Monday, October 31, 2005

We've been found...

Trash Boy claimed on Facebook to be living in our apartment. We had a bit of a problem with that, seeing as how we have declared this an "all-girls" establishment. I believe he corrected the error.

I wrote this on Zahra's Facebook wall:

See, that's why I love're so selfless and willing to use your beastness for the public good of apartment #****. No way I'm putting our apartment number on this...we've had enough pranks for one semester.

Then Trash Boy promptly posted:
Their number is 5523.

To which Zahra wrote to him:
aww...well thanks for posting it.......i forget where i live sometimes. thanks for reminding me sweetie....appreciate it!!! lol.
much luvn

And he retorted:
I can honestly say that it was a pleasure.


Well said, Zahra

prZnChika87: i love the rain...... jus not me bein cold and having wet pants in the rain :-)


I'm singin' in the rain... might think that if I'm going to go to the effort to check the day's weather in the morning, that I might actually heed the warnings of "scattered thunderstorms" when getting dressed. But no. After art, I went to the SU to read Government, and now I have just arrived home. It's what happened between the two that was the problemo. I wore flat flip-flops and long, cord. pants that take forever to dry. So I walked home after Jessica's unsuccessful "hit and run" to steal my umbrella, and got soaked anyway. My legs feet at least. I walked through a couple of big puddles, but none so large or disasterous as the bubbling brook which I crossed when coming up to Phase VIII. There was a sprinkler head gushing water into the air and replenishing the 3 or 4 inch brook. I laughed momentarily and walked right through it. I was wet...yes indeed.

And I just talked to Valene, who said she also spent her blissful rainy walk in laughter, telling the scrutinizing passers-by "This is funny!"

It is indeed. I am now wearing pajama pants.



I am contemplating becoming an "hour-by-hour" person, in order to utilize the "hour-by-hour" feature on While I can not currently think of a good use for this service, I am confident that one will present itself in the near future, and I want to be ready.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

Julie & Zahra are Married on Facebook...

They are actually currently attempting to navigate all of the technical aspects of a Facebook marriage.

Zahra: Julie, you have to add me as a husband-slash-wife too. I don't like one-way marriages...I'm sorry. Like, I'm married to you but you're not married to me...

Yesterday, Julie & I went grocery shopping and bought some kind of no-bake Reeses cake thing. We then came home, went to the gym, did about 4 miles (bike & treadmill), weights, crunches, & about 2 sit-ups (each, mind you). Julie had done 3 miles that morning too. After that we made the Reeses thingies.

Julie: The first thing we baked was no-bake!
Me: We are really good no-bakers!


Saturday, October 29, 2005

Florida Update

So the Feast of Tabernacles was great...for the most part. The trip up was really good. No bickering or anything, which made it rather enjoyable, though I slept for most of the ride. I had no idea that I was THAT tired. They had to wake me up at Stuckey's and Cracker Barrel...I was dead.

We ended up with the same exact condo as last year. It was kinda ironic. Juliane & I had the room that Cameron & Chad had last year. I tried to get a ton of work done within the first couple of days before everyone got there...I'm sure glad I did, or else I would be buried in a hypothetical pile of poo at this very moment.

Skydiving was postponed from Wednesday to Friday, on account of a lack of pilot. We did not complain...pilots are important for things such as jumping out of an airplane. He was called away to his real job at the last minute.

Wednesday night, I went to the Young Adults Bible Study on was excellent. However, about an hour into it, I started feeling horribly ill. I waited another 45 minutes or so, but it just got worse, so I left. It turned out that I had a 102* fever, which I sustained throughout the next day. I told my mom on Thursday morning that, "I don't care if I'm still sick...I'm jumping out of an airplane tomorrow." What a horrible thing to have stop you from doing something cool.

I was better on Thursday night, though, so all was well. Sunday night we had dinner at Kaitlyn's condo with her family. She made fajitas...she's such an awesome cook...I think I'll adopt her. I packed up that night, though we didn't leave until after the second church service on Tuesday.

I finally got to hang out with Heather a little bit...we had been trying to make it work all week, but schedules just didn't permit I suppose. I hope to see her on Thanksgiving. I think it will be in Dallas this year which implies near zero travel requirements for me!! Although it probably means that I should cook something. (Oh, Kaitlyn...?)

