Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Back in Houston

Yes, it's been a while since my last update. Here's a brief overview of my life-happenings:

- wreck on the way to church
- randomly decided to go home

- took a flight from Love to Hobby...don't think I'll ever do that again soon, for the following well-thought-out reasons
* had to pay $25 extra just to put one of my bags on the airplane, cause it was 6 1/2 pounds over the limit...then I realized that the lettuce, cheese, apples & pizza that I had salvaged from my apartment probably weighed 6 1/2 pounds...that's an expensive meal right there.
* althought it is intended to be a plus, I don't like the "no assigned seating" philosophy...perhaps I would love it, had I been able to print my boarding pass from home like the rest of the boarding population.
* I almost cried on the airplane, as the overhead bins were full, and they were going to make me check my multi-thousand-dollar violin
- went to Tokyohana with Mom for sushi...but I still don't like that restaurant as much as Pepper Chino...the sushi bore a frightening resemblance to cat vomit

- cleaned. a lot. like, all day.
- went to my sister's orchestra concert, where on two separate occasions I was asked if "my husband" had been the one to [insert random thing "mark these seats" or "pick peanuts out of his toes"]

- had lunch & saw Pride & Prejudice with Nana...t'was a very good movie, and I am quite impressed...thought it definately strayed from the 1/3 of the book that I have thus far read
- dropping Mom off at Bunko, a kitty jumped in the car with us & was really sweet...then it went over to another lady (and we thought it would be sooo funny to watch the ensuing display, considering who this person was) as she had her door open but was not paying attention, the cat jumped into her abode...she then shrieked "no no no! waaaait!". we laughed.
- went to the mall (alone...sad) and bought a cell phone cover & some leather boots...the salesman at the shoe store was really nice...I found some boots I loved, but then ran around the mall speed-shopping to make sure I didn't find any others I liked better...then returned to the original place where the salesman promptly chuckled...oh, and I helped a random man in Sears pick out jeans for his wife...I should totally work in retail!

- dentist. darn...but I can now boast of my graduation from a pediatric dentist to a real one for grown-ups like myself...and I have to have all 4 wisdom teeth pulled in the next 6 months, or else it's "bye bye, all those years of ortho!"
- it rained a lot. much flooding resulted.
- I can't get onto the network at home, so I'm stuck mooching off of my parents & my brother in order to support my internet habit



Blogger Brett said...

Yow! You don't check a string instrument! What's wrong with them?

Wed Dec 14, 03:33:00 PM  
Blogger rebecca bounds said...

Your posts are awesome. But I am having withdrawal -- where are the posts???

Wed Dec 21, 04:10:00 PM  

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