Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sudden Death

See how loved I am?! (that's sarcasm ;-))
FistofJohnWayne: just a heads up, before you clarified, I tried to convince Zahra to kill you
FistofJohnWayne: so... eyes open, kid

And also...
Becky (momma): maybe you should do a spreadsheet with pros and cons - give each a weighted value - and then rank each in importance - then the calculated sum of the rank*weight might give you an idea of the total value for pros and cons

Me: are you making fun of me?
Becky: not at all
Becky: may I?
Me: sure, if you must
Becky: ...I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married, but then they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...
Me: doofus

Oh my goodness...I've never caught that last part before! Now the ending of the movie makes a lot more sense lol. I was wondering how the building just randomly burned down.

Today's Random Fact: I really like to cook, but I'm only good at making certain things. Also, sometimes I'll set my sights really high on eating really healthy, but then you can find me on the couch in my cheeky monkey pajamas eating crisco-laden frosting out of the container. Don't worry...I'm not crazy...I just have my moments.

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Love, Marriage, and Fat

A special thanks to Zahra, who reminded me that I neglected to mention our endeavor last night. The four of us (roomies!) decided to Shrink [Our] Female Fat Zones!! We used a Denise Austin book by the same title, which one of Zahra's dad's friends gave her as a birthday present...I think. Correct me, Zahra, if I'm wrong.

I closed at work again. I also asked for a light week following Spring Break, and either Monday's or Wednesday's off after 5 pm so I can do Jujitsu one day a week. Under extenuating circumstances (if I'm super busy) I can always just use the time to do homework.

I also got to organize Starbucks stuff. I got to marry the mochas & combine the caramels. And if you think it's hard to pump the thick syrups, try being their preacher. I'll leave everyone to contemplate the awesomeness of my alliteration and punage.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Workout Blues

As I have not been to the gym nearly as much as I would have liked, I spent some time last night (when I wasn't at work! Home for good at 3:45, baby!) looking for workouts that I can do in my apartment in the mornings. I came across the Denise Austin workouts, found that she has a aerobics Daily Workout show at 6:30 every morning, and decided to give it a try.

It was unproductive. I was saddened by the lack of productivity that I experienced as a result of this workout. There are commercials. Poo. I guess that's normal, but when you spend 12 minutes of a 30 minute workout sitting on your bum waiting for the show to come back, you don't feel terribly accomplished.

So the search continues...

On a happy note, I only worked during lunch yesterday for about 3 hours, and then Government only lasted 10 minutes due to the technological constraints that the professor continuously complains about. I made a 92 on my test! So I was home by 3:45 (I think I said that already...oh well) at which I took a shower & put on my pajamas. I was a happy camper.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hmmm...I found this on Brett's LJ & decided that it would be a fun thing to try...especially since it's 1:30 am & it's the most coherent thing I can think of to write.

Ok. I'm going to list the first 8 (randomly chosen number) advertising slogans that come up.
- Don't Leave Home Without Adriane.
- It's A Beautiful Adriane.
- I Bet He Drinks Adriane.
- Run For The Adriane.
- (ok...this one was weird...moving on)
- And All Because The Lady Loves Adriane.
- Designed for Adriane, Engineered to Last.
- Turn Loose The Adriane.
Make Your Own!

After I posted this, I checked the link & the word that first came up was "melancholy" in light of my recent "melancholia" as Julie diagnosed it, here is the first advertising slogan that came up.
- Gee, Your Melancholy Smells Terrific.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

20 Keys to a Happy Life

Today I'm feeling kindof blah. Is it weird that sometimes we just need to be alone, but our problems don't necessarily involve the people we're close to? I went to play piano, thinking that it might cheer me up, let me get some emotion out. It did, I guess.

It's freezing outside (literally) and drizzling, so it's kindof like really tiny snow. I think I'll go back home, but take my time. Funny how the outdoors can act like medicine sometimes - I even went to visit my fountain (I call it mine...I guess it technically belongs to UTD)...just the sound was soothing.
I don't even know for sure what's bothering me. Hmmm...I'll get better.

