Thursday, June 22, 2006

Is it kill Adriane week or something?!?!?!

There is a wasp, walking without a care in the world, on the kitchen floor. How it got there I have no guess, nor do I particularly care. But the thing is alive, and I almost stepped on it. That would have hurt, and caused much trouble.

me: *yelling up the stairs* Juliaaaaaaaaaaane! Hang up the phone and come down here fast!
Juliane: *saunters down the stairs* What?!
me: *working to stay calm, and doing a pretty good job considering the circumstances* Ok. There is a live wasp on the kitchen floor, and we need to figure out what to do about it.
Juliane: *pointing at her soapy leg* You made me stop shaving for THAT?!
me: Ooops! *remorse is short-lived* Ok, so here's what we do. You take this trash can & put it over the wasp. We'll deal with it when Dad gets home.
Juliane: No.

That's pretty much where the coordination phase ended and the Adriane-handles-the-potentially-devastating-situation-solo phase began. I slowly walked the trash can over to said wasp, and covered it...successfully! I hope it doesn't find a way out!

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