Thursday, November 03, 2005

I adopted a virtual pet

I can do the following:
- play with my pet & exercise it at the park
- teach it new tricks & enter a pet show contest
- reward my pet for good behavior
- feed & groom my pet
- enjoy unlimited access to my virtual pet

Of course, before proceeding with the adoption, I had to sign away all parental rights to the graphics on the pages.

It was hard to decide which pet I wanted. My options were:
The first name listed is the "type", and in () is the "class"
- American Beagle (dog)
- Black Labrador (dog)
- Poodle (dog)
- Chihuahua (dog)
- European (tabby??)
- Persian (cat)
- Scotishfold (cat)
- Siamese (cat)
- Arab (arabian)
- Golden (hampster)
- Golden (goldfish)
- Macaw (parrot)
- Steppe (tortoise)
- Mool (snake)
- Chelydra (turtle)
- Marmoset (monkey)

In the end, I chose a Marmoset. I chose the name, age, and gender. I felt lucky to have this opportunity, for I was not aware that modern science was able to dictate gender and age, much less that they wanted to do so for me and my virtual pet. But, I guess they just really really care.
Name: Maury
Age: 2
Gender: male

Then I went into the town, which included:
- Pet Store
- Vet's Office
- Sport
- Park
- Show
- Go Inside
Or, I could get:
- another pet
- a new pet
- help
- stats

But then I realized that it's almost 12:30 am, and I am kinda tired. And I realized that this virtual world is not real, that Maury has no real idea of time, and that he probably won't mind too much if I wait till tomorrow to meet him. I'm sure he will understand. Goodnight everyone! Goodnight Maury!



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