Today's Random Fact: I hate bugs, but I love the outdoors. I love tent-camping, hiking, picnics...all of it. I just don't like the beach (but that's due to the copious sand that I still find under my fingernails a week later).

20 Keys to a Happy Life (My pastor mentioned these in his sermon...I think they're fitting now.)
1. Compliment 3 people every day.
2. Watch a sunrise.
3. Be the first to say "hello."
4. Treat everyone as you want to be treated.
5. Live beneath your means.
6. Forget the Joneses.
7. Never give up on anybody - miracles do happen!
8. Remember someone's name.
9. Be kinder than you have to be.
10.Wish not for things, but for wisdom and courage.
11.Be tough-minded but tender-hearted.
12.Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
13.Keep your promises.
14.Leave everything better than you found it.
15.Show cheerfulness even when you don't feel it.
16.Remember that winners do what losers don't want to do.
17.Remember that overnight success usually takes 15 years.
18.When you arrive at work (or school) in the morning, let the first thing you say brighten someone's day.
19.Don't rain on other people's parades.
20.Don't waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wow. It is cold. Very very cold.

I am wearing Julie's clothes to church today. She has really spiff grey pants & a cute off-the-shoulder black top, and I am so lucky to have her as a friend. If it weren't for her, I would be going out in the 26* (feels like 14*) sleety weather in a skirt, because I refused to wear my own black pants.

It is very cold here. Very very cold. And that's all I have to say about the cold.

Last night we watched Aviator & I think we both fell asleep at one point. This morning, the following conversation took place:
Me: Is it cold in here to you?
Julie: Go outside.
Me: What? Is it hot again? (Wednesday = freezing, Yesterday = warm)
Me: *goes outside* It's cold, Julie!
Julie: It's freeeezing!

There you have it, folks!

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Thursday, February 16, 2006


Or Grrrrrr! Ok, now I'm bugged. What's up with the freezing cold water after it's been "heating up" for about 10 minutes?!? I supposed this means no shower for me. Grrrrrr.

This brings back memories of another sad shower situation, long long ago. The only difference is that now I know how to work this faucet, which I could not accurately claim back then.

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Brownie Bath

I just turned on the water in the bath tub for my shower. First, it spattered resistantly, so I turned it off, waited about 5 seconds, and turned it back on. This time, water came out, but not in its usual clear, clean form which coaxes us to actually put it on ourselves to increase our own cleanliness. No. Instead, it was a nice shade of brown. Yuuuuummy. It continued to spatter, as if to remind me that it only spat out that colorful liquid at my request. I guess now I should go take that's probably clear by now.

Today's Random Fact: Apparently, I'm quirky. I'm the girl that draws morphology trees, that loves her dictionary, that has a particular sanitizer bottle that she likes to use, that says "please/thankyou/your welcome" to everything, that studies the menu during social time, etc. Actually, not all of the things for which I have been named quirky are nerdy...I just realized that most of those listed above are (therefore, a misleading list)...whatever.

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This Morning...

Zahra & I have a Government test today...
PRZNchika7: how did you study for govt?
addicat123: umm...i'll letcha know

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Last Evening

So yesterday, I spent 8 1/2 hours at the Pub...not all of it on the clock, mind you, but still. I worked for about 4 hours, hung out for 3, and then had a staff meeting. It's tons of fun!

When I got off, I sat with a couple of coworkers at a bar table. At one point, we had about 6 people around this tiny bar table. I was made fun of for my love of my dictionary, for making a morphology tree for "antidisestablishmentarianism", and for studying the menu in grave fear of a menu test.

*talking about the Constitution for my Govt test*
What does it say?
Me: "We the people...of these 50 soverign states..."
P: *shakes head* There weren't 50.

