Wednesday, November 30, 2005

a perspective

I've become rather fond of this whole "selling your books back" idea. I know that I'm only getting about half of what I paid...and so I was wondering why I'm happy. Then I realized that maybe by now, after all of the readings, homework, exams, and such, I have forgotten about actually buying the books to begin with. The resentment toward the bookstore, and my text books by extension, has withered due to my forgetfulness, and now I consider the bookstore my best friend. I do not, however, consider my textbooks my best friend, as evidenced by the fact that I am selling them for quick cash. Don't worry, human friends, I will never sell you...


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Random Facts...

...from Jill's blog. Passing it on!

Rules of the game: Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this.

1. I only drink water with a straw. No straw, no water. No water, no living. Therefore, straw = life.
2. I often organize my stuff in a "hey I just threw this here" way, when in fact it took time and thought to arrange it.
3. I have a pamphlet in a stack of papers called "Women's Health: What's Normal What's Not" that has been there for a few weeks...and I don't really know why
4. Sometimes when I pass by people I know, I mouth the word "hi" but no verbal proof of an encounter can be found.
5. I was hoping to get my Gender Studies text book before I go home so I can peruse it during my isolation period commonly called December.

Step up to the Plate:
~ Julie
~ Zahra
~ Valene
~ Brett
~ Andrew


They replaced my smoke detector

It took 3 musty Mexican maintenance men to do it.

When I came home from my Geology final (yay!!) the story was dramatically relayed to me:
Musty Maintenance Men: Which bedroom is it? *pointing* This one?
Zahra: C
Musty Maintenance Men: *walk into Julie's room*
Zahra: No, C!
Musty Maintenance Men: Oh...we thought you were speaking Spanish.

Then I walked into my room:
Me: Oh no, they saw my pajamas!
Valene: But we checked for panties...
Me: Yay, thanks.
Valene: *laughing*...after they left!

My roommates sprayed my room to get rid of the musty smell. And taped the maintenance order to my door. Yay! I love those things! I'm totally keeping them to put in my scrapbook!


Monday, November 28, 2005

chad is paranoid

hochboruto: you weren't at the comet cafe at lunch
addicat123: but i shoudl be there tomorrow
addicat123: and tonight
hochboruto: oh... suuuuuurrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee
hochboruto: and when I walk down there in the cold you and your friends would be laughing at me from a window in your apartment
hochboruto: I'm no fool missy
addicat123: no i mean it! im about to leave in like 5 minutes!
hochboruto: well, then you'd ambush me right outside the SU and steal my electric bill money
addicat123: yes...that is my evil plan...and its important enough for me to rish life & limb braving the violent wind & chill
addicat123: cant you see me as one of those 8th graders that stole kids' lunch money? im just that menacing


Adriane says: my smoke detector fell on me during the night
Becky says: were you smoking?
Adriane says: my sleep
Becky says: were you studying in your sleep again?
Adriane says: lol no
Adriane says: i have 1 exam today at 2
Becky says: smart appliance -- detects when your brain is on overload
Adriane says: hehe yup
Becky says: wishing you great success in your rock analysis. if you think about rocks while performing in orchestra... is it a Rock Concert?
Adriane says: hehe yeah *high five*
Becky says: is it blogworthy?
Adriane says: ill put it up

Maintenance is coming to re-attach my smoke detector since it landed on my bed during the night. How many times have they been here? Let's see if I can recall...
- refrigerator motor
- ice maker
- Zahra's smoke detector #1
- Zahra's smoke detector #2
- clogged kitchen sink
- dishwasher shooting water like a gyser
- Valene & Zahra's clogged bathtub #1
- Valene & Zahra's clogged bathtub #2
- my lightbulb
- my smoke detector


perceived flirting

My sister said that when I'm driving and wave at another driver for letting me out or something, that my wave says "hey :)" rather than "thanks".

In other news, I just bought a calculator for $2.95 from the bookstore. I might need it for my Lab final. As I opened it, a piece of paper fell out, saying congratulating me on my purchase. It says "Congratulations on your purchase!"


AIM Deviants

hochboruto: School = evil
addicat123: why do you say that now?
hochboruto: cause I'm in art
addicat123: right now?
hochboruto: yep, I should get off though, they're meann about AIM
hochboruto: but I won't bwhahahahahaha
addicat123: you show them, chad@
addicat123: *Chad!
hochboruto: done and done!


