Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Grilling & Mourning

Monday afternoon I ran into Julie (literally) in Wal-Mart! She was buying brownie mix and I was renting a movie from redbox. I went to her apartment and we watched P.S. I Love You and made fun of the wanna be love interest for his "encroaching" on the main character's broken heart.

While there, I got a call from Benjamin. He & Patrick were leaving the gym, and he wanted to know if Patrick & Maya could come over & grill for dinner. I said that was fine, of course, but then made a mad dash home to make some sort of sanity out of the disheveled living room. I must have set a record. Between 6:10 and 6:50, I straightened up the living room, dusted, vacuumed, washed some dishes, swept, cleaned counters, emptied Chloe's litter box, took Monte outside, did the bare essentials of bathroom cleaning, put drinks in the little fridge, and hopped in the shower. I also put the cooler that Benjamin had taken to bridge the day before outside for him to empty (I can't tilt it on its side...sad, I know).

Then I joined them at the grill outside, where we chatted & played with Monte (he loves company). The husbands made comments about how sore they've been, while the wifes sat & watched the grilling. I must say, I'm glad hamburgers fit into this high-protein diet they've assimilated. Mmm, yummy! Then we ate by the pool & I had my much-anticipated margarita. Now, I've never gotten drunk, but that's probably the closest I've been. As soon as the guests left, I'm pretty sure I made some startling advances of a not-so-innocent nature...but I'm married so it's ok =P Whee!

BUT! We didn't bring in the ice chest before we went to bed, and the next morning it was still outside when I left. I remember thinking to myself, "We should put our name on that" but then I figured I'd just do it when I got home. Later I got a call from Benjamin asking if it was there when we left. Apparently someone stole the charcoal during the night, and then the ice chest! And we're 99% certain it was that dim-wit neighbor of ours who dinged Benjamin's new car & on whom we called the police for domestic violence. So today when his unlawful bag of trash blew over in front of our door, I left a passive-aggressive note on his door about the rudeness of allowing his trash to encroach on his neighbors' space.

I can't wait to get out of here. I've found 2 places I'm excited about checking out, but anything will be better than this - no more living on campus (though it was definitely a huge help with my overcrowded schedule), and tons more space!

I would like to go beat up that guy. But, Benjamin's not home to protect me if he decided to fight I'll wait. Or more likely, I'll chicken out all together.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spring 2008 Grades

They're here!!

Orchestra = A -
Judicial Process = A -
Chamber = A
Medical Ethics = A -
Human Sexuality = A



Not so nice & innocent...

Today at work, the following conversation took place between me and my coworkers. We were each in our cubicles.

Restee: Belen?!
Belen: *whispering* Tell her I'm not over here.
Me: She's not over here.
Restee: Adriane, you're so nice and innocent.
Me: Not really, I just lied to you about Belen not being over here!
Teel: Ooo, she got you! But she lied to you very nicely!
Restee: And she sounded innocent. *comes over to me* I bet you've never done anything wrong, have you?


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Girls Night

Last night I went out with Holly & Megan, while Benjamin went to a going away party for a church friend. First we went to a store with very unique shoes...I bought 2 pink pairs last year, and just recently found a dress to wear them with!

Then we went to a coffee shop called Buzz Brews, that is apparently Megan's favorite. She got a rotten new potato. I called it "stuffed"!

Then we took pictures of the semi-perverse cartoon speech bubbles outside.

Today Benjamin is in Arlington for work, to help someone move, and to build a computer. Since he is spending his day productively, I decided to do the same. So rather than exploding a computer or dropping someone's heavy furniture, I went to the gym. I haven't been in quite some time, but it makes me feel good about myself to have been a non-bum today.

School is over! However, I only have one grade. Sad :(

Orchestra: ?
Judicial Process: ?
Chamber: A
Medical Ethics: ?
Psychology: ?

Mom is having her 2nd hip replacement surgery tomorrow. She's done so great in physical therapy, that I don't think she'll have a very hard time with recovery, at least compared to the average. I won't be there for the surgery, but I'll go down to Houston on Wednesday evening.

Check out Mom's Medical Update Blog here!
