Thursday, August 18, 2005

First Day

Julie, Zahra & I just woke up from a nap on the living room floor. We were in a triangle. So cute.

This was my first day of college. Here's how it has played out:
Humanities - I like the teacher. But the book for our first assignment isn't in at the bookstore yet. Grrr.
Rhetoric - Cancelled for today.
Government - Lasted 9 minutes. 250-something students. I have no idea what I think.
Geology - Really cool teacher. I think I'll love the class. Lasted 30 minutes.

I came home between each of my classes...never again shall I be able to do this on a Tuesday/Thursday, because my classes are back to back from 9:30 am to 3:15 pm.

Last night, Valene & her boyfriend came home, but were accompanied at the door by several drunk guys. They wanted to come in, claiming previous residence. Then they stole Valene's & Zahra's names off ouf our door. We found a piece of what appeared to be Zahra's on the sidewalk this morning. Much mourning resulted.

And we wrote a card to someone. They embellished a bit.

Zahra & Julie started a club during their hours at home today. It's called WABB - Women Against Bad Boyfriends. The club must approve all male visitors/boyfriends for the other roommates. Now that's dedication.



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