Sunday, November 27, 2005

Plane Crash Coverage

On Thursday (Thanksgiving) I went home (Houston) kindof "spur of the moment". Mom was booking my plane ticket online, and the following conversation was spoken:

Me: I don't mind being on the tiny plane. I'm used to that going to Wisconsin & Wyoming.
Mom: *annoyed* Honey, no! If your plane crashes, you want it to be big enough to make the news.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005


3 minutes later...

hochboruto: success
hochboruto: I got skim too :-) there goes your get fat plan


mac milk

hochboruto: do yall have milk?
addicat123: lol nope...ran out this morning
hochboruto: nooooOOOOOo
hochboruto: I need milk for my macoroni
addicat123: you know what you can do? i learned this after moving to college...
hochboruto: go door to door asking for milk?
addicat123: dont drain all of the water after you boil it...the boiled water gets thicker or something, so leave a little bit in there...then use a little extra might make you fat, but hey, you're working on a Freshman 15 right?
hochboruto: I like my milk!
hochboruto: brb


Monday, November 21, 2005


Somebody (cough-Trash Boy-cough) put a girl condom on our clippy outside our door!!!!!

We found it at 7:15 this morning. It was not a pleasant discovery.


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Bug Problem

We have bugs in our refrigerator. Dead bugs. Billions. Or eighty.
Valene & I were showing Julie the situation.

Julie: My philosophy is to avoid a problem as looooong as possible!
Valene: *slyly* My dad would've cleaned it up...don't you think?


Friday, November 18, 2005

New Pictures!!!

I put pictures online yesterday.

Under the categories of:
- College Fall 2005
- FOT 2005 -- SKYDIVE

Check 'em out!!!


This gave me a chuckle...

As I was leaving Jonsson this morning, walking on my merry way, I saw a note attached crudely to the door with masking tape. It made me laugh, but I didn't have my camera. So I walked all the way home in the cold, got my camera, and walked back. Then I took a picture, and vowed never to leave home without my camera again.

Disclaimer: The statements & ideas conveyed in this note in no way represent the opinions of the author of this site. She merely found them funny & felt a moral obligation to share her laughter with the vast internet population.

UTD Rent-A-Cops:

Do not lock this *expletive*ing door at night. Students need to access this building. Faculty needs to access this building. Do not waste my time and make me freeze my a** off looking for the one unlocked door on campus. Please make sure your feeble attempts to ensure campus security no longer include locking these doors.

Thanks so much in advance


Thursday, November 17, 2005

aceing tests feels good

I feel awesome about my Government test. Hopefully my confidence is not unfounded.

Writing bogus answers on your Geology test because you only skimmed the chapters & then studied false information in your sleep feels good to.

Legitimate Question #1
What is the difference between a shield and a craton?
Bogus Answer #1
shield - a weapon for defense
Craton - the protagonist that uses the shield to protect himself against the evil lava

Legitimate Question #2
What is a Wilson Cycle?
Bogus Answer #2
The amount of time needed for a castaway's volleyball friend to turn a full 360*


Yesterday I...

  • drank my first Red Bull ever
    • and people said "I can tell" with a peppy head bob & potentially mocking grin
    • had 3 people sign the can to prove that I drank it
    • discovered that it smelled like a mixture between Epcot's Chinese CocaCola ("Happy Watermelon") and some strange kind of shampoo that was brought back from my memory of an unknown experience from my distant past
    • discovered that it had an after-affect similar to that of Smarties or Shock-Tarts
  • experienced Neil & Daniel making noises in Lab and pretending it was me
  • got out of Yoga early to study for my Govt test, thus setting a trend for the rest of the apathetic class
  • bought 2 more Red Bulls cause I thought I might need 1 more to stay awake
    • and of course I needed one to stash in the fridge for an emergency...don't ask why...I really have no idea
  • went to the SU after Jujitsu to study for my test
    • got a Starbucks Double Shot & a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough icecream
    • was told by a boy in Chess Club, pointing at the above, "I like your company"
  • studied for Government test & then read/skimmed 2 Geology chapters
  • dreamed about Geology all night...but for some reason in my dream I thought it was Government
    • so I made the conscious decision in the middle of the night when I woke up that I would not (unintentionally) try to study Govt in my sleep...cause then I'd just be irreversibly confused


cursed girls

Julie: You know what I've decided? I am never gonna get married & you are never gonna get married
Me: Why?
Julie: Because I think that in the history of our lives we have broken too many of those little chain mail things.
Me: Yeah...I never send those.
Julie: *mimicking the commands of the letters* Send this to 5 people, and you will be kissed by the love of your life on Friday. If you don't send it by midnight, then you will be CURSED!