We got home around 10 am on Wednesday, but my flight wasn't until 7 pm. So, I helped clean the kitchen, then went to get some pictures printed at Walgreens & got a book from Barnes & Noble for Cameron. Actually, I also bought one for myself, which I am saving until December when I will have a 5-week break from school.

Mom copied our skydiving videos onto DVD, but they won't play in any DVD player except the recording one. Nana came down to watch the video, after I went to her house to pick up a siren thingie designed to scare off potential kidnappers & rapists. It makes a hideous sound...I wouldn't want it blaring in my ear. It seems like a good device...I'm just worried about it growing a prosthetic mind of its own and taking over during class or something.

Mom & I went to the airport, and had to really rush. I don't think I've ever been this lax concerning air travel promptness. We ended up checking my bags at the curb, which I had no idea was ever an option! He said my big bag was over the weight limit, but he would let it slide. However, he said no to the adding of the giant pillow, albeit virtually weightless, to the bag in question.

So, I had 4 carry-ons now, twice the acceptable "1 carry-on & 1 personal item". I shall list them now:
*big pink tote bag
*big purse which is more like a small tote bag
*giant weightless pillow

How would one resolve this issue? Well, here's how it happened folks...and I know you're interested:
*give little things to Mom to take empty zip-loc bags (I know they're small...but it's the principle of the matter)
*place purse in tote bag
*take pillow case off of pillow to make it appear less like a "bag"
*using 4 hands, stuff pillow violently onto the top of the tote bag, much to the dismay of the 3 monks sitting less than 10 feet away
*Mom helps to get now-very-heavy tote bag onto shoulder...the once-long handles now tiny due to the amount of over-stuffing it had to endure
*carry violin

On the airplane, I had the left window seat...I intentionally picked that so that I could see what was left of the sunset. I did get some pictures! Then the guy on the aisle moved randomly, and the middle seat was never taken. So I had the whole row to myself! Not that I actually thought to take advantage of that...I was too engrossed in my Geology reading. I finished a whole chapter on that short ride. Much self-proudness ensued.

Kaitlyn picked me up at the airport. We went back to my apartment where we visited for a bit. I was so happy to see my roommates again, though Zahra had gone home for the evening. (I was first to greet her upon her arrival the following morning, though.)

And someone put a rotten egg in a bag & put it on our clippy! My roommates took it down, of course, and at some point it went *splat!*. So, we had a nice display of egg on the floor, along with Whataburger bags and bbq sauce. Yuck. Perhaps we could send the picture to an art museum. We could call it Vandalism of the Eggy Persuasion.

I don't know. Oh, and I have made up 3 things:
*Humanities Quiz - Freud
*Government Terms Test #2
*Government Essay Test #2
Just one thing left to do:
*Lab Test #3



Thursday, October 27, 2005

Back in Dallas

But super time to update for real, but I'll get around to it! Thanks for all the comments that were left here for me to read when I was in Houston this morning!


Friday, October 14, 2005


In an hour or so I'll be leaving with Kristin & Nathan to go to Houston, where I will promptly hop in my parent's van and scurry off to Panama City Beach!

I don't particularly like the beach...but hey, there's lots more to do than that. Like the crazy thing I'm planning to do. If you don't know what it is & would like the scoop, call me. I'll try to blog it sometime after Wednesday, assuming I don't chicken out or something.

My roommates have all gone home this weekend, and I'll be the last to leave. I gave them each something to take care of for me, so as not to forget me in my absence.
- Julie: Erwin, my stuffed moose
- Zahra: my pink piggie cup, out of which I drink my coffee before they take it away from me
- Valene: the Pooh door-hanger that informs the world of my studying or break-taking status
Julie gave me her pretty hat to take care of while I'm gone. I was very happy.

I guess I should start getting my stuff together. I'm still not completely packed...which is a bad sign. And since I'm flying from Houston to Dallas on the way back, I kinda need to limit my luggageness. Lol Dad is gonna bring a huge duffle bag so I can stick 2 of my bags in it for the plane. Oh, the lengths I go to in order to bring all my junk on trips. But Julie's dad complimented me on my superior packing skills. I am not, however, sure whether that was actually his intent.

Goodbye all! Be back in about 2 weeks!