*talking about monkeys with weird hind-quarters*
S: They wear nametags that say "hi my name is Bob"
P: "...and this is not my face."

*Later, at home...*
Julie: I look like you in that picture, I look like you.
Me: Really?
Julie: Yeah...I have dark hair & look like a chipmunk!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Singles-Awareness Day

Julie, Zahra & I went to LaMadeline for lunch. We were newbies there, and didn't fall into line immediately. First we bought each other pink roses. Then when we got to the restaurant, we went in the wrong door and made a big scene (like we always do!). We took pictures (we were all gussied up!) and then a nice lady by the fireplace took a picture for us. We took her picture too :). Then we took pictures outside because it was really pretty. We took a lot of pictures.

I was supposed to close tonight, but I am feeling really sick so I left after 4 hours at 9:00. Poo...I have a fever too. But, Julie was really nice & changed my tv from "A" to "B" channels so Gilmore Girls would record tonight, so I'll watch that while I fall asleep.

Goodnight all! And a special thanks to Zahra & Julie for being my dates!

Pictures coming soon!

Today's Random Fact (long overdue): I used to never drink carbonated drinks, but since I started working at The PUB, I do drink them. That's a baaad habit. Maybe that's why I'm sick...(doubt it)

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Monday, February 13, 2006

I cooked!

I made macarroni today, which involved more than just putting a bowl of oatmeal in the microwave and pushing the "2 minute" and "add 30 seconds" buttons. Actually, Zahra put the macarroni into the water for me, so I didn't do that part. For the last 3 weeks I haven't done any's sad sortof. Now I feel sick (not from my cooking, I'm a good cook) so it's nap-time!


Thursday, February 09, 2006

I'm sorry

Thankyou, Heather, who also commented. I <3 you.

I had a Genetics exam this morning...I think I was prepared, but I start to doubt myself when several answers in a row are "E. All of these."

Today's Random Fact: I like to write poetry, but compared to professional standards, they're kinda crummy. Also, whenever I think of something (a phrase or word) that I might want to use in my writing at a later date, I write it down. Just this morning I got an idea for a poem, but since it's not occasional (like, having to do with whatever I'm feeling right then) I'm gonna wait to write it until I get several more phrases.

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Valene: Zahra...
Zahra: *elated* I'm just wanted today!
Valene: ...we're on our last roll of toilet paper
Zahra: *noticably less elated* Oh.

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By the way

I love my sister! Normally I don't do those "shoutout" thingies, but I'm making an exception. She commented on my blog!

I love you too, Boopie!


On Guard

At work I was attacked by Piotr & his disappearing ink. He got it on my shirt. I warned him several times, but I get the idea that he is not afraid of me. Then Greg showed up, who also had disappearing ink, so I got inked again. Then they fought each other for a minute...Greg wanted to make a Zorro sign or something lol. Poor me, somehow I was left unarmed.

Apparently the stuff is non-toxic, but they still don't want you to eat it.



Today's Random Fact: Although I'm a "morning person", in that I like to get up early & do stuff before class, sometimes I need a little help. I have 3 friends to help me with this problem:
1. My mommy calling me on the phone sometimes on her way to work.
2. Julie opening her door (because if I hear Julie's door open & I am not yet up, something is seriously wrong...don't worry Julie...I heart you...Julie can stay up late reading with better comprehension & devotion than can I.)
3. My dear coffee pot, without whom I would not be here today.


Today was strange... :-/

And I'm really tired, so I'm not gonna elaborate...just the skeletons lol.

By "today" I mean Tuesday February 7. That gets so confusing to people when the clock strikes twelve.

We watched a video in Gender Studies on female to male transexuals. They were very vivid. And forthcoming. And we heard the "p-word" a lot. And saw photographs (that one guy took of himself). But it was very interesting & informative!

