Monday, June 30, 2008

38 Down, 3 to Go!

Today I finished another class! Boy, am I glad to be done with World Music. What was supposed to be a really interesting class turned out to be a lot of babying and busy work, and while I respect a professor's right to format a class they way they like, I'm thankful that this particular course is over and I can be more efficient with my time. (That also means no more Wednesdays that look like this: 5 hours work, 20 minute drive, 10 minute breather, 4 1/2 hour class #1, 4 1/2 hour class #2, collaps.)

My Criminal Justice final is tomorrow. I can make an 84/105 and still have an A in the class, but I'm so concerned about it. I made a big mistake by not studying the court cases earlier, and thinking there were just a few. There are like 50! Bleh.

I still have my Advanced Composition class, since it's a full-summer class. My final project is due August 6. I'm bummed that I'll be having to work on it over our anniversary weekend, but perhaps I'll get in gear and finish it early!

In 2 weeks, I'll start my online History class, which ends on August 14. I wish I knew what to expect there, because I'd like to tweek my work schedule to keep my driving down once we move.

At some point I'll post a list of all of my college classes. I know myself well enough to know that I'll want to have something (other than my degree plan) to refer back to when school has totally left my brain.

Anniversary = 35 days
Graduation = 45 days



Blogger rebecca bounds said...

When is Graduation ?? (August 14?)

Mon Jun 30, 10:11:00 PM  
Blogger rebecca bounds said...

Oh, that's when you are DONE with school, right? Is Graduation ceremony in December? Whoop!

Mon Jun 30, 10:19:00 PM  
Blogger Adriane said...

Yuppers! My CJ class will be over this afternoon (after the test that I'm so not prepared for!). 61 court cases! I didn't even have that many on 1 exam in my pre-law classes. And it's a double crummyness, because the boatload of cases means that I don't get much detail on any one of them to help me remember.

Tue Jul 01, 08:10:00 AM  

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