Sunday, July 02, 2006

Fired, strike 2

I think I'm about to get fired from Barnes & Noble. I've never been fired from a job, and the thought of it makes me very sad because such would imply that I wasn't doing a good job. And of course, I take pride in always doing an extraordinary job at whatever I'm doing.

Strike one (though they haven't called it such, and haven't even brough up me losing my job) was when I couldn't close on a Friday night (aka work til midnight). The only stipulations I put on my schedule was no working Friday sunset to Saturday sunset for the Sabbath. The rest was left open to work mostly nights which I hate, but apparently no one else wants. Of course, this Friday night issue was mysteriously resolved when they had to redo my entire week's schedule (the real strike 1) because they misscheduled my oral surgery. Though it's not technically my "fault," I did have to bring it up, reflecting badly on myself.

Strike two took place today, as I called in sick because I'm still in pain & can't go anywhere much less drive in the rain when I'm on pain pills that put me to sleep. Mom told me that I sounded like I wouldn't do well working tonight, and basically told me not to go. So I called in 7 hrs before my shift, and I still think the manager is upset, despite the situation. She "really needs" me to be there tomorrow (which I totally intend to be, but Mom said not to if I'm still feeling crummy). Mom said if I get fired, it doesn't mean I was doing a bad job or anything. I don't know why I'm still ranting...I guess I'm just trying to make myself feel ok about not being there tonight. Even though I know it doesn't need justification. Argh, why am I such a people pleaser?!

Today I had to start "irrigating" my "lower sockets"...sounds pretty, I know. Believe me, it's even more fun than it sounds :P

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Blogger Brett said...

Aww--*hugs* Either way, things will work out. You'll still have the job that you know you can make money with or you'll be rid of the job that fails to understand you on a personal level.

Wed Jul 05, 12:51:00 AM  

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