I suppose I'm just cursed. I am, however, so glad to have this information relayed to me now, rather than waiting until Friday & not being kissed by the love of my life. Now that would have been a disappointment. :-P


College Alternatives

Yesterday during lunch we were discussing Chad's potential 8th grade AIM password. He said he was thinking about college then. His parents must have been proud...
Chad: Not everyone goes to sister didn't.
Me: So what is she doing now?
Chad: Drugs.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sweater Weather!!!

The weather website says that right now, it is 33* (but feels like 25*).

The high today is 56* & the low tonight is 30*.



Tuesday, November 15, 2005

OK that last post needs some background

I've been living in the dark for 2 days because I don't know how to change my lightbulb. When I came in this afternoon, Julie told me to ask Zahra to call maintenance for me.

Zahra told me of the event that had taken place earlier in the day. She & Valene were here when the maintenance man came in.
Maintenance Man: *in a dreary, unpleased, and slightly resentful tone* Hi. I'm here to get the hair out of your bathtub.
Then he left it sitting in the tub after taking it out of the drain.

So now there should be someone here today (or within 2 business days) to change my lightbulb. I'm excited about getting another one of those cool yellow maintenance-order thingies for my scrapbook!


Tornado plans

Valene came to tell Julie & me that there are lots of tornado warnings tonight. She said the weather man sounded happy about it...I guess that's what keeps him employeed.

So we were deciding what to do in the event of a tornado.
Valene suggested the hallway, but mine & Julie's has a window near it. So I suggested the bathroom, but Valene mentioned that there is glass in there.

I said that once when I was little, there was a tornado warning & my parents took the mirror out of the bathroom.
Valene: Do we know how to do that??? We'd have to call maintenance!
That prompted a discussion of how we would sound calling maintenance to come take down our mirror in the middle of a tornado.


I'm not even gonna post about yesterday

But I will say that my light doesn't work in my room. Maybe I'll see how long I can live without it's illuminating assistance. I can just imagine how good I would get at dressing in the dark, studying without actually seeing my books...hey, I don't have to worry about not being able to sleep cause the light's on!

It's like one of those clapper-lights...but without the clapper & without the light. Ok, so I guess it's not really the same thing. But kinda.

Or maybe I'll find someone on my travels who knows how to change these lightbulbs. Yes. That seems like a sensible thing to do.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Kaitlyn is my hero!!

She kept telling me she could fix my keyboard, but I really didn't think so.

But tonight she came over and did it! I am muy happy. Thanks Kaitlyn!


Saturday, November 12, 2005

Pseudo puke

Julie: *drinking her juice* I put 2 gummy bears in here earlier
Me: See, it's ok that you're never gonna grow up...
Julie: *think "she's gonna blow!!"...that's what happened*
Me: *visably stunned*...cause you're cute & people like you


Kitchen Komments

Me: Goodnight! I think I'm gonna go to bed.
Julie: *incredulously* It's 8:47
Me: *laughs a lot* As though "8:47" is an especially significant time
Julie: Why don't you just wait till 9...and keep your dignity?


Is everybody but me getting married?!?!?!

Seems that way. And they are all my age, too!

I'm about ready to start reading "Modern Bride" in order to fit in and avoid the conspicuous display that is "single girl with a life"!!! I've noticed several little girls, while strolling arm in arm with their beau, pointing and laughing asking their little boy (these people are not grown up!) "Has she not yet gotten the memo? The new Modern Bride is hip & young!

God forbid a girl actually reach drinking age before making the toast! Perhaps they have not come to the blatant realization that marriage is an actual commitment...for those who have not had that beaten into them as of yet, THIS IS FOR REAL! Think carefully.

For those of you who actually love the person you're engaged to, or have just married, I wish you the very best of luck. It will be hard, but with God's help you can do it.

