to give those "thickened juice" boxes to Mom's visitors as though they're regular juice and watch their reactions :)

Oh! And I went jogging in Hermann Park today! It's such a nice park...lots of animals and trees. Since it's less than a mile from the hospital I hope to jog there more often.

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Friday, June 09, 2006

Well, t'has been quite a while...

Umm, got a new job, tried to quit old job, ended up not quitting old job, now working 2 jobs. That's the short version.

On Wednesday I had an interview at 9am for the Barnes & Noble Cafe. The manager hired me on the spot, wahoo, so I offically had 2 jobs at that point. I went to Target to get a shirt (since this is a job for which I dont have to wear a shirt with the company name plastered all over it) and then went straight to Ben & Jerry's where I worked from 10 to 4. I had to be at Barnes & Noble AT 4, so I changed in the bathroom (coworkers suggested the walk-in freezer) and rushed to B&N where I worked until 11 (training/new-hire paperwork/work).

I wrote a letter of resignation to my boss at Ben & Jerry's, but ended up not quitting. Instead, I'm going to work a couple of days a week there...we're gonna see how that goes.

I really don't remember what else I was supposed to write about.

Oh yeah! Yesterday was NUTS!!! I'm copying this from a message to Ian cause I really don't feel like rewriting it:
Ok, here we go! I went to the hospital to see Mom & pick up Juliane. I needed to drop Juliane off at home, pick up my clothes for work, and be at work by 1 (basically, leave by 11:30). I didnt leave by 11:30, but rather 12:30 (I decided it was more important to stay with Mom than get to work on time). I had to pay my parking pass thing, which was $10 for the couple of hours i was there. As I went to back out of the parking space, i set the ticket in a cup holder in my car, and thought to myself "wow, I am a genius, because this fits perfectly!" Unfortunately it fit a little too perfectly, and it slipped down behind the center console...not next to the seat, but into a compartment that you can only reach if you unscrew stuff. So I called work & told them that i would be late but that i'd be there. Then i had to go talk to the security people, who didnt seem to believe me at first but when i told them if they had a screwdriver i'd show them they lightened up. The security lady gave me a pass to get out of the lot. Then there was unbelievable traffic on sister thought it was funny, because there is NEVER traffic that far south on 45. Cameron met me at my work to pick up Juliane & bring my clothes. It was CRAZY! I got there a little after 2. Then my boss called me in to discuss my pending resignation, and I ended up not quitting. Apparently, I'm a favorite, as he pointed out that other than a guy who does a lot of catering jobs, I have the most hours of everyone. Also, since I'm "one of the best" he's supposedly paying me the shift leader rate even when im not working as shift leader on duty. Wow, it's tiring just remembering that! PS - I think I'm gonna just copy/paste this onto my blog :P

Today I shall practice with Josh at church (whee Vivaldi!) and hopefully we'll find out who the Special Music Coordinator in Kerrville is so we can attempt to play at the Feast.

Tuesday is my wisdom teeth surgery consultation. Dad asked what I wanted to do for my birthday, and I think I just want to go to the dentist and let them poke me with a needle...ironic, huh?

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Dallas Trip-o

Well, 'tis kindof late, but I believe an update of my WEEKEND OFF (yes!) is in order :)

Megan & I left Sunday morning at about 5 am. We both wore the clothes we slept in, and took church clothes with us as it was Pentecost. We stopped for coffee & then again to walk around a bit. At that point we bought a map of "Dallas and Surrounding Areas"...partially for amusement, but we were certainly glad to have it later.

About 2 miles from the hotel at which services took place, we heard an awful noise coming from my car. As we had to turn into a gas station lot anyway to go the other way, we stopped & opened the hood (well, I popped it & Megan found the latch). Behold: smoke! Dad said to keep going & we called him when we got to church. However, as I turned the car back on, the alarm went off (for no reason) and I had to jump out to unlock the door with the key or something. I believe we made quite a scene. After finding church, we went to find a place to change, and just happened to turn into the same gas station! It's like a magnet lol.

At church we talked a bit, and then went to Saltgrass with Scott for lunch. There was quite a bit of time left before the second service, so Scott taught me how to drive a stick shift!!! It was awesome!
Someone asked him if it was he who had been driving around in circles in an empty parking lot lol. I wasn't very good at it, and apparently I was burning the clutch the whole time, but it was super fun. We stuck around for about an hour after the second service, and then went to Kaitlyn's house. Oh yeah, I honked at a car (for like the first time ever)...Megan was proud.

We had a "piggy night"...eating pie, popcorn & candy (chocolate...oops :P) while watching Rumor Has It. I, of course, fell asleep, but I got the jist of it. Kaitlyn was so nice to let us stay with her...thanks Kait!

I asked Dad to check my work schedule because even though I had requested off on Monday, I had a feeling my boss would schedule me. And, of course, he did. So I got a call at 6:30 am from my dad saying I'm scheduled at 10 am. At 8 I called my boss & told him the situation. Apparently, though, he allowed my coworkers to think me simply irresponsible, as several asked me about it yesterday. Argh.