I went to the Student Union to get cash from the ATM, and on my way back, I came across a couple that looked kinda cute. They weren't making out against a telephone pole, which was good. But then I ended up behind them, the guy randomly reached over & grabbed the girl's butt. I don't mean like "hey this is a little pinch", but "hey, let's see how much of your rear will fit within the confines of my grasping hand".

I pretended not to notice. He ran ahead, I passed the girl and went on my way. Then he jumped out, I thought to scare her, though she didn't scream. Again I kept walking. Then I heard the guy say, "She didn't even turn around."

That's when I knew they were putting on a show just for me. Personally, I would rather see a different show, like Barney or Gilmore Girls. But hey, I guess this is just their preference. I should thank them for their kindness. Or maybe not. Yeah, I think I'll just let it need to confront the people again...they might give an encore.



Sometimes something happens that makes me really dwell on the concepts of friends. Today, one such thing happened. I was in the middle of packing, when I found some papers in a purse that I needed to put in my box of stuff from a past relationship. I had put the box in the front closet cause I was in a hurry & didn't want to move stuff around in my own closet. I should probably remedy one wants that box taking up valuable space lol. So I reached up onto the top shelf to open the lid, and on the side of the box was a post-it note reading: I love you! Julie

It's little things like that which make me realize how incredibly blessed I am to have been assigned such awesome roommates. These girls, I am proud to say, I call my friends. And I have no intention of that changing. I have become so close to them over the past 2 feels like it has been so much longer.

Julie will probably never have any idea how much her note did for me. Chances are she put it there weeks ago and never thought anything else of it. But when I saw it, I realized that there are people in this world who don't just give lip service, but really care in their heart. They want me to be happy, and they are sad when I am not. I almost cried right then. And what's funny is that it had nothing to do with being sad about past memory. That box did not cause a single bit of emotion to stir inside of me. But the little gesture that my friend made - that did. I know she doesn't know the extent to which she made my day. But let's just say that from now on, when a thought of that box and it's memories enters my mind, the love shown by my friend will take the foreground and push any sadness aside. That's what she did for me. And now I'm crying again.

Now I'm going to put her note on my inspiration wall.
I love you too, Julie. Thanks so much.


She says I have to keep blogging...

Julie: What's the title (of blog post)
Me: *closes window & turns around* Take that.
Julie: Keep reading...I'm still fact I'm still on the second page
Me: *incredulously* Julie! Get to reading!
Julie: I live for your blogs
*moments pass*
Julie: It's about to be 1 you want to watch the clock turn?
Me: No! Keep reading!
*moments pass*
Julie: I missed it! Because of you!
Me: *stares with a glare...that rhymes, just so you know*
Julie: I'm doing you a favor here
Me: *looks questioningly*
Julie: Ok not really. I'm just making your bed nice and warm...niiiice and warm...I love down.

Ok so here's my plan but don't tell Julie. I'm gonna sit here with this page up 'till she finishes reading so she won't make me come up with new and falsely exciting events to blog about. Here, I'll come up with something with which to amuse myself while I wait.

Nevermind. She's done. Goodnight.


The remote control thing is real

Yeah...back so soon.

Julie: I don't like blogs that make me look stupid either.
Me: Ok. *returns to blog this statement8
Julie: Just sayin'
*moments pass again...trees grow & children learn to walk*
Julie: The remote control thing is real
Me: Huh?
Julie: I tried it. I took a nap & it fell. I woke up nice & refreshed.

She is currently sitting behind me on my bed. In general she is being quite quiet (huh...same letters), but occasionally she lets out an excited giggle, picks the paper up to her face, and marks something eagerly. I think she's killing it.


Lol, Julie

Julie is sitting on my bed, patiently reading my psycho art paper, a review of a piano concert. She didn't much appreciate my continual staring, so she said the following:

Julie: Blog something!
Me: I did...I blogged the door
Julie: Blog something about me! I like reading about me...or Zahra...or you. I don't like things outside the realm of us.
*moments pass...I begin to blog about Julie*
Julie: Now tiredness is setting in...just as I start to read your paper.
Me: Oh, thanks.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

There came a knock in the night...

