Tuesday, March 14, 2006

And they call this love?

I got an email from "Yahoo Answers"...their way of advertising. Glancing over it, I saw that their sample question was "How do you know it's true love?" Then they gave sample answers from "real people". The answers were:
- There's no drama
- You meet the family
- You're willing to do things you hate

The first 2 seem unrealistic to me, but I don't have a problem with them on principle. Though there will doubtless always be some drama in every relationship & meeting someone's family can signify just that you're a people person or that everyone's schedule happened to work out for you to meet, I won't waste my time arguing with them.

However, I do have a problem with the 3rd answer. You're willing to do the things you hate? What the heck? If someone loves you, they're not going to be insisting that you do things that you legitimately hate. And if you genuinely hate something, you shouldn't spend your life with someone who will insist that you do it. If vacuuming really irks you, then don't marry someone who thinks that you should vacuum every other day. And if what's his name wants you to jump off a bridge to prove your undying love, well, perhaps you should reconsider whether their "love" stems from true affection of a wild side need for excitement. I know that this has nothing to do with most stuff, and it's really not that important...but I am easily annoyed by the misnomer of "love" in popular society. Perhaps people should nurture real love for another person, rather than a version fueled by the gossip of break-ups and one-night stands.

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