Monday morning Megan (ha! consonance!) had to be at her advisor's office at 9 am. We made it! Of course it was in Founders North & navigation was tricky...but I totally saved the day (just kidding). During that time I went to return my apartment keys at the leasing office, where I was also going to talk to them about our room assignments for next year. But, they don't open till 10 am, so I sat there. Then Megan, Kaitlyn & I walked around, met Nicole & Zahra in the Pub, and Nicole brought our Freshman Convocation Planning Committee (FCPC) shirts...whee!

We went to Cici's for lunch...Megan kept going into a "reserved" section to get stuff out of the toy machines. Eventually, the party of kids got there & swooped in on her! Then I wanted a pink ring so I ventured down there myself :P

We got lost several times on the way home...not "lost" I guess, but I was glad that we had the map. I-45 was closed for several miles, and we were in stopped traffic for about 45 minutes. An 18-wheeler had burned to the looked bad. After getting off, we took a side street where, stopped at a light:
Megan: eww, that man is smiling at us!
Me: what man?
Megan: the one who is looking at us over there
Me: eww *turned head & wished we had one of those screens people put in the front window when parked*
Megan: *reading map* Oh! *puts huge map against her window*
Me: yes!

We got home before dark, and I took my new phone to get it programmed at the Verizon store. But, they didn't do everything they had said they would, so it ended up being pretty much a wasted trip. Oh well...I probably would have goofed it up had I tried to activate it myself. Then I promptly went to bed early, as I was majorly tired. Time to go to work!

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Saturday, June 03, 2006


I just changed Luke & Lorelai's water ALL BY MYSELF!! Of course, I didn't actually grab the fish like Julie does, but we can't all be super brave :) Instead, I repeatedly filled and dumped out the water, with the fish in it. That was probably more traumatic to them than picking them up, now that I think about it :-/

On the other hand, some of my appliances hate me. As I walked into my room, my ceiling fan decided to go berzerk. At the exact moment that I passed under said fan, it strategically dropped a light bulb onto my unexpecting head. Of course, I heard the bulb release, so I reflexively looked up and...*SMACK* right on the forehead.

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Friday, June 02, 2006

"Update!" says Zahra

I went to the post office yesterday to mail back my apartment keys. Line was too long. I left & went to to work.

I went to the post office today to mail back my apartment keys. Line was too long. I left & went to work.

Last night I stayed at the hospital with Mom. She's doing SOOOO much better mentally. On Wednesday she had a talk with Nana, Cameron & me, and I cried. She was so deep...and giving so much credit to God that I had never expected her to do at this point.

I got a new church bag from the Christian bookstore next to Ben & Jerry's today. I love it, so I got it as a Pentecost gift to myself :)

Myspace is creepy...
addicat123: zahra?? i just got asked out on myspace
addicat123: this thing has been infiltrated with losers
PRZNchika: eek!!! who asked you out?
addicat123: from "tony"...i thought it was cake boy, but...its not
addicat123: i realized that after reading the first sentence
addicat123: " Hey there, if there is one thing about you, it's you smile, you're sooo cute!! Couldn't resist :-) ADD ME AS YOUR FRIENDS IN MYSPACE, WILL YA? ;-) I sometimes go to some salsa places on fri nites. Free fri nite around 9pm? lets go hang/chill. cell .. to coordinate, if interested? "
PRZNchika: eek did he have a picture?
addicat123: its a pool lol
PRZNchika: you got asked out by a pool!
addicat123: ha! yes!
addicat123: twas my dream
addicat123: and a motorcycle...and a car
PRZNchika: well please do not agree to going out with tony-the-pool-and-not-the-cake-boy
PRZNchika: k?
addicat123: (after i clicked on "pics")
addicat123 (9:32:22 PM):
addicat123: PRZNchika: ohhh
PRZNchika: a pool
PRZNchika: motorcycle
PRZNchika: AND car
PRZNchika: this tony is them all.
PRZNchika: he can change shape!!!
addicat123: this tony is a magician
PRZNchika: i don't know tony the magician
PRZNchika: tony the cake boy was a bit confused though.
addicat123: im sorry zahra
addicat123: we'll get quiktrip...that'll solve that problem
PRZNchika: yes, yes it will

Right before I was (supposed to) leave work today, there was a huge rush. One guy in line, as I was ringing up his order, asked "Do you get bothered here a lot?" Confused, I replied, "umm, no not really." He asked if people often prank call the story asking for Ben or Jerry, and said that he's the type of person to do that. I think I may have said that it would be funny if people did. He kept talking about it, but I was busy & got back to work, where I promptly forgot about it.

About 5 minutes later, Bryan handed me the phone & said, "umm, it's for you." He said he thought it was my dad. So I took the phone, and the voice on the other end said, "is Ben or Jerry there?" and started laughing. I sarcastically responded, "eh, funny...thanks goodbye" in my "you're being dumb but I'm humoring you to be nice" tone. However, as I hung up I couldn't help but laugh...I had to admit, it WAS funny.

Then I asked Bryan how they asked for me. He said they asked by name. But I didn't tell them my name. A few minutes later, after the issue had been dropped, Bryan came back out and said, "umm, yeah...that's a little creepy."

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