So Julie & I went to see who it was. It's almost midnight. We saw no one through the peephole, so I locked the deadbolt. We told them we have a gun. After a moment, we began to walk back to our rooms, when he knocked again. We screamed. Actually, Julie says I screamed which scared her into a state of screaming also. I suppose it's contageous. So we ran into Zahra's room where she was sleeping. Valene got Brad to look out. Apparently it was Chad, running around to all the doors & knocking. This time he showed off a jack-o-lantern. What a doofus, lol.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Roommate Weekend

After much procrastination (on the part of me) & bugging (on the part of my roommates), behold, the scoop on Roommate Weekend:

Friday evening, we went to Olive Garden. We got dressed in our matching jackets, then got lost & had to ask a man in a parking lot where to go. When we arrived, Zahra & I went inside to get on the waiting list. Then Julie & Valene joined us & we had the Sticker Ceremony. Princess stickers were a must for this occasion. We had Guam (or something) take our picture. Then we stood in a circle and made a scene for a while. We made friends with our waiter, Matthew, who we immediately crowned Snow White. He kindly put the sticker over his name tag. And we talked to the people next to us, informing them of Roommate Weekend. The guy said he didn't have any roommates, so I suggested that he get some.
After eating very little of our meal, we left with 10 to-go boxes. I wrote rhymes on each one, only a couple of which made some sense. They consisted of: dinner (4), dessert (4), salad (1), and breadsticks (1). Leaving the restaurant, there was a chalk outline of a body on the sidewalk. Apparently, a guy had gotten drunk & passed out earlier, breaking his nose. When the ambulance came to retrieve him, the bartender drew the outline.

Saturday morning I woke up with a horrible neck-ache that has continued (though to a lesser degree) until now. We had turned on a movie, and Julie & I were leaning on the middle-woman, Zahra. I fell asleep (just as I knew I would).

Then we went to Rack Room Shoes. I was in need of church shoes. But, they don't open till 10, so we walked next door to Ross. They didn't open till 9:30, so we knocked on the door. We figured perhaps they would make an exception for the observers of Roommate Weekend. But they didn't even acknowledge our presence. I think they were probably hiding in the back.

Julie got a hat at Target, where we walked to wait on Ross & Rack Room. I got a couple of shirts. At Ross, I got a black sweater, a photo album that looks like sand (for the Feast) & a dress (a strapless white one with fruit on it!!) for the Feast.

Outside Rack Room Shoes, there was a little bird that wasn't moving. The man inside said he thought it ran into the glass. It was very sad.

We tried to find a James Avery by asking directions. Zahra & I must have appeared quite confused because in the middle of telling us how to get there, the lady said, "would you like me to just write it down?" We thanked her and said yes. But James Avery decided not to live there anymore. So we left. I did, however, get some earrings (4 pair total). The other girls got cell phone charms.

We really weren't gone very long. Valene had to go to work & I had church, so Roommate Weekend was pretty much over. But, the memory will last a lifetime. It has been decided that we will try to do something as a group once a month. I look forward to these future gatherings. Goodnight.


The green-eyed roommate

Talking about the things that we all bought yesterday...
Me: I got it for my mom, but she might not like it...if not, I'll just have 2. But I wouldn't have been like "Oh, I need this in 2 colors"
Julie: I should have gotten one for my mom
Me: Oh?
Julie: I'm almost sure she wouldn't like it.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Moulin Rouge...the Julie version

Julie let me borrow her Moulin Rouge soundtrack CD so I'll have her cool songs on my trip. She has me addicted to ze musica de la Moulin Rouge.

Me: Do you know the names of the only lists 15 tracks & this CD starts at #17
Julie: No, can't help ya
Me: *walks to bedroom, disappointed but resolved to find the titles...closes door*
Julie: I couuuuld...
Me: *opens door in anticipation*
Julie: ...give them all really clever names
Me: *stares, then closes door*
Julie: *opens door* Like "Julie's Favorite"
Me: *stares blankly*
Julie: ...and "Julie's Second Favorite"..."One with the Cool Violin Part"..."One that Makes Me Sing all Operatic"
Me: *continues to stare blankly*
Julie: *leaves & closes door*
Me: *blogs the conversation for all to enjoy for years to come. perhaps my children's children will come across this post inadvertently while digging up my remains to do a biopsy for some reason, of which I have not yet been informed, and since I just love computers, I was buried with mine, and my blog was, of course, my homepage. These children of my children probably had a lot of homework to do, as I do now, and decided to avoid doing it by reading the blog, as I, again, do now. Because they see this, they will realize how similar they are to their grandmother, and it will cause them to go into cardiac arrest and bystanders will call 911 on their super-high-tech brain phones (cells will be old, duh). But technology always has some glitches, this time costing the young lives of my grandchildren, because the emergency response team will think that the emergency robot was going to the scene, and the robot thought the people were, so no one showed up and they died in the cemetery along side their grandmother, me. Then they were buried with the laptop for their children's children, my great-great-grandchildren, to see. The story could keep going, but I think I'll end it here, considering it's merely hypothetical and has nothing to do with my original topic, and I kinda have my Geology mid-term tomorrow. That's probably important. But not more important than my grandchildren and their grandchildren, my great^2 grandchildren.*