Also, I sit on the front row, and there happened to be a cricket at the front of the room. The girl next to me & I both don't like crickets, and definately didn't want it coming any closer to us. So during the discussion after the video, we kept looking over the table to make sure the creature was kept at bay. At one point, we could no longer see it by looking over the table, and took to looking under it. We tried not to be too obvious, as class did not cease for our insect-watching. I looked away for a bit, and then I heard the girl next to me jump, so I jumped & let out a very soft shriek (no, I did not scream). Dr. Smith asked, "are we having insect problems over here?" and proceeded to step on it. Then the lady at the end of the row covered her mouth due to the killing of the bug. So, here we have 3 girls at the front of the class shocked (for various reasons), and Dr. Smith apologizing for killing the cricket. I love that class!

Zahra basically told me at lunch that she doesn't want to be my friend anymore:
(talking about my AIM always malfunctioning)
I just figured you weren't there, because you weren't answering...and my buddy list is always blinking with you signing on and off.
Zahra: Yeah...I get annoyed by that...I thought about blocking you.
Me: Thanks, Zahra. Really...thanks.

At work, we had a very very very very very scary event. Basically (as it was so artfully phrased by my coworker) this guy was the text book example of a complaining customer. We weren't quite sure whether he was going to pull out a gun & start shooting. I almost cried. However, it is so funny now to think incredibly insane.

And then Piotr decided that I should be the pack animal for restocking. So when we went to the storage room, I got to carry back 2 jugs of mocha, 4 bags of hot lids, 3 bags of cold lids, and 2 bags of cups in one trip.

After work, I stayed to play pool & watch Office Space. It was fun...I decided that I deserved it. Plus, I haven't seen Office Space in a very long time, and when I did, I was too young to actually get most of it.

Ok, so that was actually a long-ish post, but whatever. Goodnight.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wow, it's the middle of the night

Incompetence baffles me. That's all I'm gonna say.

I love my job! I really have fun with the people with whom I work...not something I was expecting. And the quesadillas aren't bad either. I have not cooked in approximately 2 weeks. Yup...since I started working. I buy dinner at work almost every night (cause I work late), and then the meal is so big that I have it for lunch the next day. Wait I lied...I have made vegetables in the microwave & such. And today I was pouting & made Easy Mac. I really want to make homemade chicken noodle soup. I think I wrote about that already. I'm sleepy.

Today's Random Fact: Though my first name means "dark one", never fear. My middle name means "light" I think it all balances out.

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Monday, February 06, 2006


For the past week or two, I have been continuously telling myself that I would dust my room, vacuum, and re-arrange my closet (with my new pink hangers!) when I had time to do that. Because I use cleaning as a de-stressing activity, I didn't want to do it when I needed to be working on other stuff. So, I did all of that last night. Yes, I had other stuff that I needed to do. But I opted not to care...the dustiness, nasty carpet, and clothes at the end of my bed have been there long enough, I declared!

It is really really really really cold outside. And it doesn't help that UTD is a wind tunnel. Add a couple more "really"'s to that to account for all that wind.

I want to make chicken noodle soup, but I don't have boullon cubes. Sad.

Today's Random Fact: I am doubly homozygous (both genes which account for eye color), so my eyes are an uncommonly dark shade of brown. I told my mom this, and explained that this must be why my eyes have gotten darker! She replied, "Honey, your eyes have always been really dark brown...even when you were born..." Thus, I am weird. It's ok. Oh oh! Fact #2 (bonus!): My name means "dark one"...hahaha!


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Me? A Computer Brain? Nah...

rabidwire1922: I have something I want you to listen to
addicat123: i have something i want you to listen to

rabidwire1922: try to convert it to an mp3 then email it to me
addicat123: do i look like the kind of person who would know how to "convert" anything, much less an intangable music file??
rabidwire1922: it could happen
rabidwire1922: email it to me
addicat123: before or after this miraculous "conversion" that is supposed to take place?
rabidwire1922: before

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I went to a genetics symposium called "Understanding Microbiology at the Genome Level"...yes, I'm oh so good at that. Much of it was about 10 stories over my spinning head, but some of it was interesting. Especially the part where one of the speakers put up a slide of a list of "omes", and the guy next to me pointed out, "Ha, there's one called 'unknome'!"

