Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Culprit Has Been Found

peterface01: if you promise not to get mad at me, i will let you in on a little secret
addicat123: ok
peterface01: you know [Thursday] night when we were closing
peterface01: Matt asked me to fill the spray bottles because they were getting low
addicat123: annnnnd?
peterface01: among them was the little one that seemed to be screaming "don't do it, i'm Adriane's favorite" lol
peterface01: but i couldn't help myself, i had to refill it
addicat123: die! no, dont die...i'd feel bad
peterface01: but to my defense, the bottle that i grabbed did say multipurpose cleaner
peterface01:i guess they filled it up with degreaser
addicat123: well, since you fessed up & appologized, ill forgive you
peterface01: it was funny because it was dark in the kitchen as the kitchen staff had already left....
peterface01: and i asked Ben, "hey Ben why does this bottle look purple?" and Ben is like" oh it's just the label that is purple and it makes the whole thing look purple" i said "oh ok" and we left
peterface01:so oblivious to the rage that would set in when you got to work the following day
addicat123: indeed, you were careless
peterface01: carefree, i would venture to correct you
peterface01: and yesterday during lunch when i came in, you're already complaining, and i sat there with Tommy, thinking hard whether it might've been me, and guess what, it was lol :-)

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