I got up at 8:30 this morning!!!

Oh yeah!


Monday, October 10, 2005

Oh what a beautiful morning!

Well, I didn't go to bed last night. I did some extra homework that I had not intended to do until today, then I did some more extra homework, then I wrote myself a letter (don't ask unless you want the story), then I went to bed at about 5 am. But after laying there for a while, I realized it was counterproductive to try to sleep, since the quart of coffee I had consumed 12 hours earlier seemed to be keeping me awake. So I got up and did some Bible study until 6:45, at which point I, my pj's, my elephant slippers, and my blanket went & sat on the balcony to watch the sunrise.

It was gorgeous, partially because of the southwestern rain falling so lightly that it could not be heard over the sounds of frogs & birds, and could not be seen except in the light produced by the street lamp. I sat out there for the next hour until Julie came out to see where I was.

And since I am now becoming tired, I made more coffee. Julie attempted to stop me from accessing the coffee pot, but I came out victorious. She did, however, post another comment in my name. What am I going to do with her? When I came into my room, I noticed Zahra sitting at my computer, perfectly stationary, in the dark. I was a wee bit confused at first, as made obvious by the ensuing fit of laughter.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

coffee addiction beginning

...again. Why??? Why can't I stay awake? It's really sad when you sleep for more than the US government's recommended 8 hours (though you keep waking up cause your neck hurts so much) but come 4 pm, you can't keep your eyes open when you're sitting in your computer chair reading geology. So you have to wake up, get up, and crawl onto your bed where you don't even have the energy to get under the covers so you grab the blanket that you were too lazy to fold the day before & bury your head face down between your pillow which you're not using & your stuffed moose Erwin. Then your roommates repeat the previous night's joke which makes your day, but you immediately ask them to wake you up in 20 minutes and fall back asleep for a total 1 hour nap. When you wake up to the growling sound your computer makes as it goes into hibernate due to your lack of attention paid to it, you have to go make coffee & put lots of cream & chocolate in it so you don't puke.

And I found a song that makes me totally laugh in light of recent events. I don't want to post it, in case the people involved are reading my blog for some unknown and slightly ridiculous reason, but if you want to know what it is, ask. I would love to have people to laugh with me!



Last night I went to bed extremely tired. Not just kinda tired. Sometime after midnight, I heard my door open and Julie & Valene entered. They jumped on my bed. They told me today that they thought I would smile after a while & tell them to leave, but I was out of it. They say I kept looking at the clock & asking "what?" I remember it, so I think i was conscious. I must have been pretty tired. Then Zahra came in & said she was leaving. Leaving to where? I looked at the clock again. Lol.


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Getting "high"

I just walked 2.5 miles & ran 4 miles. Before I left, the following conversation took place:

Me: I'm gonna go run...cause I love the endorphins...gonna "get high" on endorphins
Zahra: Well, don't overdose!

I will post about Roommate Weekend later. It has been tons of fun!


Friday, October 07, 2005


Becky says: For your blog:
If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming. If you want to experience the element, get out of the vehicle.

Julie now has possession of the biography. All is right with the world. But I have 100 pages of government and like 3 chapters of geology to do...that's not cool.


Umbrellas hate me...

I'm not really sure why. But the wind and rain & 52* weather almost killed me on my treck back to my apartment after Art & my Starbucks run. I productively went there to get a gift card for someone. And this wasn't even my dollar store umbrella that died the first time I took it for an outdoor and mildly windy walk, like Mom said it would.