There are some people out by the pool, camping. In a tent. With a campfire. And a tent. And did I mention that it is currently 46*, with a wind chill of 43*? I applaud their dedication to the art of camping. In my defense, though, I have tent-camped multiple times in the mountain wilderness at a lower temperature than that. But this is Dallas, and we have apartments. Well, they don't tonight. Tents.

I saw signs for the LSAT on campus, pointing law school hopefuls toward the ECS building. Therefore, perhaps I will not have to actually go anywhere to take the test.

Today's Random Fact: I have a birthmark-ish thing on my lower back that looks like a rabbit.

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Thursday, February 02, 2006


Someone in my Government class posted a question asking for the ISBN of our book. Then some other guy responded with "Why?" I'm thinking to myself, "Who takes the time to respond, just to not answer the question...that first guy is probably sad now because he feels like his question was stupid. I shall come to the rescue." So I did.

My Response:
Sure, no problem.
ISBN: *blah blah*
Thanks, *2nd guy*, for your helpful wisdom. :-p

I just put the smiley face there in case he tries to take it too personally.

Today's Random Fact: I really like fuzzy posters. They are all over my room. Julie, however, does not approve of my fuzzy posters. I also have a "Wall of Veggie" - my ode to Veggie Tales. It's really just the back of my door, with a few pictures I've colored.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Funny Story

Disclaimer: I am plagiarizing this story from Zahra's xanga. She wrote it better than I ever could! Don't worry...I asked first.

Funny story: Adriane, Julie, Kaitlyn, Jessica and I were sitting in the Comet Cafe today for lunch and Adriane was telling us about the book she has to read for gender studies. This particular chapter of the said book had the word... um... for a boy part, in there quite a few times and the theory they presented was quite funny. Well, being the immature people that we are, we of course did not say the p-word but rather alluded to it with "boy part"... until Adriane's id got the better of her conscious and she said the word really really loudly and then we all commenced to make fun of her. :P poor Adriane, she turned the same color as her shirt. Her shirt was pink. It was quite amusing though I must say.

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Walking home from class, I noticed some doggie poopie in the grass. I thought to myself, "Hmm...that's kinda gross, but it's no biggie." Then I saw some on the sidewalk. That's more of a biggie.



I worked from 5 to close last night, and got off around 11:15. Luckily, I was able to tell myself the entire time that "this is my only night to close, and my longest day, so just get through it." Actually, though, I had a lot of fun. I really like my job, except for the whole not getting homework done aspect, and some occasional fatigue. Other than that, my co-workers are great, and the atmosphere is fun.

BUT! When my manager came up to me after we closed, holding my cash drawer, I was sure he had something bad to say. However, he looked at me & sighed, and said, "Adriane, your drawer was perfect. And you had a whole lot of sales. Good job." Yes! Apparently it is rare to come in perfect after a long drawer shift.

I made an A on my Genetics exam! Even after the curve, the class average was a high C. Me = very happy with my grade.

Today is my short day! I have 1 1/2 hours off after my last class, then I only work for a little over 2 hours! Then it's off to abs class, which I have not attended all semester...I'm finally off before 8!

Yesterday, I was sitting in the Cafe with Julie, Zahra & Kaitlyn, talking about Gender Studies, and I accidentally said a "bad" word. I can't believe I just said it! I never say it! Anyway, I didn't realize I said it until I got to the "envy" part of the compound word. Then I gasped, and Julie, Zahra & Kaitlyn gasped as well. Then we laughed a whoooole lot. We're so mature.

And, folks, I shall be adding a new component to Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and apparently it's all small stuff. Behold, Today's Random Fact.
Today's Random Fact: I don't like decaf. When someone askes, "Is this decaf?" I respond, "What's decaf?" Decaf does not exist.

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