For those of you who are in lust and simply running from a problem a little more severe than your new interest's mere presence can actually solve, I wish you luck too. You're probably going to need it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish reading 101 Things Your Caterer Won't Tell You.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

because my keyboard broke...

Becky says: that's terrible - what can be done?
Adriane says: and me thnks me has another week or so on the warranty
Adriane says: send et en
Becky says: you learned latin!!


Jule's creatve convos

godloverjk: how many people actually leave messages to your promise of nothing in return
Auto response from addicat123: I'm busy reading...leave a message & I'll check back occasionally!
godloverjk: by the by
godloverjk: i found out that at my home, whenever my parents get on the computer, my aim automatically turns on and signs me in, so people have been messaging my parents for the last couple months


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

my computer just broke...

I set my book on the keyboard, and now just realized that the "I" key and the "8" key have come off. This is bad. Perhaps there's another week on my warranty? To type these 2 keys, I have to press on a button inside the actual key. Not good...again.



Monday, November 07, 2005

I really should be reading...

...but instead, I'm sitting at my computer, updating my blog, reading yacog profiles, and buffing & shining & a myriad of other things to my nails with Julie's super-cool 7-sided nail-do-it-all thingie-ma-bob.


A little too much Faulkner

Our Humanities assignment due tomorrow is to read "Faulkner". However, our book of short stories contains 2 pieces by Faulkner - Barn Burning (13 pages) and A Rose for Emily (7 pages). Julie & I decided to read both, because we weren't sure which one would be on the quiz, or if both readings were expected. Just as I was 4 lines from the end of Barn Burning, Julie told me that she just found out that we are only responsible for A Rose for Emily. So now I get to start reading the actual assignment. And it would be better, but the first story was disturbing...about a compulsive barn burner (as the title may suggest to some of the more intelligent readers). Yay, Faulkner! Maybe I'll try to write a paper on Barn Burning...of course, it would be on the story, not a how-to or some kind of expose' on the art or crime of barn burning.


This is like the worst day ever.

Maybe tomorrow will be better?


Saturday, November 05, 2005

blah blah blah

Last night before going to Medea, Zahra, Julie & I went to Kohl's. I went looking for sweatpants & a certain kind of pants that I'm not gonna say right now. If my roomies want to comment & put the name of the pants, they may feel free.

I came out with:
-brown sweatpants
-pink sweatpants & matching jacket
-black huge pants (of the certain kind)
-a sweater that is super comfy
-"Grumpy" shirt
-burgandy shirt

Now Megan is here & we walked around campus. Mucho fun. She's fixing my CD player...maybe.


Friday, November 04, 2005

one by one

Well, we didn't make it through the night on the balcony.
Julie came in at 2 am
Zahra came in at 4:30 am
I woke up at 5 am, realized I was alone, found myself immediately terrified that the boy of an unknown habitat had stolen them as I slept. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't.
I came in at 5:15 am

Then I didn't go back to sleep. So I slept for like 4 hours & I'm a tad bit sleepy. So are Julie & Zahra as Zahra couldn't figure out how to open the bottle of coffee creamer, and Julie randomly shouted "what?!" from the hallway to us in the kitchen. I have yet to determine her reasoning for this.
Zahra: See, this is why we shouldn't talk to Julie when she's tired.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Potential things he said

Julie: I'm scared...he called us the b-word
Me: I don't know that he said the b-word...he might have said, "wow, on my leg, what an itch"
*moments pass*
*zahra enters*
Julie's scared
Zahra: Why?
Julie: Cause he called us the b-word...they're gonna call the police cause we're making loud noises at an untimely hour
Me: I don't know that he said the b-word...
Zahra: He might have said "sandwich"

I made them get up so I could post. We were all laughing mucho. Then Zahra responded:
Zahra: This is what happens when we get tired...we don't make much sense.


Then it went clang...

I went out to "touch up" sweep, and sure enough, it went *bang*. Then a guy from some unknown location shouted, "What ARE you doing?!"

We all went out & looked around for him, but couldn't find him. We told him so. Then I think he called us the b-word. I told Julie & Zahra of my concern.