I just found a biography of Robert Frost on clearance at the bookstore. Yeah...that's bad. I'm supposed to be reading for government and geology and humanities...yeah I think that's it. But, obviously I'm not. I think I may need to ask one of my roommates to hide my dear biography until my real work is done.


Thursday, October 06, 2005


Normally I would wait to post, because it's almost midnight. But, I was randomly scrolling through my recent posts, and reading the comments left by my "friends". I noticed one particular comment that claims to have been left by me. But I didn't leave it. There is a bad guy here somewhere, and I intend to find him. Or her. Either way, must pay. So...

Reward for information leading to the
arrest & conviction
of the currently unnamed person
who committed the crime of
The Official Adriane Blog.
Please leave tips as comments on this blog.
May be anonymous.
Together we can triumph over this and all evil.
Thank you.

The post of concern appeared on Sunday, September 25, entitled *pout*.


Best Buddies

Julie & I had our first Best Buddies outing tonight. It was fun, and we got to meet our buddies with whom we will be hanging out for the next year. They both seem really sweet.

But one of the volunteers likes to torture cats. The consensus between Julie & me is that that's not really sweet.


Bye Bye Bye

Yesterday I was studying in the cafe when there came a booming sound from the general direction of the jukebox. Now, normally I would just assume that someone thought to themself, "Hey, how 'bout some musica" and acted upon this impulse to create some via the machine. In fact, I had just witnessed a middle-aged man rise from his seat and walk confidently toward the thing. But when the *boom* which emerged very closely resembled "Bye Bye Bye" by N'Sync, I and the rest of the cafe population were a wee bit disturbed.

Don't get me wrong, I like that song as much as anybody (except, perhaps N'Sync-obsessed 7th graders, or the mommies of the singers, or the guy selling cotton candy at their concerts, or...well, let's just say I like the song). But for a middle-aged man to pick that song? I wasn't the only one that thought it strange. As I surveyed the room, I noticed most of the tables taking part in "wow, that's odd" look sessions with their table-mates. I don't think that's a word. Oh well.

Then a guy started singing. As probably assumed, I didn't get any work done for the duration of the song. Or it's encore, "It's Gonna Be Me".


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

We figured it out

Julie: *quoting title* Freud: A Brief Life, by Peter Gay
Me: Oh.
*minutes pass*
what are we reading in Humanities?
Julie: *holds up Freud: ABL, by PG*
Me: I thought I would remember a book written by a guy named Gay...are you sure that's right?
Me: *checks my Freud book* Nope...its Civilization and its Discontents
*seconds passes*
Me: wait...with biographical introduction by...oh, Peter Gay


Princesses and such

I bought the Disnes Princess cereal on Sunday that we had seen at the grocery store. It is yummy...strawberry! Upon arriving in the kitchen, we realized that if we mail 2 UPC's, we can get a Disney Songs CD for $1.99! And we took the "Do you have what it takes to be a princess" quiz on the back of the box. Oh yeah, we're definate princess material.

Today is Trumpets, so I have 2 church services. I get to open the present from my parents that Zahra has been faithfully hiding from me. Now I shall go bug her...


Monday, October 03, 2005

Two down...

Yes! I have finished 2 of my 3 midterms! Only one to go and that's Geology...the hardest :(

In jujitsu, I had both of my wrists broken. Not really. But in the words of the teacher, "...especially you ladies, it is vitally important that you become a tenacious wildcat."

And it feels great that I am potentially coming to a conclusion on a topic very important to me. But as per Julie's expert advice, I am waiting until my moment to say it. Except to my buddies, of course!


Sunday, October 02, 2005

Oh no.

Basically, I have a lot to write about, but I can't. Well, I can, but I'm choosing not to cause I have my Art midterm, Humanities midterm, and Lab test tomorrow. Yeah, can anyone say "not cool"? The most recent thing is that I am now compelled to marry a pianist. Not just any pianist, but a really good one. That is all. More later.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

I forgot

And this was important. Neil & I studied rocks in the lab yesterday, and I KNOW THEM!!! That's right, I have memorized all applicable sedimentary & metamorphic rocks for my exam on Monday. The only ones that are still causing me trouble are:

slate: red & smooth; when you "slate" your throat you bleed & blood is red
shale: it has "shelves"; Neil says "if you dont know shale, you'll fail"

I shant fail. I shall make the highest grade in the whoooole class!
