Friday, December 09, 2005

Do this!

Go to and type in "[your name] is" in quotes. (For example, I typed "Adriane is") Then post the first 10 statements that come up as a comment on this blog & on your own (if you have one). Have fun!

1. Adriane is a versatile and highly credentialed speaker.

2. Adriane is a compelling spokesperson for products and services.
3. Adriane is a veteran at satellite tours, with clients such as Microsoft.
4. Adriane is right on top of what's happening around the water cooler.
5. Adriane is going to India!
6. Adriane is happy to help.
7. Adriane is also a prolific writer.
8. Adriane is 12 years old and half Native American.
9. Adriane is discovering a deep spiritual connection to the magic.
10. Adriane is left all alone.



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