Zahra (to him): You're just jealous 'cause you're not sleeping on the balcony tonight!
Julie (whisper): Don't tell him that...


guacamole party

I spent about 2 hours shopping for sweatpants online. By the time I actually got around to finalizing the order, the pink sweatsuit was out of stock. "Sad days", as Julie would say.

Julie, Zahra & I had a guacamole party.

Then Julie went into her room...
Julie: Why are the Yellow Pages in my room under my panties?

Now she's out on the balcony sweeping so that we can sleep out there. She keeps smacking the metal railing with the broom. It goes *clink* and then echos for several seconds. I just heard...
Julie: Adriane...?
Me: What?
Julie: I shouldn't be left alone with this...
Now it went *bang* 3 more times.

She & Zahra are now laughing about church bells.
I think it's about our bedtime.


Argh! Julie!!!

She KEEPS posting comments under MY name! If you see ANY comments from the supposed "adriane", be warned: It is she, the Julie!

And I'm not saying that I would!


Nice is a nakey tree...

We were talking about a boy...

Me: But he's nice! He goes above & beyond.
Julie: Nice is not enough.
Zahra: Nice is a nakey tree. We don't like nakey trees.
Julie: It is infinately more important that you get a whole package...

And the things they have listed in the package are:
fruit ("lots of fruit" says Zahra)
grass around the bottom
a bench
a tree house


I also...

I also went to and visited these sites:
- how to annoy your roommate
- play MASH online
- (the virtual pet)
- there were others, but like I said...sleeeeepy


I adopted a virtual pet

I can do the following:
- play with my pet & exercise it at the park
- teach it new tricks & enter a pet show contest
- reward my pet for good behavior
- feed & groom my pet
- enjoy unlimited access to my virtual pet

Of course, before proceeding with the adoption, I had to sign away all parental rights to the graphics on the pages.

It was hard to decide which pet I wanted. My options were:
The first name listed is the "type", and in () is the "class"
- American Beagle (dog)
- Black Labrador (dog)
- Poodle (dog)
- Chihuahua (dog)
- European (tabby??)
- Persian (cat)
- Scotishfold (cat)
- Siamese (cat)
- Arab (arabian)
- Golden (hampster)
- Golden (goldfish)
- Macaw (parrot)
- Steppe (tortoise)
- Mool (snake)
- Chelydra (turtle)
- Marmoset (monkey)

In the end, I chose a Marmoset. I chose the name, age, and gender. I felt lucky to have this opportunity, for I was not aware that modern science was able to dictate gender and age, much less that they wanted to do so for me and my virtual pet. But, I guess they just really really care.
Name: Maury
Age: 2
Gender: male

Then I went into the town, which included:
- Pet Store
- Vet's Office
- Sport
- Park
- Show
- Go Inside
Or, I could get:
- another pet
- a new pet
- help
- stats

But then I realized that it's almost 12:30 am, and I am kinda tired. And I realized that this virtual world is not real, that Maury has no real idea of time, and that he probably won't mind too much if I wait till tomorrow to meet him. I'm sure he will understand. Goodnight everyone! Goodnight Maury!


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The most awesome statement ever...

Chad & I were sending messages back & forth on Facebook, discussing my skydive. I mentioned something about my ex, and he wrote back:

Hehe, you should rename your ex something like frogface meanie, everytime you say Chad this or Chad that to me I think to myself, "I never said that" but then I discover it wasn't a cool Chad, but an imposter Chad.



Zahra & I talk on AIM a lot...

addicat123: are you working?
prZnChika87: naw
prZnChika87: lol

...Even though we live in the same apartment...

prZnChika87: jus sitting in the living room talkn to u when i could just as easily walk into ur room :-)


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pay Day

addicat123: i went skydiving
rabidwire1922: naked?
addicat123: you bet
rabidwire1922: (I would pay to see that)
addicat123: lol
rabidwire1922: (you naked in public would be *beep*ing hil-ar-i-ous)


Zahra ponders...

Here is what Zahra sent me this morning while I was in class...

the nice men are ugly.
the handsome men are not nice.
the handsome, nice men are gay.
the handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
the men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money.
the men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.
the handsome men without money are after our money.
the handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
the men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are dogs!!!
the men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!
the men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.

teehee...... i really should be studying..... and you're not even here to reply me!!!!
prZnChika87: i love you!!! muah!!!
