Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Whee Barnes & Noble!

Last night was my first official shift at B&N. I worked 4-close (midnight) but got out around 11:45 :)

I had a lot of fun, and I think I shall enjoy the job. I love that whenever you're on a break, you go to the back room which has big reading chairs & everyone is reading. It doesn't seem abnormal to ask someone randomly "what are you reading?" because they're going to be reading something.

I actually discussed Russian novels with someone, and though I'm certainly not well read when it comes to Russian novels, I have read a few and discussed "The Master & Margarita" and "Lolita."

Once I was called over to see a girl on the book floor who had "been dancing for several minutes." With 3 people in the Cafe looking, I bet she had an idea.

For those that aren't aware, I hate Saran Wrap. An encounter always implies a battle, and I ALWAYS lose. How sad.

I'm going to the hospital and taking Jill with me! Jill will be the first of my friends to see my Mommy :)

We made reservations for Kerrville on Saturday night...early because we'll need handicap access. However, the hotel at which church services will take place has:
1. no elevator. at all.
2. no more first-floor rooms. at all.
Not good. So right now we're booked on the second floor.

Today the oral surgeon gets to tell me about how they're gonna poke my arm with an IV and do lots of cutting in my mouth, and how I'm going to have to look at blood, and how all I can eat for 3 days after my surgery is mashed potatoes and pudding (both of which I love, the former though not from a box). I'm very serious...if they tell me they want to do an IV before I'm unconscious (or at least doped up) I'm going to leave & find another surgeon. Yes, I recognize that this is what we can call a "Growth Opportunity"...I, however, would rather grow at a later date, and leave the next few weeks to me being a big baby.

Thank you, Julie & Zahra, for your beautiful comments and you're witty exchange :) You are loved as well.

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